

Research on Assessment of Chinese Civil Servant

【作者】 邱峰

【导师】 钱玉英;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 公共管理, 2007, 硕士


【摘要】 随着改革的不断深入,地税作为地方政府财力资源的保障者,面临更大、更为紧迫的压力。如何开发税务人力资源,强化考核管理,激励地税税务人员更好履行“聚财为国、执法为民”宗旨,对发展国民经济,推动社会进步,树立地税形象有着深远的意义。因此建立一套科学的公务员考核方法,充分挖掘人力资源是地税发展的必由之路。论文在调查分析南通市公务员考核机制现状的基础上,借鉴相关激励理论和360度考核方法,提出完善我国税务机关公务员考核机制的可行性对策。全文共分为七个部分。第一部分为绪论,主要介绍了研究背景、目的、意义和方法;第二部分介绍了激励理论和360度考核办法等相关基础理论,为南通公务员考核制度的重新设计提供理论支撑;第三部分通过对几个典型国家的公务员考核制度进行比较,总结提炼出各自成功的经验以及不足之处,引以为南通地税公务员考核机制借鉴,同时对我国公务员考核历程进行介绍;第四部分对南通地税公务员考核进行实证分析,阐述目前南通地税考核现状,并对当前存在的问题,进行了剖析;第六部分对构建南通地税公务员考核机制提出了相关的对策;第七部分对全文进行了总结,指出了研究的不足之处和对未来研究的展望。

【Abstract】 Along with continuously deep reforms, regional tax, as a local government financial power and the guarantee of financial resources, faces larger and more urgent pressure. Centering around the aim of "to gather a wealth for the country and to enforce the tax law for the people", Regional tax focuses on how to develop human resources of tax administration, enhance evaluation management and motivate regional tax staff, for all this measure a profound meaning of national economy, society progress and what regional tax image will be like. Therefore establishment of a set of methods and policies to comprehensively evaluate public servants of regional tax turns definitely necessary. Thesis aims at putting forward a feasible strategy to perfect evaluation mechanism with a theoretical view of motivation and 360°evaluation and through investigation and analysis of status quo of evaluation mechanism practiced among Nantong public servants. The whole text is divided into seven parts. Part one is a brief introduction, mainly of research background, purpose, meaning and methods; Part two will introduce related theories, such as theory of motivation and 360°evaluation. Part three will give a summary of advantages and disadvantages of some typical modules which have seemed comparatively successful among other nations. After comparison follows an introduction of history of how we evaluate public servants in China. Part four demonstrates the existing problems and status quo of evaluation of Nantong regional tax in an analytic form. Part five will provide some suggestions concerning with the evaluation mechanism of Nantong regional tax. Part seven concludes with inadequacy points of this thesis and outlook for further research.

【关键词】 公务员考核激励
【Key words】 Public servantevaluationmotivation
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 11期
  • 【分类号】D630.3
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】539

