

Investigation and Research on Questions of Teachers’ Continuing Education in Rural Primary and Middle School in Guangxi

【作者】 陈珍群

【导师】 钟海青;

【作者基本信息】 广西师范大学 , 教育经济与管理, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 作为教师继续教育的重要组成部分和具有战略意义的重大工程,中小学教师继续教育是切实提升教师队伍素质的有效手段,是全面推进素质教育的重要保证。自1999年全面实施中小学教师继续教育以来,中小学教师继续教育取得了令人瞩目的成绩。但广大农村地区的中小学教师继续教育在培训模式、培训内容、培训方法、培训体制等方面都存在一定的问题。广西的大部分农村地区,其经济和教育发展相对落后,教师的学历水平和专业化程度总体上落后于城市地区。至今,农村地区中小学教师继续教育培训模式的科学构建仍然是广西中小学教师继续教育进一步改革和发展的“瓶颈”。因此,本文通过现场访谈和发放问卷的方式,对广西部分农村中小学教师继续教育的情况做了较全面的调查,针对广西农村中小学教师继续教育的现状及存在问题,并结合广西农村地区的实际情况,提出了相应的对策思考。论文共分为三个部分。第一部分简述了农村中小学教师继续教育的相关概念、意义以及理论研究和实践探索:对相关概念继续教育、中小学教师继续教育、农村中小学教师进行梳理界定;从当代终身教育理念的需要,基础教育新课程改革的需要,“三农问题”整体解决发展的需要,广西基础教育发展的需要四方面来探讨了农村中小学教师继续教育的意义;介绍了我国中小学教师继续教育的理论研究与实践探索和广西中小学教师继续教育开展情况及取得的成果。第二部分是对广西农村中小学教师继续教育的现状调查与问题分析。研究发现存在的主要问题有:教师继续教育经费短缺,教师个人承担费用的比例过高;校本培训不甚理想,学校缺乏相应的教师培训规划;农村中小学教师继续教育时间安排缺乏合理性,教师的工学矛盾突出;缺乏相应的继续教育资源和条件;农村中小学教师继续教育管理缺位等。第三部分对广西农村中小学教师继续教育提出了相应的对策分析。包括:高度重视农村中小学教师继续教育,加大经费投入;制定相应的教师培训计划,改进校本培训的力度;培训应讲究实效性、针对性及地方性;合理安排培训时间,解决教师的工学矛盾;加强市、县教师进修机构的建设。本文在调查了解的基础上,对广西农村中小学教师继续教育进行了实证研究。希望本研究成果能为广西教育行政部门、教师培训机构和各农村中小学进一步完善中小学教师继续教育工作提供新的发展思路和对策,以切实提高农村中小学教师的素质,从而全面推进素质教育,并进一步推动广西教育事业的发展。

【Abstract】 As an important component of teachers’continuing education and a project of strategic significance, continuing education of teachers in primary and secondary school is an effective means to enhance the quality of teachers and a guarantee to promote the quality education. Since 1999, the full implementation of teachers’continuing education of primary and secondary school has been fully implemented and made remarkable achievements. However, in the rural areas, there are certain problems with the training modules, training methods and training system of teachers’continuing education in primary and secondary school.In most rural areas of Guangxi, the economic and educational development is relatively backward, and the teachers’qualifications and level of professionalism on the whole lagged behind the urban areas. So far, the structure of training model is still the“bottleneck”of the reform and development of teachers’continuing education of primary and secondary school in rural areas in Guangxi. Therefore, through interviews and questionnaires, the paper has conducted a comprehensive survey of the present continuing education of teachers in rural primary and secondary schools in Guangxi , aiming to provide correspondent countermeasures based on the status in quo in this field and the practical situation of rural areas in Guangxi.The paper is made up of three parts.The first part briefly presents related-concepts, the significance, theoretical study and practical exploration of teachers’continuing education in the rural primary and secondary school: to define the related-concept of continuing education, teachers’continuing education of primary and secondary school, and teachers of rural primary and secondary school; to discuss the significance of teachers’continuing education of rural primary and secondary school from the perspective of needs of four areas including the needs of contemporary lifelong education, basic education needs of the new curriculum reform, the needs of the overall resolve of“three agricultural issues”, and the development of Guangxi’s basic education; to introduce the theory and practice of exploration of teachers’continuing education of primary and secondary school in China and the results achieved regarding teachers’continuing education in primary and secondary school in Guangxi.The second part is about the status in quo investigation and analysis of teachers’continuing education in rural primary and secondary school in Guangxi. The present study found that the main problems are: the shortage of teachers’education funds, teachers personal commitment to the proportion of high cost; the not ideal School-based training, the lack of appropriate training plans for teachers; unreasonable time arrangement of teachers’continuing education in rural primary and secondary school, the prominent contradiction of study and work of teachers; the lack of educational resources and conditions for continuing education, and ineffective management of continuing education of teachers in rural primary and secondary schools.The third part discusses the corresponding countermeasures to continuing education of teachers in rural primary and secondary schools in Guangxi .It contains: attaching great importance to teachers’continuing education and increasing investment in rural primary and secondary schools; formulating corresponding teacher training plans to improve school-based training; stressing the aims, practical results of the training with a consideration of the practical situation; solving the problems of the training time arrangement and the conflict of work and study; and strengthening the development of the education institution in both city and county.Based on these findings, this paper has conducted an empirical research on the continue education of teachers in rural primary and secondary school in Guangxi. It hopes that the results of this study can provide new development ideas and ways for educational and administrative departments in Guangxi, teacher training institutions and the rural primary and secondary schools to effectively improve the quality of rural primary and secondary school teachers and to further improve continuing education of teachers in rural primary and secondary schools, further promoting the development of education in Guangxi.

  • 【分类号】G635.1
  • 【被引频次】18
  • 【下载频次】862

