

Reserch on Wushu Competition in New Times

【作者】 纪洪海

【导师】 陈根福;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 中国武术是中国传统体育中内容最为丰富,体系最为完备的体育项目,堪称东方体育的奥林匹克,武术赛事是武术运动中最激烈、最为精彩的部分。本研究采取了文献资料法、比较研究法、逻辑分析法以及案例分析法对文章观点进行了论述。本文的主要研究结果:(1)中国武术赛事经历了近一个世纪的发展,经历了改革、实施、探索发展的阶段,已形成在国内具有一定规模,在国外具有较强影响的体育赛事项目。(2)新时期下武术赛事的本质特征来源于武术的本质特征、竞赛的本质特征以及事件的本质特征。武术赛事本身具有3个效益,即社会效益、竞赛效益和经济效益。其中社会效益是第一位的,体现了武术的社会功能,即为了满足广大群众日益增长的需求,推动社会主义精神文明建设。(3)新时期下武术赛事市场构成要素:首先具有从事武术竞赛市场活动交换的主体,即武术赛事商品的生产者;其二具有能够满足武术赛事消费者需要的商品,即高质量的武术赛事;其三武术赛事消费者的购买需求。目前武术赛事市场化主要形式有:商业性武术赛事、竞技性武术赛事和民间武术赛事。(4)新时期下武术品牌赛事是由赛事的组织者形象、赛事的形式内容、组织水平、社会活动、场地设施、团队的素质、经济实力、宣传策划、以及赛事经济社会效益等综合因素共同筑造成的。武术品牌赛事的建立是一个系统化的过程,需要从全局的战略高度出发,对武术品牌赛事构成的环节进行统筹协调和综合的考虑。新时期下武术品牌赛事的定位,就是对所组织承办的赛事品质以及赛事理念做出科学的分析,针对赛事消费者的消费意识确立市场位置。(5)新时期下对武术品牌赛事产品进行营销传播的工具很多,从受众和接触方式来划分,可为大众媒体接触类,个人接触类,体验式接触类。新时期下武术品牌赛事的整合营销传播是一个跨职能的过程。综上所述,本研究鉴于新时期下我国武术赛事的研究还处于一个起步阶段,对武术赛事的营销还处在表面的层次,我国的武术赛事应从自身的理论研究、赛制规则出发不断地完善,并借鉴国外同类赛事项目的推广经验,加大宣传力度,打造品牌赛事,从而使我国新时期下武术赛事走出国门,创造辉煌。

【Abstract】 Chinese Wushu,which is regarded as Oriental Olympic Games,has the most complementary system and the richest content amoung Chinese conditional sports culture. And Wushu match is just the most exciting and intense part of Wushu.The main conclusion of the research in this article: (1) Chinese Wushu match, which has experinced great reform and development over the past centery, has made its name abroad and had big scale home. (2) Essential Characteristic of Wushu match, which come from the characeristics of Wushu, matches and incidents, is that it is a kind ofcompetitive sports. Wushu match itself brings benefits in three areas, which are social benefits,competitive benefits and ecnomic benefits. Amoun these the social benefits are the most important, since it embodies the social function of Wushu Sports, which meets the increasing mental need of people and improve the construction of socialist spiritual civilization.(3)The elements of the market of Wushu Match: the producer of Wushu Match as a commodity who are the main subjects engaged in the marketing of Wushu Match; Wushu Matched with high quality that can meet the need of consumers who would like to consume in the matches; consumers’desire of consume in watching matches. At present the marketing of Wushu Match are operated mainly in two ways: commercial mateches and copetitive ones.(4) The Wushu compitions brand is built by vairous factors such as the image of the organizer of the match, the form and content of the match, the level of organization, social activities, venues and facilities, the qualities of teams, economic strength, publicity and planning,field services and economic and social benefits of the match. The building of Wushu competion brand is a systematic process. So it is demanded to consider the whole link that consist of the brand from the overall strategic perspective in a coordinated and comprehensive way. The positioning of Wushu competition brand is to analyze scientifically the quality, the idea and the field services of the match that is to be held, and to establish the market position acorrding to consumers’consume awareness. (5) Ther are many ways of marking communication. And according to different audience and different contact models, there three ways: mass media contact model, individual contact model and experience contact model The application of integrated marketing communications of Wushu competition brand includes the following: The integrated marketing communication is a cross-functional process.

【关键词】 武术赛事竞赛市场品牌传播新时期
【Key words】 Wushuracecompetitionmarketdisseminationin now times
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 11期
  • 【分类号】G852.1
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】439

