

Evidence Examination of Chinese Civil Judiciary Appraisement Verdicts

【作者】 刘场

【导师】 胡亚球;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 法律, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 司法鉴定结论是一种重要的证据表现形式,但司法鉴定结论并不具有高于其它证据形式的证明力和证据能力。司法鉴定结论的基本概念和特征、证据属性与诉讼功能,以及各种司法鉴定结论之间不可避免的矛盾与冲突,均决定司法鉴定结论之审查与判断的必要性。最高人民法院《关于民事诉讼证据规则的若干规定》第二十九条对鉴定书的审查作了规定,审判人员对鉴定人出具的鉴定书,应当审查鉴定的依据、使用的科学技术手段及对鉴定过程的说明。但是对于如何去审查、判断和采纳却没有具体规定,以至于法官在办案过程中排除或采信司法鉴定结论没有可以依赖的标准,面对专门知识的不同意见时,也不知该如何取舍。在审判实践中法官对司法鉴定结论的态度走向了两个极端,一个是法官对鉴定结论的盲从,不加分析,一律采信。另一个是无限制重复鉴定使案件久拖不决。法官对于司法鉴定结论这类涉及专门知识的特殊证据究竟该如何进行审查并采信,已经成为一个非常值得研究的问题。因此,本文着重从剖析我国民事司法鉴定结论审查判断在立法与实践中长期存在的问题以及成因入手,运用司法鉴定结论的基础理论,并借鉴两大法系对司法鉴定结论审查之长,努力寻求构建和完善符合中国国情的民事司法鉴定结论之审查判断制度,从而达到准确认定事实,公正处理案件的司法公正目标。

【Abstract】 Civil Judicial Appraisement Verdict is an important evidence form, but its proving force is not higher than any other evidence forms. The necessity to judge and examine the verdict can be determined by the basic concepts and characteristics of the judicial appraisement verdict, the evidence properties and lawsuit functions, and the inevitable conflicts between various judicial appraisement verdicts.As is prescribed in the 29th item of the Prescriptions on Civil Lawsuit Evidence Rules by the national Supreme Court, examiners of the appraisement verdict must examine its appraising basis, the scientific technology used, and the description of the appraisement process. However, due to lack of detailed prescriptions on how to examine, judge and adopt the appraisement, law-officers have no standards in refusing or accepting the verdicts. They are also at loss when confronted with different opinions on professional subjects. As a result, in justice practices their attitudes towards appraisement verdicts often lead to two extremities: they either accept the verdicts without any analysis, or have the appraisement repeated once and for another time, thus delaying the case. It has been a worthy question as to how to examine and adopt the special evidences that involve specialized knowledge.Beginning with an analysis to the long-lasting problems with the examination and judgment of the civil judicial appraisement verdicts in China, together with the causes, this article, based on the basic theories of civil judicial appraisement verdicts, seeks to establish and perfect the examining and judging system of the Chinese civil judicial appraisement verdicts, so as to achieve accuracy in fact recognition and justice in case handling.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 11期
  • 【分类号】D925.13;D918.9
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】220

