

Theory Explanation of the Body Metaphor and Significance Gender Criticism on "Tuccia’s Sieve"

【作者】 高明月

【导师】 张利群;

【作者基本信息】 广西师范大学 , 文艺学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 20世纪中期,“身体”逐渐在女性主义理论和女性文学研究中凸显出来,无论是英美女性主义还是法国女性主义都将身体视为性别政治与性别文化的载体或场所。在全球消费文化和科学技术迅猛发展的今天,“身体”在接受越来越多的目光,逐步成为公共话语,也成为学术界引人关注的一个新领域。本文从性别批评的立场出发,以西方宗教神话中“图西亚的筛子”的故事为例,对筛子隐喻的女性身体的文化内涵进行剖析,通过将女性身体被规训和囚禁的状态与当代女性主义从身体突围形成鲜明对比,揭示女性身体从审美客体到审美主体的转变,探讨女性身体的主体回归的意义。图西亚是古罗马灶神维斯太的一名贞女,被指控违反了贞节誓言。她的筛子成为她洗刷诬告的工具。这是一个有着规则的孔却能装水的神奇筛子,它象征女性贞洁的力量。一个容器的完整与一个守节的、未受损害的身体相联系,这根源于传统文化中虚与恶、实与善的关联。筛子隐喻的女性身体蕴含着宗教、道德和文化的内涵。它作为一个禁欲的身体,迎合了基督教神学的教义,并作为基督教艺术中的一个象征符号。因为社会身体限制了自然身体的感知方式,身体经验必须受到道德的制约,而维斯太贞女的身份使其自然的身体拥有了力量,身体在肉体的基础上被赋予了文化的涵义。“图西亚的筛子”的身体隐喻具有深刻的理论内涵。在审美领域中,女性身体由于其本身具有美的特性,一直是文学艺术中被描绘和刻画的主题,但这个身体是一个被动的客体,在强大的男性话语审美意识形态领域,女性身体或被转喻和遮蔽,或被暴露,始终作为男性的审美欲望的对象而存在。看与被看的视觉文化中存在着性别不平等。观看者永远处于主动的优越地位,而被观者始终是一个沉默的对象。两者不是互为主体的关系,而一方借助“看”的优势,可以完全在视觉上操纵和控制对方。这时,女性身体作为被看的对象,是被展示、被窥视的形象。看的行为中隐含着复杂的意识形态内涵,它决定着主体看什么和怎样看,从而形成主体普遍性的理解方式。这种看的方式以一种隐蔽的状态或者说人们认为自然而然的方式存在。性别研究认为,对女性身体的种种隐喻正是对女性身体的规训与惩罚。因为女性柔软的身体易于攻破,易于渗漏,意味着抵制不住外界的欲望和诱惑,所以要在其外表加上坚硬的外壳。女性身体最初是不受约束、自由奔放的,但在漫长的历史长河中她被套上重重的枷锁,失去了最初的激情和欲望。来自社会的各种权力都将身体作为一个焦点,对此进行精心的制造和规划。女性身体由于背负着重荷而越来越脆弱,而这又为女性的柔弱和顺从的女性气质的规定增加了看似不容置疑的说服力。身体在这个被规训的过程中被物化,而同时女性将社会文化对其身体的规定性内化为自觉的监控,由此这个身体成为驯服的身体。神话原型中对女性身体的隐喻和象征积淀着数千年来在人们内心的集体无意识和性别等级观念,这些意象都符合男权制文化对女性的文化想象。这些想象来自于男权社会中男性对女性的崇拜、幻想和恐惧。前者将女性隐喻为超大而神奇的事物,寄予着人们的愿望和理想。后者则将女性的身体恶化,来贬低女性身体的特质,压抑女性的欲望和想象。身体隐喻是一种最大的本体隐喻,我们对事物的认知来源于我们对身体的认知,因为身体教会了我们思考的方式。把身体看作一个容器,从而产生了对身体的容器隐喻。“筛子”作为一个容器隐喻,不是因为筛子本身和女性身体有相似性,而是这个隐喻创造了这种相似性,并固定了两者间的联系。身体隐喻作为一种普遍的理解方式,通过隐喻意象的反复呈现建构了人们对女性的认知和偏见。在性别批评中,身体隐喻是文本批评的重要对象,对女性的身体隐喻负载着父权制社会太多的历史和文化的制约,身体在隐喻的面纱下日益卑微,在对女性身体隐喻的重新解读中,女性主义者发掘出那些在文本中反复出现的意象和原型中所蕴含的性政治和性文化的意义,从而更新了对文本的理解。与图西亚被囚禁的身体相比,女性主义者反其道而行之,肯定身体的本体力量,用身体思考和写作,在写作中书写主体化和对象化的身体,为身体争夺应有的话语权利。身体隐喻反射出传统的性别定势和偏见,这种性别定势和偏见将女性身体置于男/女二元对立的模式中,将女性贬为劣势和弱势的一方,以突出男性的优越性。性别批评旨在突破男女对立的二元模式,让身体还原本来的面目,从而使被遮蔽的身体回归到本真状态,也为女性争取应有的权力和回归主体的位置。

【Abstract】 In the mid-20th Century,“Body”which regarded as the Carrier and Places of gender politics and gender culture by feminists in Britain, the United States and France gradually highlighted in the Feminist Theory and Women’s literature research. Nowadays, global consumer culture and science and technology has been rapid developed, body receives more and more attention, it gradually become public discourse and a new concerning area of in the Academic. This article from the standpoint of gender criticism, take the western religious myth story“Tuccia’s sieve”as an example, to analyze the cultural connotation of Metaphor of the sieve of the female body. The author will compare the state of imprisoned and regulation training of the female body with contemporary feminism breakout from body, unveiling the change of female body from aesthetic object to subject, discussing significance of body of female return to subject.Tuccia who accused of breaching the oath of chastity was a virgin of God Vesta in ancient Rome Kitchen. Sieve as a tool for her to scrub the false accusations. It is a magical sieve with regular holes but full of water, which symbolizes the power of female chastity. The link between an integral of container and a virginal and integral body is rooted from in the traditional culture contact of virtual and evil, solid and kind.Metaphor of the Sieve is female body containing a religious, moral and cultural connotation. As an abstinence body, it catered to the teachings of Christian theology and became a symbol of Christian art. For natural physical sense was restricted by social physical, physical experience must be under moral constraints. But identity of Vista Virgin endows the power to the natural body which basing on the physical was given the meaning of culture.The body metaphors of“Tuccia’s sieves”have profound connotations in theory. In the field of Aesthetic, the female body has its own characteristics, which has been portrayed as the theme in literature and art, however, this body is a passive object. In the field of a strong male Discourse aesthetic ideology, the female body has been metonymies, shelter or exposure, existing as the desire of male’s aesthetic objects all the time. Gender inequality is in the visual culture of see and being seen .The spectators are in the advantageous position, and the ones seen are always the object of silence. The two are not the relationship of mutually subject, but one with the advantage of“see”can completely control the other in visual. At this time, the female body is regarded as the object to be displayed and peeped. The behavior of seeing has a complex and implied ideology meaning; it determines what and how to look, thus formatting universal understanding ways. Seeing in the way of a covert status or the way people naturally think. Gender studies believe that all metaphors on female body are discipline and punishment for it. Female body needs a hard shell in its appearance, as it is soft and easily defeated or leaked, which means it can’t resist the desire and temptation of outside world. The female body was unfettered and unrestrained at first, but it lost initial enthusiasm and desire in the long history of bearing a heavy yoke time after time. The various powers from the society focus on the body and conduct it carefully. Female body was more vulnerable heavy load, which strengthened seemingly incontrovertible persuasion of female temperament in delicateness and obedience. Body was objectified in the process of training; while women took the social and cultural requirements as a self-monitoring, thus the body became docile. Metaphor and symbol of the female body in Myth reflect collective unconscious and gender hierarchy in people’s hearts in thousands of years; these images which rooting from worship, fancy and fear of men to women are according with cultural Imagination of the male culture to female. The former placed people’s wishes and dreams by regarding metaphor of female as large and magical things. The latter suppressed the desire and image of women by derogating the physical of women, belittling idiosyncrasy of female body. Body metaphor is the largest Ontology Metaphor. Our understanding on things is from our awareness of our body, because body teaches the way we thought. Take body as a container, then resulted a metaphor in physical container.“Sieve”as a containers metaphor, although it has a similarity with the female body, the metaphor created the similarity and fixed the link between the two. Body metaphor as a general understanding way, through the metaphor repeated images to show awareness and prejudice to women building by people.In gender criticism, Physical metaphor is an important target in criticism of text. Metaphor of female body bared too many historical and cultural constraints in patriarchal society; body under veil of the Metaphor is increasingly humble. With the re-interpretation of female body Metaphor, feminists identified significance implied in sex political and cultural which including in the text of the recurring images and prototypes, then updating the understanding of the text. Compared with Tuccia’s imprisoned body, Feminists stand in the opposite side, affirming the strength of physical body and describing body which is an object and main part now in the article to capture the voice right of body. Physical metaphor reflecting traditional gender bias which placing female body in male / female dualistic model, then laid women in disadvantaged and vulnerable side to highlight the superiority of men .Gender criticism intents to break through the dual mode between men and women, restoring the original features of the body, So the obscure body will be returned to true state, and strive for women’s right and return of the main location.

  • 【分类号】I207.42
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