

【作者】 李昌达

【导师】 崔金钟;

【作者基本信息】 电子科技大学 , 计算机应用技术, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 随着嵌入式应用技术和无线网络技术的快速发展,结合了GPS定位技术和GPRS无线通信技术的嵌入式GPS车载终端监控系统应运而生。它的主要作用是将汽车的位置、时间、状态等信息实时地通过无线网络传送到远程指挥控制中心,从而能够随时定位和跟踪汽车。近年来,客运汽车超载、出租车被抢、私家车被盗等事件频繁发生,因此开发具有向远程监控中心回传现场图像功能的车载监控系统有广阔的市场前景。论文将USB视频采集技术引入到车载终端监控系统中,提出了一种基于ARM-Linux平台的嵌入式车载监控和图像传输终端系统的具体实现方案。论文首先对车载监控相关的GPS定位技术、GPRS无线网络技术、USB接口技术和Linux设备驱动技术做了详细介绍。然后是对车载监控终端软硬件平台方案的设计与实现。硬件方面,由于设计中采用了资源丰富的处理器S3C2410X,使得处理器和GPS模块、GPRS模块、USB视频模块、语音模块的接口设计相对简单。依次详细给出了嵌入式车载监控终端主控制器的选型与特性;定位模块的特性、接口以及数据输出格式;通信模块的特性、结构与接口。软件方面,首先移植了支持USB视频驱动和I2S音频总线的Linux操作系统,移植了可读写的YAFFS文件系统。然后详细介绍了图像采集模块、GPS定位信息采集模块、和GPRS数据传送模块的软件设计流程。为减少GPRS网络传输的数据量,在图像采集模块中采用了JPEG软件压缩编码技术,对静态图像进行压缩编码,较大地节省了网络资源,提高了图片的传输速度。论文的最后总结了所完成的工作,给出了设计的不足之处和有待完善的地方。基于GPS/GPRS的车载图像监控终端最终可以实现GPS定位数据和图像数据的采集与上传功能。利用这些信息,监控中心可实时跟踪车辆并及时获取车内信息,进一步保障了车内乘客和车辆所有者的人身及财产安全。该终端方案充分利用了S3C2410X处理器资源,方便且实用地实现了低成本的车辆监控功能。

【Abstract】 With the rapid development of the embedded-applications and wireless network technology, the embedded vehicle monitoring system which combines the GPS location technology and GPRS wireless communication technology comes into being. Its main function is transmitting the location of the vehicle, time, status, and other real-time information through the wireless network to the remote monitoring center. By this way, the center can locate and track the target vehicle promptly.In recent years, more and more crimes take place in autos frequently, which bring us a lot of troubles, such as overload for the long distance car, the taxi driver’s safe and the private car guard against theft. Therefore, a monitoring system which could not only take a picture but also send this picture to the monitoring center is evoked. In order to meet the requirement, the paper introduces USB video capture technology into embedded vehicle monitoring terminal and puts forward a new solution based on ARM-Linux platform.Firstly, the paper describes the GPS technology, GPRS wireless network technology, USB interface technology and Linux device driver technology in detail.Secondly, the paper explains how to carry out the hardware and software design. In the hardware design, as S3C2410X is used as the main processor, it makes much simple to design the interface among the Processor, GPS module, GPRS module, USB video modules, and voice module. In this part, Details are presented about the selection and characteristics of the processor, the orientation module, the communication module and the USB camera. Especially, expound the interface structure and data output format. In the software design, at first, the paper transplants the Linux operating system which supports the USB Host and I2S, as well as the YAFFS file system. Afterwards the paper introduces the software design flow of the image acquisition module, GPS information collection module, and GPRS data transmission module. In order to reduce the quantity of data transmitted by the GPRS network, JPEG compression technology was used to compress static image in the image acquisition module, which could economize the network resources and speed up the image transmission.Finally, the paper summaries all the works and gives the methods for further improvement.The embedded vehicle image monitoring terminal which uses GPS/GPRS technology could collect the GPS and picture information about the automobile and send it to the monitoring center. Making use of the information, monitoring center strengthens its supervision ability to track automobile, it could safeguards the Human body and the property safety. The design makes full use of resources on ARM S3C2410X processor and implements vehicle monitoring functions at a low-cost but more conveniently.


