

【作者】 李南

【导师】 宋艳;

【作者基本信息】 电子科技大学 , 工商管理, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 自2001年第一只开放式基金华安创新基金成立至今,开放式基金在我国以短短几年的时间走过了国外几十年的发展历程。随着基金管理公司的不断设立,基金品种的相继推出,开放式基金业粗放式的销售已不能适应日趋激烈的市场竞争格局。各基金管理公司为扩大管理规模,保持竟争力,基金营销工作开始提升到了战略高度。由于我国的基金业十分年轻,目前可以借鉴的针对该行业的系统性研究、营销理论研究少之又少。南方基金管理公司(下称南方基金)作为中国证监会首批批准的、最早成立的基金管理公司,基金规模、营销工作一直处于国内领先的水平,研究其在开放式基金营销方面的经验、分析其不足之处,对其他基金公司乃至整个基金行业都有十分重要的借鉴意义。本文以南方基金为案例,首先对市场营销相关理论4Ps、4Cs、4Rs理论及其发展更替、网络整合营销理论做以简要介绍,回顾了我国开放式基金的发展历程,概括了我国开放式基金目前的行业竞争格局和营销现状,然后对南方基金的开放式基金营销现状进行了重点剖析,指出了其营销中存在的问题:较单一渠道是制约南方基金发展的软肋;客户服务已经无法满足增长的需要;以及促销策略单一、产品同质化、品牌意识淡薄等弊端。最后运用前文所述市场营销相关理论,对南方基金营销进行了SWOT分析,提出改进策略:建立多元化渠道营销模式,加强传统代销渠道的渠道管理,大力推进网络直销建设;细分客户,优化非人工服务系统,对高价值客户提供差异化服务;加强品牌管理;提出市场化的促销方案及全方位的产品策略。本文的研究重点放在渠道的多元化建设和客户服务的改进方面。通过分析和研究,本文认为基金营销对南方基金公司来说是十分必要也是十分重要,是保持其竞争优势的重要因素。

【Abstract】 Since the year 2001 the first pen-ended fund, Hua An pioneering fund was launched, the open-ended fund has undergone the development during the past several years which has been achieved in tens of years in foreign.With the establishment of the fund companies , a variety of fund has been promoted in succession ,however, extensive sales of open-ended fund is unable to meet the increasingly fierce market competition .For the enlargement of management scale and the improvement of the competitive strength, many fund companies have laid emphasis on the marketing strategy .However, the fund industry in china is at such a young stage that there is almost no systematic study in connection with the industry, let alone the theoretical studies on marketing. As one of the first to fund management firms approved by the Chinese securities Regulatory Commission. As the China Southern Fund Management Co., Ltd kept high quality of the marketing strategy of open-ended fund, it is worth studying its experience in the open-ended fund sales.First of all ,on the basis of the theory of 4Ps, 4Cs, 4Rs and the theory of network integration Marketing, this paper introduces the history of the development ,the situation of competition and the current marketing of the open-ended fund in china Then it carries out ample analysis on the current sales situation of the open-ended fund of the Southern Fund and points out the problems in the process of sales, Involves from the product, brand ,distribution,promotion and customer service. Based on the marketing theories, the countermeasures is put forward in view of the current issues: it is necessary for the Southern Fund to broaden the sales channels and strengthen the development of the network marketing ,structure customer subdivides mode,offer diverse service to the high-valued customer, provide special fund establish market oriented promotion strategy and Product strategy, strengthen brand management.The improvement of customer service and the sales channels are discussed as emphasis in this paper.Through analysis and research it is not difficult to come to the conclusion that Marketing Strategy is thoroughly important as well as indispensable to the Southern Fund, which is the key element to put the Southern Fund in the first-class fund corporations.

【关键词】 4Ps4Cs4RS整合营销开放式基金
【Key words】 4Ps Theory4Cs Theory4Rs Theoryintegration Marketing Theoryopen-ended fund
  • 【分类号】F832.51
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】492

