
回顾过去 解释现在

Appeals to the Past Interpretations to the Present

【作者】 黄焱骏

【导师】 方汉文;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 比较文学与世界文学, 2008, 硕士


【摘要】 莎士比亚是西方文学中最具影响力的戏剧家之一。莎士比亚的时代是戏剧崛起的时代,传统的古典诗歌和抒情韵文逐渐让位于大众喜闻乐见的戏剧。兴起的公众剧场、执著的观众、人才辈出的戏剧家共同造就了伟大的英国戏剧。从1588年英国打败西班牙无敌舰队后,伴随着英国民众日益高涨的民族意识和强烈的民族自豪感,关于英格兰民族过去的历史戏剧首先登上伦敦舞台。本文共分引言、正文和结语三个部分。引言部分先简单介绍莎士比亚的生平,然后重点回顾、罗列当代中西方莎士比亚历史剧评论的发展历史与研究现状。正文由三部分构成:第一章首先论述历史与历史剧的意涵以及二者的区别与联系,紧接着介绍历史剧的形成以及历史剧兴起的原因与过程。第二章重点论述莎士比亚早期的历史剧与马洛历史剧之间的联系与比较。第三章重点介绍和分析20世纪莎士比亚历史剧研究三个主要方面即英国历史剧的爱国主义功能、政治倾向、系列化性质,从而整体上把握莎士比亚历史剧的思想内涵和艺术特征。结语部分总结对莎士比亚历史剧在英国戏剧史上的伟大成就和崇高地位。

【Abstract】 Shakespeare is one of the most influential dramatists in Western Literature. His times is also the age of the rising of the drama, the traditional classical poetry and lyric verse gradually give away to the public loved drama. The rising of the public theater, the dedicated popular and the talented dramatists together created great British drama. Since the England defeated the Spain Invincible Fleet in 1588, which with the British people increasingly growing national consciousness and strong sense of national pride. English history plays first began to access to the stage at London.The introductory part briefly introduces the life of Shakespeare, and then mainly relates and lists the studies and commentaries on the history and current situation of Shakespeare’s historical plays. The main body part is made of three sections: Chapter One is on the definition of‘History’and‘histories’and the distinctions and relations among them, and then introduces the reasons of historical plays’formation and rise. Charpter Two is on the comparison to the histories between Malowe and Shakespeare. Charpter Three is mainly concentrated on the three distinctive features: the patriotism of the plays(they are all English histories), their preoccupation with politics, and their sequential nature. Thus grasp the Shakespeare’s Historical Plays’ideological contents and artistic characteristics.The conclusion part make a brief review of Shakespeare’s historical plays’development and achievement in the history of English drama.

【关键词】 莎士比亚历史历史剧
【Key words】 ShakespeareHistoryHistories
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 11期
  • 【分类号】I561.073
  • 【下载频次】193

