

The Study of Wang Xuance Who Was Sent to India as a Diplomat in the Tang Dynasty

【作者】 黄思强

【导师】 钱宗范;

【作者基本信息】 广西师范大学 , 中国古代史, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 唐代是中国历史上的一个鼎盛时期,疆域辽阔,国力强盛,更因其积极、开放的对外思想,这一时期中国的对外交往空前兴盛。其中以与天竺诸国的交往尤为频繁。仅在唐朝初年,唐政府派往印度的使节即有十余次之多,民间的交往更是兴盛,前往天竺游学的高僧比比皆是,不绝于道,将中国与天竺诸国的政治、文化、经济交流推进到了一个前所未有的新高度。关于唐代初年中印、中西关系研究虽然已有不少论文,但还是有很多具体的问题值得深入探讨。这些问题虽然不太受人注意,但却能揭示唐代历史的一些根本问题,有利于我们加深对唐代历史、中西交通史、中印关系史的认识。所以研究这些问题不仅有学术意义,也有现实意义。本文选取唐朝初年出使天竺的使者王玄策作为研究对象,王玄策于唐太宗、高宗之时多次奉敕出使印度,为唐与天竺诸国的友好交往作出了杰出贡献,对中印之间的政治、经济、文化交流影响深远。研究王玄策对于研究唐朝的对外思想、对外政策,研究中西交通以及中印关系有着重要意义。本文以马克思列宁主义、毛泽东思想的科学观点为指导,在总结前人研究成果的基础上,对王玄策出使天竺的事迹和相关问题进行讨论分析,文章由以下几部分组成:第一部分,绪论,介绍了王玄策事迹研究的缘起、资料收集情况和研究现状,以及本文的写作思路、研究方向。第二部分,王玄策出使天竺始末的探讨,介绍王玄策出使的大致经过,并对王玄策出使的次数、路线、第三次出使的时间等问题进行讨论分析。本文在在王玄策出使次数上支持四次说,认为王玄策第三次出使的时间当为唐高宗显庆三年(658年)。第三部分,王玄策第二次出使天竺诸问题分析,对王玄策反击阿罗那顺的战争的性质,王玄策借兵,王玄策的官职等问题进行讨论分析,认为当时中印之间的友好交流是主流,王玄策的胜利是当时唐政府实行开明、和平的民族政策和外交政策的结果。第四部分,以王玄策事迹为出发点,对中国古代的对外思想,唐代中印关系,唐代文成公主和亲吐蕃等问题进行讨论分析。通过王玄策出使天竺与班超通西域、郑和下西洋等史事,以及唐、清两代中国与尼泊尔关系的比较分析,探讨中国古代的对外思想特点,认为王玄策的事迹体现了中国古代睦邻友好的对外思想。认为王玄策在第二次出使遭到阿罗那顺袭击时,得到了广大当地人民的帮助,这充分说明了,唐代中国与印度等南亚诸国的政治、经济、文化友好交流是主流,是得到当时印度人民的认可和支持的,中印人民的友谊源远流长。同时通过王玄策的事迹,我们认识到唐代文成公主和亲吐蕃的意义和作用并非仅仅局限于唐与吐蕃之间,而是对当时中国与印度、尼泊尔等周边国家的关系也产生了重大影响。结语部分对全文主要观点进行了简要的综合和归纳,研究王玄策对于研究唐朝的对外思想、对外政策,研究中西交通以及中印关系有着重要意义。本文创新之处有以下几点。第一,全面分析王玄策第二次出使天竺时反击阿罗那顺的军事和外交活动,指出这场战争是在当时唐朝政府对周边各民族和国家采取开放的友好的对外政策的背景下,王玄策凭借其过人的胆略和杰出的外交能力而取得的胜利,其外交意义更重于军事意义。第二,关于王玄策官职问题的分析。王玄策击破天竺,生擒阿罗那顺,扬大唐国威于域外,有奇功,但官职仅止于从五品的朝散大夫。王玄策推荐天竺方士那逻迩娑婆寐,为唐太宗合长年药,药不成,太宗暴疾死,王玄策有大过,但其官职未受影响。本文通过全面分析指出,一方面,唐朝对天竺诸国重视的是政治、经济、文化的友好交流,而不是武力征服或控制,同时当时名将辈出,在此背景下王玄策的功绩未受重视,所以没有被封更高官职;另一方面,王玄策熟悉天竺事务,与天竺方士关系密切,高宗同样迷信长生不死药,这使得王玄策有了发挥其作用的位置,不受贬斥,但合长生不死药是注定会失败的,这也注定了王玄策难于凭此官场得志;第三,通过对王玄策出使天竺和班超通西域的比较,唐、清两代中国和尼泊尔关系的比较,指出中国历朝的政治、军事活动的重点在于守土自卫、维护和巩固中原王朝的统治和安全,而不是侵略扩张,睦邻友好是中国古代对外思想的重要特点,对周边国家以进行政治、经济、文化的友好交流为主;第四,通过对王玄策事迹的研究,指出文成公主的和亲不仅加强了汉藏的交流,给吐蕃带去了中原先进的文化和技术,也对唐朝与天竺诸国的关系产生了重要影响。

【Abstract】 The tang dynasty is China historical a vigorous period, the territory is broad, the national strength is strong. Because the tang dynasty aggressive and liberal diplomacy thought, this at that time chinese abroad hands over the activity unprecedented and prosperous. Among them with with association of the India various country is multifarious. Only early year in the tang dynasty, chinese government is sent to the diplomatic corps of India to have more than ten timeses namely many. The association of the folks is also prosperous, more and more Chinese go to India. China and India various country of politics, culture, economy the exchanges comes to an an unprecedented new high that has ever had degree. As for the beginning of Tang Dynasty print in year, although the medium west relation research already has not a few thesises, still have a lot of concrete problems worthy of thorough study. Although these problems is not too notice by person, but can announce to public some basic problems of the history of Tang Dynasty. Be advantageous to our study the history of the Tang Dynasty, the history of China and western transportati and the history of Chinas and Indias relate .So study these problems to not only have the academic meaning, but also have the realistic meaning. This article take Wang Xuance who is the Chinese diplomatic corps be sent to India in Tang Dynasty as the research object. Wang Xuance is period to go abroad as ambassador India for many times in the tang dynasty, associating to make for the China and the amity in India outstanding contribution, Wang Xuance to two countries exchanges influence gravenesses in politics, economy, cultural...etc. of China and India. The study of Wang Xuangce have the important meaning that with diplomacy thought toward the research tang dynasty, the tang dynasty foreign policy, the research China and western transportation and China and India . This article take the science standpoint that the mark thinks the Leninism, the Mao Zhedong thought as the leading, in tallying up the foundation that the people of the past study the result, carry on the discussion analysis to the record of events and related problems go abroad as ambassador Indias of Wang Xuance. The article is constitute by following several partses:The first part is the introduction, introduced the origin of the study of Wang Xuance,introduced the data collections condition and study the present condition, and the writing way of thinking of the article, study the direction.The second part is Wang Xuance ’s study of the process go to India. Introducing Wang Xuance goes to India to pass by mostly.The third part is the second time Wang Xuance go abroad as ambassador the India various problem analysis. Analyzed the warlike property this time. Analyzed Wang Xuance to borrow the soldier’s problem. Analyze Wang Xuance ’s official position problem. I think at that time it is a main currentthat that the friendly exchanges of Chinese and India. Wang Xuance ’s victory is the result of the tang dynasty government to practice progressive and peaceful race policy and the foreign policies at that time.Four-part cent, take Wang Xuance ’s record of events as the point of departure, analyze some problems. For example, the diplomacy of the Chinese ancient times thought, the relation between Tang Dynasty China and India, Tang Dynasty princess Wen Cheng etc.. Analyzed the diplomacy thought characteristics of the Chinese ancient times. Wang Xuance ’s affair emerged Chinese ancient times and close by the nation keeps the diplomacy of friendly relation thought.Wang Xuance got the region the help of the people. This explainat Chinese and India of friendly exchanges got the approbation and supports of the people in India. The people’s comity source of China and India flows far long. Another princess Wen Cheng to Chinese with India, Nepal etc. periphery nation of relation also produced the graveness influence.The conclusion part carried on the synopsis to the main standpoint of full text comprehensive and induce. It is has the important meaning of the study of Wang Xuance with The diplomacy thought of the Tang dynasty, the transportati of China and the west and Chinas and Indian relations.

【关键词】 唐朝使节王玄策天竺吐蕃
【Key words】 Tang dynastyDiplomatic corpsWang XuanceIndiaTibet
  • 【分类号】K242
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】390

