

【作者】 郑高启

【导师】 罗惠琼;

【作者基本信息】 电子科技大学 , 计算机系统结构, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 随着电信技术的迅速发展,网络的规模越来越庞大,而且网络的种类和需求也越来越多,并且网络都伴随着大量的数据,需要采用关系型数据库来存放数据,由于关系型数据模型和面向对象存在差异,这些都大大的加深了网络设计和规划软件的开发的难度。轻量级容器使用依赖注入的设计原理,可以动态地使系统主要组件之间地耦合变的松散,Spring就是一种多层的轻量级框架,是为解决企业应用程序开发复杂性而创建的。直接调用JDBC是Java发展初级阶段访问数据库的唯一手段,持久层框架封装了JDBC动作,他们以优良的设计大大提高了数据库访问层的开发效率,并且通过对数据访问中各种资源和数据的缓存调度,实现了更佳的性能。Hibernate就是这样一种开源的持久层框架,它全面减轻了数据库开发的复杂度,使系统具有更好的性能和移植性,而且它实现了对象模型到关系数据模型之间的映射。随着应用程序的生成过程变得更加复杂,确保在每次生成期间都使用精确相同的生成步骤,同时实现尽可能多的自动化,以便及时产生一致的生成版本,这就变得更加重要了,Ant是一个Java生成工具,正好弥补了这方面的缺陷,使得上面的工作更容易实现。XDoclet则在从对象模型到关系数据模型之间映射的自动实现做出了很大的贡献。本论文的研究重点首先是以Spring和Hibernate为基础的理论知识,然后利用Spring和Hibernate等开源框架来整合成一个整体架构,实现网络规划软件的开发。在整个开发过程中利用Spring来实现对代码类(bean)的管理,用持久层框架Hibernate来实现将持久化对象映射到数据库表并对其进行操作管理,最后并用Ant和XDoclet来实现整个系统代码的编译、打包和自动实现对象模型到关系数据模型的映射。开发结果表明,整个系统具有很高的可维护性、可扩展型和组件可复用性。

【Abstract】 With the rapid development of the telecom technology, the dimensions of the telecom network is more and more huge, and the kind and demand of telecom network are more and more. And a great deal go with the network, That needs to use Relational database to keep these data. Because the difference between Relational data model and Object data model , these all increase the difficulty of the design of network software.Light-Weight framework is designed with dependency injection and can make main components loose coupling dynamically. Spring which is designed for solving the complexity of developing enterprise application is a multilayer light-weight framework. Invoking JDBC directly is the only way to access database in the beginning of Java development. The persistence framework which are well-designed and encapsulate JDBC acts enhance the efficiency of data access and get much better performance by cache mechanism, Hibernate is an open source persistency framework, It reduces the complexity of developing database and make system portable, and it realize the Object/Relational Mapping. With the build process of the application program became more and more difficulty, it’s more important to make sure the build step sameness in the same build process and realize the automatization and the same edition. Ant is a Java build tool, it fetch up the upper disfigurement and it can make the work become easy. XDoclet makes a great contribute in realizing the Object/Relational Mapping automatization.The focal point that the thesis studies is the theory knowledge based on Spring and Hibernate at first,then utilize Spring and Hibernate to integrate a whole framework to realize the development of the network toolkit.Make use of Spring to realize the control java beans in developing the course entirely,Make use of Hibernate to manage persistence object and realize the mapping from persistence object to database.In the end, uses Ant and XDoclet to realize compile,pack and O/R Mapping automatization.The result shows the system has characteristics of high maintainability, expansibility and reuseability.

【关键词】 Spring框架Hibernate框架AntXDoclet
【Key words】 Spring FrameworkHibernat FrameworkAntXDoclet

