

【作者】 潘娜

【导师】 赵蜀蓉;

【作者基本信息】 电子科技大学 , 行政管理, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 随着市场经济改革的不断深入,中国中小企业(SMEs)赢来了它的“春天”,并在与大型企业“平等”的“国民待遇”的契机下,不断充实着自己在提高GDP、扩充社会就业、革新技术等方面的“功臣”形象。在中国公共管理领域对中小企业的研究主要从公共政策的角度分析中小企业的政策过程、政策阶段及政策内容等,以实现公共政策在中小企业发展中合理配备资源、维护社会公平、为SMEs的长远利益服务的功能。基于对国内中小企业政策的研究内容及研究方法的综述,通过科学、全面的分析方法,结合宏观的政策环境及西部大开发的战略部署,本课题拟运用兴起于二十世纪七十年代的政策网络理论,以大量的理论及合理的预测为支撑,通过数据的收集及实地调研采集了一系列的详实的资料,为西部中小企业政策主体及政策网络的分析提供了依据,并克服了现有研究者对中小企业政策的“静态”研究,为西部中小企业政策网络中政策主体的目标确立,平衡主体间利益关系及创建合理的政策网络模型做出了尝试。本课题侧重分析中国西部中小企业政策网络中的政策主体的利益及利益关系,从一种全新的视角剖析现行中国西部中小企业政策的盲点及政策效果不尽如人意的根本原因,那就是:政策主体的利益没有得到相关政策的充分保护,政策主体间没有为统一的政策目标结成稳固的“利益联盟”;同时,本课题根据中国西部中小企业政策网络中的政策主体的关系,分别对四大政策主体:西部地方行政部门、银行体系、社会化服务机构及中小企业自身提出了相应的政策建议,以期能在中国西部SMEs的扶持政策体系中得到反映,并能通过该政策体系反作用于四大政策主体以形成“合力”,共同推进中国西部中小企业的跨越式的发展。本课题的主要内容分为四部分:政策网络理论及其对研究西部中小企业发展的适用性;中国西部中小发展的客观要求及西部中小企业政策沿革;西部中小企业政策的政策网络分析及国外经验的借鉴;西部SMEs政策网络模型的构建及实现路径。

【Abstract】 Following with the deepening reform of China’s Market Economy, China’s SMEs win a good chance to be equal with large-scale enterprises and they gradually perfect their important“role”for improving GDP, affording employing post and innovating techniques etc. under the good macro environments. In the field of Public Administration, Chinese scholars mainly center on analyzing the SMEs policy procedures and SMEs policy contents with the goal of reasonably utilizing resources, keeping social justification and searching the benefits for SMEs. Basing on the review of current research methods and research contents for China’s SMEs policy, the paper introduces a newly developing Policy Network Theory which stemmed from 1970s to explore the related benefits and beneficial relationships among policy stakeholders which includes local governments in Western region of China, banking system, social service organizations and SMEs and dig out the“blind spots”of current SMEs policy in China’s western region and the reasons why the current policy can’t be executed effectively. From the above mention, the paper sums up the reasons are as followed: the related policy can’t meet with or protect the benefits for the policy stakeholders and there is not a stable formation of“benefit alliance”with the same policy target. Meanwhile, the paper emphasizes the detailed relationship among different policy stakeholders within the policy network and puts forward some suggestions for balancing the contradictory benefits and establishes“The Policy Network for SMEs in Western Region of China”aiming at providing some useful implication to the whole policy process and making some regulations for the four policy stakeholders in order to cluster“synergy power”to advance the development of SMEs in China’s Western Region in return. In general, the paper divides into four parts: firstly, the paper reviews the theory of policy network and states its suitability for SMEs in China’s Western Region, then it analyzes the requirements of SMEs in China’s Western Region and summarizes the related policy which is utilizing at present; in the following, it pays more attention on the related policy network and the benefits of the related policy stakeholders; finally, it tries to establish a policy network for SMEs in Western Region of China and uncovers the concrete realizing path.


