

Study of the Architectural Colored Drawing for Palace of Prince Zhong in Suzhou

【作者】 莫雪瑾

【导师】 诸葛铠;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 设计艺术学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 苏州忠王府建筑彩画是清代苏州彩画的典型代表,是天平天国王府建筑与地方彩画的完美结合。本文从忠王府建筑彩画产生的社会背景入手,着重对其分布、构成、工艺和风格特点,以及与其他艺术形式的相互影响对忠王府建筑彩画进行了综合、详细的分析,并且阐述了对其保护的重要性。本文运用了空间顺序的研究的手法,对忠王府建筑彩画以中轴线对称,分布于屋顶各建筑构架的分布特点,对彩画进行详细定位与分析;同时又结合了重点突出的系统学方法对其清新雅致、色泽温润、平敬大气的艺术特点,和以江南苏州地域性风格和太平天国艺术风格相结合的风格特点进行定位并详细的论述。通过研究发现,苏州忠王府建筑彩画的地方性和太平天国的时代性,正是清晚期苏州地区人文、政治的集中反映;她是珍贵的历史文化遗产,其存在为后人研究苏州建筑彩画提供了重要的实物资料;同时忠王府建筑彩画作为传统文化的代表,面临着在改革发展新形势下人们对传统文化发展与继承的新考验,因此对她的保护尤为重要与迫切。

【Abstract】 The Architectural Colored Drawing of Palace of Prince Zhong in Suzhou is the typical representation of Suzhou style pattern in Qing-Dynasty, also is the perfect combination of building of Palace in Taiping Heavenly Kingdom and Shzhou local colored drawing. Starting with analyzing the social background of The Architectural Colored Drawing of Palace of Prince Zhong, this paper is to make a general & detailed analysis for its distributing, structure, style feature, techncs, and the mutual influence with other artistic style, also try to expain the importance of protection for these colored drawing.Research methods of space order are adopted in studying the Architectural Colored Drawing of Palace of Suzhou Prince Zhong, this article have a detailed orientation and analysis for the distributing feature of colored drawing in Palace of Prince Zhong, which were symmetric by middle of axes of roof and distributed at each structure in roof .And meanwhile through methods of Typology this article illustrate its artistic feature of elegancy, vividness, as well as the style feature for the combination with Suzhou area style and artistic style of Taiping Heavenly Kingdom.Through the study we find that reginal feature of colored drawing in Palace of Prince Zhong and times feature of Taiping Heavenly Kingdom are just the reflection of society, culture, politics in Suzhou area during terminal Qing- Dynasty. It is rare bequest of historical culture, and provide an important physical presentation for studying the architectural colored drawing. Under the trend of inheriting and developing traditional culture, As the typical representative of Chinese traditional culture, this paper emphasize it is more and more important and urgent for the protection of these colored drawing of Palace of Prince Zhong in Suzhou.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 11期
  • 【分类号】J219
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】308

