

Our Country University High Level Basketball Team Managing Status Research

【作者】 徐涛

【导师】 赵芳;

【作者基本信息】 广西师范大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 我国高校培养高水平篮球运动员,借助于高校良好的文化氛围和雄厚的师资力量,本着培养德、智、体全面发展的复合型人才的基础上形成的。然而,同任何新生事物一样,这种体育与教育联合办学的方法在推出后,虽然在一定程度上提高了高水平运动员的综合素质,但由于学习和训练的矛盾突出,它的诸多弊病也在实施过程中逐渐地显现出来。如学训矛盾;运动员毕业后的整体素质与普通学生相比仍有差距;毕业后运动员的竞技水平提高幅度不大以及运动员就业困难等。这些问题是由多种因素造成的,首先是培养目标不明确,直接导致了培养过程和培养结果“重体轻文”的倾向性。其次,生源质量不高、学训练矛盾突出、后勤保障机制不健全、日常管理制度不完善等问题也在不同程度上影响了球队的健康发展。在对我国部分高校篮球队的管理现状进行调查分析的基础上,本文阐述了我国高校在管理高水平篮球队过程中在培养目标、招生、学籍管理、学习、训练和后勤保障、日常管理方面存在的问题,同时结合管理学的系统管理理论和NCAA在招生、学训管理、后勤保障方面的有关知识,试图探索出一套符合我国高校实际的管理方法。通过文献资料法、问卷调查法、逻辑分析法、数理统计法等方法对调查的结果进行归纳、总结,得出如下结论:1、我国高校高水平篮球队在创办过程中未达到体育与教育的良好结合,致使毕业球员的综合素质不容乐观。球队办队目标具有局限性,为校争光,打造学校体育品牌是多数高校办队的首要目标。球队竞技水平与专业队相比还有较大差距,国家制定的由高校独立组队参加世界各项大型比赛的目标的可行性有待进一步探讨。2、高校高水平篮球运动员主要来自体校、普通高中、篮球传统项目学校、专业队,球员入校的文化课要求普遍较低,且由于培养环境的不同造成球员素质的参差不齐,高校在为这些球员制定教学计划时难度较大,球员整体的培养质量不高。3、高校对球员的学籍管理由各院系与教务处共同负责,实行学分制与学年制相结合的学籍管理制度。为减缓学训矛盾,学校对于成绩优秀的球员允许免休部分课程,这一管理方法使球员从思想上轻视了文化课程的学习,不能进行准确的自身定位,导致“重体轻文”。4、教练员执教高水平球队经验不足,业务素质有待进一步提高。教练员存在“管训练不管学习”的现象,影响了球员的全面发展。对教练员的评价标准过于单一,评价机制不完善。5、球员日常管理制度不够严格,部分球员出现旷课、旷训等现象,影响了球员学习和训练的正常进行。球员思想政治教育工作不到位,思想政治课程未能形成制度化,导致球员自身定位不准确,对今后的学习和就业认识不到位。6、球员学训矛盾突出,训练时间、自身潜力、教练员水平、场馆设施等因素影响了球员竞技水平的提高,毕业球员整体的竞技水平与专业队相比差距较大。7、球队经费短缺是制约球队发展的重要因素,经费少、来源单一是高校高水平篮球队的经费现状。球队管理权主要由学校掌握,没有进行市场化运作,影响了球队吸收社会资金和球员就业面的扩大。球队后勤保障机制不健全,影响了球员训练后的恢复和学习。8、球员毕业后,整体就业形势不容乐观。一方面由于具备了一定的专业知识和篮球技能,对就业期望值较高。另一方面在专业知识的掌握上与普通生有较大差距。因此,相当一部分球员主要依托于找熟人、拉关系进行就业。针对我国高校在高水平篮球队管理过程中存在的问题,笔者认为应在以下几个方面进行改进。首先,制定切合我国高校实际的球队和球员培养目标,对内定位于活跃校园体育文化,丰富师生的课余生活,提升高校篮球运动的竞技水平,促进篮球运动在高校的普及和发展,对外主要是争创佳绩,为校争光,培养具有高尚的思想品德,扎实的专业知识,高超篮球技艺的复合型人才。其次,招生本着“宽进严出”的原则,实行初试和复试相结合的运动成绩和文化成绩考核制度。健全球员考勤制度、奖惩制度,完善球员就业指导制度。再次,球员学习上实行“任课教师负责制”,训练上实行“主教练负责制”,制定灵活的教学计划,缓解学训矛盾。最后,实行学校与企事业单位联办的球队管理制度,吸收社会资金进行球队建设,缓解球队的经费紧张局面,保证球员训练补助的按时足额发放。改善球员后勤保障状况,解决球员训练后的饮食、洗浴等问题。

【Abstract】 Aiming at developing complex talents with all around development of moral, intellectual and physical education, the colleges and universities in China train high level basketball players depending on the nice cultural atmosphere and Strong Faculty. Whereas combining physical education and intellectual education shows its own disadvantages when carried out. The disagreement between training and studying is one of them. After graduation, the basketball players have a long way to compared with other graduates. At the same time, their skills can’t be promoted after the players graduate and their employment is not satisfactory .Various element contribute to this situation, one of which is that the players are trained in colleges and universities without clear aim which leads to the trend of emphasizing playing skills and neglecting intellectual education. The healthy development of a basketball team in colleges and universities is also affected by the uneven source of student players, the service system that is not well organized and imperfect daily management.In this paper, the author is introducing the main problems in managing the high level basketball teams in colleges and universities, trying to show a practical managing method which is based on the System management theory and some relative knowledge in NCAA.The author reaches the following conclusions by using different ways of surveying:1. Graduate players are not qualified for their employment resulting from the separation of physical education and intellectual education in colleges and universities. Achieving honor brand creating special fame for their school become the main goal of many basketball teams and players. While these teams still can not equal the professional ones when they compete with each other. The possibility for these teams to take part in world major competitions independently is up in the air.2. The high level basketball players in universities are mainly from training schools, regular high schools, professional teams and schools with basketball traditions. The players are not strictly required show their study marks. Meanwhile, these players’skills ate not balanced because they are developed differently, which makes it difficult to train them in colleges and universities.3. The Maintenance of the basketball players are in the charge of both the department and the teaching managing office, in the form of credit hours and credit semesters. In order to offer the outstanding players more time for training, colleges and universities allow the students to study less lessons the other students which cause the problem——emphasizing playing skills and neglecting intellectual education.4. Coaches need to improve their own skills to be qualified for the training courses. Training only basketball skills but not intelligence is commonly recognized by the coaches and this has a great influence on the all around development of these players in colleges and universities.5. There is no well-organized managing system. Some players are usually absent from training or attending classes, which affects their regular train or study. The players can not recognize themselves correctly because the moral education for them is not well prepared or given.6. The disagreement between their training and studying is a major problem. Their playing skills are influenced by various reasons, such as the lack of training time, self-ability, the coach’s skill and gyms and facilities. The graduate players can not compare with the professionals.7. Another important element for slowing the development of the whole team is the shortage of funds. Now the present situation is that there is less funds than they need for their development and the source is limited. These teams are in the control of colleges and universities and they are not operated according to market economy. Social funds can not be made use of for the teams and the employment for the players are limited. The service system can not be well performed without enough money.8. When the players graduate from colleges or universities, they can not get a satisfactory occupation. Partly because they have majored in basketball and have learned the professional skills, so they think they should get a better job than they are offered. Another reason for this situation is that they are not so good as other students who have received intellectual education for so many years.The author recommends the following ways for improving the managing level in basketball teams in universities or colleges. First of all, the aim for establishing the high level basketball team and developing outstanding players must be clearly set according to reality. For the staff and students, it is an active way of entertaining themselves and popularizing basketball in colleges and universities. For players, it is a marvelous chance to honor their schools and improve themselves. Next, the enrolment of student players should be strictly operated. Both of the examinations for playing skills and common lessons are needed to make sure that the basketball players can adapt to the complex education in colleges or universities. Thirdly teaching plans should be flexible enough to cater for the needs of the players who need not only to be trained in basketball but also to learn the same knowledge as the other students. Finally, the basketball teams should be run by colleges and other social institutions and take advantage of social funds to create a pleasant environment for developing both basketball teams and players.

  • 【分类号】G841
  • 【被引频次】12
  • 【下载频次】404

