

Research on Applications of Balanced Scorecard in the Performance Management of Civil Servants

【作者】 曹玖成

【导师】 钮菊生;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 公共管理, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 随着改革开放的不断深入,对我国各级党政机关公务员的素质能力提出了新的更高的要求,建立客观、全面、公正的公务员绩效管理制度,促进国家公务员队伍建设,为全面落实中央的各项重大决策提供人才保证显得尤为迫切。尽管目前我国学术界和地方各级政府都在积极探索公务员绩效管理制度的创新,但在公务员绩效管理方面仍存在激励功能失效、考核主体与被考核者之间的信息不对称、考核指标粗糙、绩效管理手段单一等诸多问题,需要在理论和实践上进一步突破。平衡计分卡以组织的使命和战略为出发点,把组织发展战略转化为可衡量的目标,从财务、客户、内部经营过程和学习与成长四个层面(角度)确定组织的发展目标,再将这些组织目标变成一个个绩效指标,逐层落实到下级部门,直至个人的具体工作。平衡计分卡为企业战略目标的完成建立了可靠的具有执行基础的绩效管理体系,在企业管理应用实践中取得了巨大的成功。本文从平衡计分卡的理念、价值追求与我国公务员绩效管理目标的契合性以及平衡记分卡在我国公共部门应用条件等方面进行了研究分析,认为平衡计分卡完全可以在我国公务员绩效管理中引入和推广,并将对公务员绩效管理产生根本性的变革。在此基础上,本文进一步研究了公务员绩效管理平衡记分卡四维度考核要素的转换确定及要素之间的关系,并据此设计了具体考核指标体系和公务员绩效管理平衡记分卡的实施流程。最后,分析了具体应用中应注意的问题以及应该加强的配套措施建设。本文的创新点在于构建了公务员绩效管理平衡记分卡通用模型,辩证吸收了平衡记分卡合理内核,引入其多元化考核与通过绩效管理贯穿战略的思想,对平衡记分卡的主要内容和模式做了相应的转换和调整,并探讨了相关指标体系,进一步丰富和发展了公务员绩效评估理论。在实践层面上也有一定的可操作性,具有较强的现实意义。

【Abstract】 As the political and economical reform is progressing deeply, the personal ability of civil servants of all party bureau and government administration is being required higher and newer level. It is very important and urgent to build the objective, integrated and just system of evaluating the personal performance. This evaluation system will promote the personal ability of civil servants, and ensure to have the enough an amount of competent civil servants to carry out the key important policies which are made by the central party committee. Now some institutes and all level government bureaus are searching for the creative system of evaluating the personal performance, but there are some problems at today’s system of evaluating the personal performance. For example, the system has less promoting functions. And the exam organizers and the personal examiners get unsymmetrical the information, and the measure guide line of evaluation system is rough, and the method of examining is single. It is necessary to solve the today’s existed problems, and develop new system in theory and practice.The balance scorecard base on the organization mission and strategy, then the organization strategy becomes the detail measurable objects. The organization strategy divides into 4 sections: finance, customers, internal business process, studying and improving. Then those measurable objects are introduced to the all different level department, and finally the detail and executable personal objects will be sourced from the whole organization strategy. The balance scorecard can build the reliable and executable system of evaluating the personal performance. And there are some successful application examples in practice. This thesis introduces the concepts and objects of the balance scorecard, and there is coefficient between this balance scorecard’ system and the system of evaluating public-servants’ performance. The thesis analyses the possibility of applying the balance scorecard in our country public service department, and get the results that the balance scorecard can apply our country public service department, and make the creative progress for evaluating the civil servants’ performance. With this analysis, the thesis more deeply research the 4 dimensions’ evaluation factors of balance scorecard, and the internal relations between the factors of the balance scorecard. Also the thesis designs the detail index of the evaluating system, and investigates the deploying and application of the balance scorecard for evaluating the civil servants’ performance. The thesis researches the general principle and deploying procedures of applying the balance scorecard for evaluating the public-servants’ performance, and analyzes the issues of applying the balance scorecard in practice and the necessary assistant measures which should be taken.The thesis creatively introduces the general applying model of system of evaluating the civil servants’ performance, and absorbs the reasonable cores of the balance scorecard, and develops the multiple evaluating systems which key factor is performance. And the thesis transfers and adjusts the key contents and models of the balance scorecard. Also thesis discusses the index of the system, and contributes and enriches the theory of evaluating the civil servants’ performance. The evaluating system is applicable in practice, and has positive effects.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 11期
  • 【分类号】D630.3
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】531

