

A Research into the Value, Promotion, Popularizing Strategy of Balloon Volleyball

【作者】 李明

【导师】 刘伟春;

【作者基本信息】 广西师范大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2008, 硕士


【摘要】 《全民健身计划纲要》颁布十余年来,大力发展群众性体育健身活动一直是其重中之重。推广和发展多种多样的群众性体育健身活动,是我们实现全民健身计划目标,建成具有中国特色的全民健身体系所要完成的一个首要任务。2006年3月1日,为了全面完成《纲要》提出的奋斗目标和各项任务,国家体育总局研究制定了《〈全民健身计划纲要〉第二期工程第二阶段(2006-2010年)实施计划》,其首要任务是广泛开展群众性体育健身活动,充分挖掘各种适合于大众健身的运动项目,使之更好的全民健身运动服务。在此形势下,羽毛球、乒乓球、门球、武术等健身项目走进社区、单位、机关。而近年来出现的气排球运动,以它独特的魅力吸引了广大锻炼者,它以方便、简单、灵活、安全、经济、趣味等优点,深受广大爱好者的喜爱,满足了不同人群的多种健身娱乐需求并在社区的大众健身运动中发挥了重要的作用。气排球运动近年来在广西、福建、河南、甘肃等地发展迅速,尤其在广西,气排球运动开展的如火如荼,成为广西大众健身的主要项目之一,在广西,无论是大城市,还是小县城,在街头巷尾、闲暇假日、下班时间都可看到打气排球的人群,气排球已经融入广西人的生活之中,为广西人的健身提供了一个良好的去处。为了响应《全民健身计划纲要》号召,在全国更大的范围内大力发展和推广气排球运动,本文通过查阅有关气排球文献、问卷、访谈、实地调查等资料,研究气排球特性及其价值;对广西社区、单位、机关、学校、厂矿开展气排球运动的成功经验和普及现状,以及我国开展气排球运动的有利条件进行调查分析,论证我国有条件地区开展气排球运动的可行性,并且研制其推广策略,为气排球更广泛的服务于大众健身提供理论支持。研究结果表明,气排球具有健身、娱乐、社会等方面的价值。它可以有效的促进人们的身体健康和心理健康;放松身心、休闲娱乐;促进社会交往,为人们之间的交流提供平台;为大学生就业提供机会,促进体育专业大学生的就业;促进我国竞技排球运动的发展;提高中小学生健康水平,满足基础教育发展的需要;转变人们生活方式,杜绝不良习惯。在全民健身运动全面开展的今天,气排球以其特有的价值优势,完全可以作为重点群众健身运动项目,在全国有条件地区推广和普及。气排球运动在我国的情况是普及面不广,只有广西、内蒙古、河南、福建、甘肃的一些城市开展了此项运动,总体来看广西气排球开展情况最好,一些城市和社区初步形成了有组织、有管理的气排球管理运行机制,广西气排球运动开展的如火如荼,气排球是广西近年来最盛行、覆盖面最大的群众体育活动。广西参加气排球运动的人数多,范围广,涵盖各行各业,年龄跨度大,从儿童、青年到老年人都非常喜爱此项运动。广西每年都举办不同性质、不同层次的大量的气排球比赛,有些比赛层次高、规模大、覆盖面广、影响范围大,并且气排球被广西区运会设为正式比赛项目。广西气排球运动的火爆,有着各方面的原因。首先得益于广西人先进的健身娱乐观念,广西人普遍注重休闲娱乐和养生保健,休闲健身并重的大众体育项目在广西大有发展空间;其次,各级领导机构的充分重视,是气排球运动在广西迅速发展的最重要原因,这主要表现在组织比赛、资金投入、法规宣传等方面;另外,人们闲暇时间的增多、经济的发展、城市体育设施的完善和适宜的气候环境,都是广西气排球普及发展的成功因素。经过分析,我们认为:经济的发展和社会体育设施的丰富为气排球的发展提供了物质保障;人们健身娱乐观念的改变和对社会交往的需求为气排球的生存提供了空间;我国适宜的气候环境符合气排球发展的需要;我国硬式排球悠久历史为气排球运动发展奠定了广范的群众基础;广西气排球的成功普及为全国范围推广气排球提供了实践经验。综上所述,我国社会的发展需要开展气排球运动,气排球运动在我国有着广泛的开展空间,也完全有条件开展气排球运动,全民健身运动的发展需要气排球项目的支持。综合研究广西气排球推广经验和群众体育推广理论,并且参考排球专家、群众意见,研制出以下气排球推广、普及的策略:加强气排球运动的宣传、扩大气排球运动的影响力;将气排球运动纳入政府的群体工作中;为大众参与气排球运动提供良好的条件和机会;对学校体育排球课程设置进行改革;完善气排球运动,做好后续服务工作。

【Abstract】 《The Outline of the Nationwide Body-building Plan》has been promulgated over ten years . Vigorously developing the sports of keeping fit has been its top priority. The promotion and development of a wide range of physical activity achieves our goal of the National Fitness Program. On March 1, 2006, in order to complete the "Outline" and the goal of the task, the State General Administration of Sport has developed《Outline of the Nationwide Body-building Plan》Phase II ,which is the second period (2006-2010) to implement the Plan ". The first and foremost task is carried out extensive mass fitness and sports activities, fully tapping suitable sports events for all kinds of mass fitness, to better service the national fitness campaign.In that case,some sports events,like badminton, table tennis, gateball, martial arts fitness, and other items are into the communities and units. In recent years, the balloon volleyball attracts the majority to take part in with its unique charm.It meets a variety of people’s need of fitness and entertainment with its advantages of convenience, simplicity, flexibility, security, economy and interesting. In recent years, it has rapidly developed in Guangxi, Fujian, Henan, Gansu. Especially in Guangxi, balloon volleyball is in the full swing,and it has been a public major projects. Balloon volleyball has been an inportant part in the lives of people in Guangxi. In response to the "National Fitness Program" to develop balloon volleyball, this essay is about the research into the characteristics and the value of balloon volleyball through balloon volleyball documents, questionnaires,interviews, field investigations, and other information.And there is also survey to representatiive city of Guangxi’s communities, units, offices, schools, factories and mines in balloon volleyball and the successful popularizing experience of the status quo, the investigation into the favourable conditions of balloon Volleyball, demonstration of the feasibility of balloon Volleyball in conditional areas , and development of its marketing strategy ,so as to allow balloon volleyball a wider range of services to the public health and provide theoretical supporting for the full completion of the National Fitness Program.Research shows that balloon volleyball possesses a value in keeping fit, entertainment, and society. It can be effective in promoting people’s physical health and mental health; it provides relaxation and entertainment and also employment opportunities for university students, promoting social interaction between people, improving the health of students , meeting the needs of the development of elementary education and changing people’s lifestyle and eliminating bad habits. In a national fitness campaign launched today, balloon volleyballcan fully exercise as a key project with its unique advantages and promote and popularize in the conditional regions. At present , balloon volleyball is not widely popular in China. And Guangxi is the best situation. It has also been carried out at some cities and regions in Inner Mongolia, Henan, Fujian, Gansu. An organized and managed volleyball gas management system are formed at certain cities and communities. Guangxi’s balloon Volleyball is in its full swing.Nowadays , balloon volleyball is very popular here, with the biggest coverage of the masses. The number of people participating in playing balloon volleyball in Guangxi is great, covering all walks of life, age spanning from child to the elderly. A large number of balloon volleyball competitions are held every year for different themes, of different levels, and some are high-level competitions ofl arge-scale, large coverage and impact, and it has been set as a formal event at the Guangxi Regional Games. Balloon Volleyball is booming in Guangxi for various reasons. First, people in Guangxi have advanced concepts of fitness and entertainmen. They generally care about both entertainment and health .The event of both leisure and fitness has much room to develop in Guangxi; Second, the leaders at all levels pay full attention to it,which is the most important reason for its rapid development in Guangxi, mainly shown in the organization, funding, regulations, propaganda.What’s else, people’s increasing leisure time and development of economics, urban and sports facilities improved and the Suitable weather are all the favorable factors for the development. Balloon volleyball in China shares a wide range of space. National Fitness Campaign needs the development of balloon volleyball. The development of economic s and the richness of sports facilities provide the material protection for the development of balloon volleyball; people’s changing concept of fitness and entertainment and the demand for social interaction provides space for balloon volleyball; What’s more,China’s appropriate climate is also fit for the development of balloon volleyball. China’s long tradition of playing hard volleyball lays the foundation of the development for the balloon volleyball.What’s more, the successful experience of balloon volleyball promoting in Guangxi provides practical experience for a nationwide promotion of balloon volleyball . To sum up, our society needs the development of balloon volleyball, and we have conditions to carry out this game.With comprehensive Study on the theory and the promotion experience of Guangxi, and refering to the opinions of both volleyball experts and the masses, develope the following promotion, popularizing strategy of balloon volleyball; strengthen publicity of the balloon volleyball, expand the influence ,involve volleyball campaign in the government’s work; provide good conditions and opportunities for the public participating in this game; reform the school sports curriculum; perfect balloon volleyball, and provide good follow-up services.

【关键词】 大众健身气排球价值推广普及策略
【Key words】 Public fitnessBalloon VolleyballValuePromotionStrategy
  • 【分类号】G842
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】2702

