

The Image Expression of Fear and Anxiety

【作者】 周斌

【导师】 廖国伟;

【作者基本信息】 广西师范大学 , 美学, 2008, 硕士


【摘要】 恐惧,不单单是一个心理学范畴的名词,“恐惧感在20世纪西方文化中成为哲学、社会学、文学、精神分析和人类学的中心概念之一,可以视之为当代文化危机的一种表征。”[1]在当代社会,“恐惧不仅表现为单个人的心理状态,而且也可以表现为全体社会团体或整个社会的意识特点。”[2]因此,对当代电影中的恐惧主题的研究无疑是一个具有重大现实意义的研究课题。本文试图运用电影学、美学、社会学、人类学、心理学等相关学科的相关理论对当代电影中的恐惧主题作一个较深入的研究。全文分为五个部分。第一部分首先探讨了根源于人性深处的恐惧心理。人类的恐惧倾向根植于人类或动物在危及生命条件下趋利避害的自我保存本能,而人类恰好是这种倾向比较强烈的动物。人类恐惧本能和恐惧心理具有普遍性,而艺术是对恐惧心理的表达和缓解。第二部分论述了当代电影中的恐惧主题。这些主题主要包括:当代电影中的自然恐惧;当代电影中的社会性恐惧;当代电影对人性恐惧的挖掘;挥之不去的世界末日梦魇。第三部分立足于电影本体,从电影语言的角度探讨了当代社会和当代人恐惧心理的影像表达。电影的起源与恐惧心理有密切的关联,即电影的心理起源源于人们希望超越死亡恐惧而实现永恒的思想。电影思维实际上是以蒙太奇为主要手段的视觉形象思维。不同媒介中的艺术通过不同的方式表达恐惧心理的主题会带给人们不同的恐惧感,电影中恐惧心理的产生来自于影音造意等丰富的电影语言。比起其他艺术来,电影对恐惧心理的表达有不可替代的优势。第四部分阐述了当代电影中恐惧主题的审美意义和文化价值。首先,当代电影中恐惧的主题具有审美独特性和现实审美意义;其次,电影是当代人集体缓解恐惧和释放焦虑的生存仪式;再次,在当代社会消费文化境遇下,恐惧心理也成了当代社会的消费品;最后,论述了大众传媒对恐惧文化的传播和塑造。第五部分最终将研究视角落在了我们的现实问题方面。在充满恐惧与焦虑的当代社会我们该何去何从?当代电影的恐惧主题充分调动我们的恐惧情感,并增强其情感规劝功能,恐惧主题其实是对当代社会状况和人类未来走向的警醒和焦虑,希望我们通过感受恐惧进而思考获得拯救的途径。工业化的进程会把人类带到何处?人的单纯的自然本性会将人类引向何方?等等,这些问题是当代电影给我们带来的思考。在寻找救赎的途中重拾失落的信仰精神,从而迈向一个更和谐的社会,是当代电影启示我们的最重要的现实意义。

【Abstract】 Fear, not only is a word of psychology category, "fear feeling has become one of the center concepts of the philosophy,sociology,literature,psychoanalysis and anthropology in 20 centuries of the western culture, and we can take it as a symbol of contemporary cultural crisis."[1] At contemporary society, " fear not only can express for the personal mental appearance, and also can express for the all social group or the consciousness characteristics of whole society." [2]Therefore, the fear themes of contemporary film doubtless have become an important and realistic meaning study.This paper attempts to use the related theories of film,aesthetic,sociology,anthropology,psychology, and so on to give a furether study.This paper is divided into five parts.PartⅠstudies the fears Which rooted in human psychology.Human fears are rooted in the self-preservation instinct in life-threatening conditions of all the lives, and the tendency of human is stronger than animals.The human instinct of fears is universal. Arts are the expressions and mitigations of fears.PartⅡdiscusses the themes of fears in contemporary film, including:nature fears; social fears; human fears; nightmares of the end of the world.Basing on film ontology,partⅢdiscusses the image expressions of the fears of contemporary society and people in film language.The film and the fear whoese origins all stem from fears of the death and wanting to beeternal have a close association. The film thought with montage as a primary means is a visual image thought.The themes of fears of arts in various mediums through various means will bring different fears to people. The fears of the film come from film language.Compared other arts,film on the expressions of fears have indeed irreplaceable advantages.PartⅣdiscusses the aesthetic values and cultural significances of the fear themes.First,the fear themes of the contemporary film have aesthetic extraordinarities and practical significances; Secondly,film is a survival ceremony,in which people can collectively ease their fears and release their anxieties; Again,in contemporary consumer society,fears have become consumable; Finally,this paper discusses that the mass medias transmit and shape the fear culture.In part V,paper will eventually falls our perspectives on the practical problems.In the contemporary society filled with fears and anxieties,where should we go? The fear themes of contemporary film fully mobilize our feelings of fears,and enhance their advice functionality.The fear themes of contemporary film are the alerts and anxieties to the contemporary social situation and the future development of mankind,in which we feel fears then thinking about saving ways.Human will be brought to where by the industrialization process? which direction will People be brought to by their simple natural human nature? and so on.Such questions are brought by contemporary film.On the way of searching for salvations we regain the lost faith,and then we finally will stepe into a more harmonious society,which is the most important practical significance that contemporary film told us.

  • 【分类号】J905
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】592

