

Research on the Competitiveness of Brand about of Sporting Goods Company in China

【作者】 王鹏

【导师】 陆元兆;

【作者基本信息】 广西师范大学 , 体育人文社会学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 品牌竞争已成为国际市场上各行各业竞争的主要形式。随着全球经济一体化的逐渐深入,中国与全球的联系越发的紧密。目前,我国已成为全球最大的体育用品生产基地和主要的消费市场。大量国际体育用品品牌纷纷涌入我国市场,凭借其雄厚的资金、先进的技术和管理经验、全球化的销售渠道以及遥遥领先的品牌,进行大力的扩张,我国的体育用品市场已经形成了国际竞争态势。与此同时,越来越多的国内体育用品企业也开始重视品牌建设,逐步的提升自身品牌国际竞争力,与国际体育用品品牌在国内市场展开了全方位的较量,经过多年的努力也形成了自身的品牌竞争优势。但是,总体来看我国体育用品企业的品牌国际竞争力仍然逊色于国际品牌,市场份额相对较少、品牌知名度、品牌文化表现、品牌的忠诚度等一系列的品牌竞争指标都远远低于国际品牌。大多数国内体育用品品牌仍然在中低端市场徘徊,高端市场依然被国际品牌所占有,只有较少的品牌(如李宁)能够与国际品牌进行抗衡。随着北京奥运会的到来,我国的体育用品市场将会迎来空前的繁荣,对于国内体育用品企业来说即是机遇也是挑战,发挥本土品牌的优势,立足于国内市场,放眼于国际市场,打造中国体育用品世界级品牌,真正实现中国从体育用品生产大国到体育用品品牌大国的转变,全面提升我国体育用品企业品牌国际竞争力。文章在第一部分的导论,进行了问题的提出,阐述了本文的研究目的、意义、方法以及重点。回顾了目前关于品牌国际竞争力的国内外研究现状。第二部分通过借鉴前人的研究成果,提出了品牌国际竞争力的一些基础理论。第三部分分析了国际体育用品市场的竞争状况,国内外体育用品行业现状、发展趋势。通过SWOT模型对我国体育用品品牌的国际竞争环境进行研究。第四部分,利用收集到的大量数据和文献资料,运用了比较分析法、案例分析法、文献资料法。从品牌价值、品牌文化力、品牌市场力、贸易竞争力4个层次对我国体育用品企业品牌国际竞争力进行分析、评价和比较,特别以李宁、耐克、阿迪达斯为例进行国内外品牌的比较。第五部分根据国内品牌与国际品牌在国际竞争力之间的差距以及整个国际市场竞争环境,提出了提升我国体育用品企业品牌国际竞争力的关键性要素和具体措施。第六部分进行了本文的总结,第一,国外体育用品行业发展较长积累了相当丰富生产、管理、销售和品牌建设的一系列经验,形成了一批大型跨国体育用品公司,与之相比我国体育用品行业差距较大。第二,从目前的竞争状况来看,我国体育用品企业形势严峻,在一些品牌国际竞争力的指标上与国外品牌差距较大,国内高端市场几乎被国际品牌所占据。第三,从市场需求来看,我国体育用品市场空间增长快,特别北京奥运会开阔市场空间。第四,抓住品牌国际竞争力的关键性要素,从环境因素、技术因素、品牌形象推广、贸易竞争力、销售渠道几方面着手。另一方面,充分发挥政府职能提高企业品牌运作效率。

【Abstract】 Brand competition is becoming the main form of business competition in the international market. With the development of the world economy globalization, China and the world is increasingly close. At present, our country has become one of the world’s largest production base and the major consumer market. A large number of international sports brand swarmed into our market, with their abundant funds, advanced technology, management experience, the sales channels of globalization and leading brand, China sports market has been formed the international competition posture. At the same time, more and more domestic enterprises have begun to attach importance to sports brand building and gradually increase the competitiveness of their own brand. In the domestic market , they have a contest with the international sports brand and after long years effort they have their own competitive advantages in their brand. However, totally speaking, most of our country’s sports brand are less competitive than international brand. A lot of competitive guiding lines are under the international brand , such as less marketing share , famous of brand, the brand presentation of cultures, the brand loyalty and so on. Most of the domestic sports brand still linger in the low-end market. The high-end market remained occupied by the international brand, only less brand could confront with the international brand, for example Li-Ning. Along with the advent of Beijing Olympic games, our China’s sports market will receive the all-time prosperous, as for the domestic sports enterprises, it is not only the chance but also the challenge. It is necessary to play the advantages of local brand, base on the domestic market, scan widely of the international market, build a world-class sporting goods brand and really achieve the transformation from China to international market. Upgrade the competitiveness of our country’s sports enterprises across-the-board is essential.This paper is organized as follows. A brief introduction on proposed problem is give in Section 1, telling the main aim, significance, methods and emphases. It also reviewed the research status of the brand competitiveness in and out of our country. In Section 2, some basic theories of brand international competitiveness have been proposed along with the reference of forefathers’production .In Section 3, analyzed the international sports competition in the market situation, local and abroad sports goods industry status quo and developing trend. Through the SWOT model, did the research of the domestic sports brand international competitive environment. In Section 4, took advantage of the collection of the large amounts of data and literature, made use of the comparative analysis, case analysis, brand culture and brand market power, the trade competitiveness of China’s four-level sports goods enterprises’brand internationally competitive analysis, evaluation and comparison, specially using the Li Ning ,Nike and Adidas as the examples to compare the competitiveness of domestic and international brand. In Section 5, in accordance with the disparity of domestic and international market and the whole international competitive environment, proposed the critical elements and specific measures of how to enhance our country’s sports brand’s international competitiveness. Conclusions are given in Section 6. Firstly, international sports enterprises have long time development and gain a series of experience, such as production, management, distribution, brand contribution, forming a set of large-scale multinational of sports goods. Our domestic sports enterprises have large gap with them. Secondly, seen from the current competitive situation, our local sports enterprises’position are austerity, we are far from with the international brand, the high-end market was totally occupied by the abroad brand. Thirdly, seen from the market need, our sports goods market is increasingly in the market space, especially Beijing Olympic will exploit the space. Fourthly, grasp the critical issue of the brand international competition, do research on environment, technology, brand spirit, economy competition, sales channels. On the other hand, exert the government ability to heighten the efficiency of the enterprise brand.

  • 【分类号】G80-05
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】1411

