

Study in Status Quo and Development Strategy of High Level Sports Teams in Universities in Jiangsu Province

【作者】 储志东

【导师】 邰崇禧;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 普通高校建设高水平运动队,既是为国家培养全面发展的高水平体育人才,也是为国家奥运争光计划和竞技体育可持续发展作出贡献。江苏省是全国的教育、经济大省和竞技体育强省,依据教育部、国家体育总局的有关要求,深入研究、分析江苏省普通高校高水平运动队建设现状,对促进江苏省普通高校高水平运动队的建设与发展,加速培养全面发展的高水平体育人才,为教育行政主管部门提供决策依据具有积极的意义和重要的价值。本文采用文献资料、问卷调查、专家访谈、数理统计、个案分析等研究方法,研究江苏省普通高校高水平运动队的建设现状,找出存在的问题,并提出发展对策。研究结果表明:(1)江苏省普通高校高水平运动队办队指导思想与国家提出的总体目标要求还有差距,把着眼点放在提高学校知名度、省内争先上,缺乏放眼全国、走向世界的战略眼光;(2)项目设置不尽合理,与奥运会和世界大学生运动会比赛项目相比,设项覆盖率偏低;(3)尚未建立起高水平运动队教练员的岗位培训制度,教练员职称以讲师和副教授为主,教练员的聘任与激励机制不完善;(4)各高校招收的高水平运动员以二级运动员为主,运动员文化课学习任务重,训练时间和保障不足,高校自主培养的高水平运动员人数太少;(5)高水平运动队训练所需的场馆设施能够得到保障,专项经费不足,恢复训练措施“老套”,各高校没有配备高水平运动队专职队医,没有建立起高水平运动队的科研攻关团队。针对上述存在的问题,提出的发展对策有:(1)确立正确的目标定位是江苏省普通高校高水平运动队建设的前提;(2)全盘规划、统筹安排、突出重点是江苏省普通高校高水平运动队项目布局的理智选择;(3)建立一支稳定的高水平教练员队伍,是江苏省普通高校高水平运动队发展的关键;(4)完善学籍管理制度,为运动员提供宽松的学训环境,是江苏省普通高校高水平运动队发展的重点;(5)完善招生政策,扩大高校招收高水平运动员的自主权,是江苏省普通高校高水平运动队发展的保证:(6)多渠道筹措资金,加快推进高校高水平运动队社会化的进程,是江苏省普通高校高水平运动队发展的方向;(7)发挥高校科研人才优势,建立科研攻关团队,是江苏省普通高校高水平运动队发展的保障。

【Abstract】 Building a high-level sports team in universities aims to cultivate full-developed excellent sports talents and to make contribution to the plan of winning in the Olympics and the sustainable development of competitive sports. Jiangsu Province has a privilege not only in national education and economy, but also in sports. According to the requirement of the Ministry of Education and the National Sports Bureau, the in-depth research and analysis of the status quo of the construction of high-level sports team in universities, will give an impetus to the construction and improvement of sports teams in universities and to the cultivation of all-rounded sports talents. It will also have a significant meaning and value in giving reference to Education Executive Department.This paper is written according to materials, statistics, questionnaires, analysis of specific cases and visits to experts, with intention to study the status quo of building high-level sports teams in universities in Jiangsu Province, to find out existing problems and to put forward strategies for further development.The results of study show: (1) The guideline of building high-level sports teams in universities in Jiangsu Province can’t match the national policy to a large extent. It lays stress on the improvement of school reputation and competition in the province, lacking in strategic eyesight for the whole country and world. (2) The program setting is unreasonable. Compared with the Olympic Games and Sports Meeting of College Students, there are much fewer programs in universities. (3 ) The training system of high-level coach has not been established. Most titles of coaches are lecturers and deputy professors. The system of employment and encouragement is imperfect. (4) Most high-level athletes enrolled by universities are second-class athletes. The heavy burden from study results in insufficiency of training. There are too few high-level athletes trained by universities themselves. (5 )The training fields, equipment and fees of high-level sports team have not been assured. Universities have not been equipped with specialist team doctor, health-care and recovery measurement and science research team.To solve the existing problems mentioned above, there are several strategies: (1) Setting proper goal is the precondition of building high-level sports team in universities in Jiangsu Province. (2) The combination of the whole layout and emphasis is the sensible choice of program setting for the sports team. (3) A stable team of high-level coaches is the key point of the development of high-level sports team. (4) It is the main point for the development of high-level sports team that to perfect the managing system of students’ status and provide athletes with relaxed environment of study and training. (5) In order to assure the development, universities have to perfect the enrollment strategy and become more independent in the enrollment of high-level athletes. (6) The direction of development is to raise money through various channels and then advance the socialization process of high-level sports teams. (7) The development is also assured by taking advantage of science research talents in universities and establishing science research team for high-level sports teams.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 11期
  • 【分类号】G807.4
  • 【被引频次】11
  • 【下载频次】362

