

Study on the Inquiry and Reform about Mathematics Teaching in Liuzhou Higher Professional Colleges

【作者】 王钱

【导师】 汤服成;

【作者基本信息】 广西师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 高等职业教育是高等教育的重要组成部分,而高职数学教育又不同于其它教育模式的数学教育,作者本人从事了七年的高职数学教育,自认为自己的教学水平在不断提高,教学经验在不断丰富,教学手段在不断改进,但教学效果并不理想,这样的困惑在柳州高职院校的数学教师中也普遍存在。问题究竟在哪里?于是,作者从编制针对学生、数学教师及专业教师的调查问卷入手,运用抽样调查研究方法,充分了解柳州高职院校数学“教”与“学”的现状。在这一基础上,根据数学教育理论,结合高职教育的目标与教学特点,对高职数学教材、教学大纲、课堂教学模式、学生学习兴趣培养、课程考核模式及师资队伍建设等方面提出如下的看法。1.有利于改进高职数学教学状况的高职数学教材应该具有基础性、实用性、应用性、多样性、前瞻性等特征,不能是“学科型”或“中专型”模式。要树立高职数学教材改革的理念,编写学生爱学和易学的数学教材,根据相近专业相近对象选择不同的适用的数学内容作为教学大纲。2.高职数学教学就是要吸引学生积极参与教学过程,应尽量采用探究型教学模式,同等对待探究型、讲授型二种模式,或是二种模式的结合,应尽可能创设“在研究”的情境,引导学生勤思考,多动手,吸引学生参与教学过程。同时还应该明确,教学模式无论是作为观念形态还是物质形态,都不应该是永恒的东西,不应该被看成僵化的教学程序,理应随着教育、科技的发展而发展,不断注入新的内涵、新的精神。从构建和谐的师生关系,创设宽松的学习环境;重视数学文化教育;善用激励法,增强学生自信等几方面入手培养学生数学学习的兴趣。3.高职数学考核模式应坚持“必需、够用”的原则,充分体现检测、鉴定和评价功能,体现教育教学导向、反馈和激励功能。高职数学教师应更新考核观念,实现考核观念从“应试教育”向“素质教育”的转变,从“单一化”向“多元化”的观念转变,从“精英化”向“大众化”的观念转变,建立以“素质立意考能力,将素质教育观念内化于考试”的高职数学考核模式。通过考核模式的引导作用,提高学生的知识运用能力、自学能力、分析和解决问题能力。4.作为高职院校的数学教师,必须是“双师型”的。作者所指的数学“双师型”具体应该是数学教师型和应用数学软件型。换句话说,高职院校的数学教师不仅要懂普通数学而且要懂利用计算机应用数学软件解决问题。建议数学教师必须提高自己的教学艺术,多外出学习了解数学教育新动态,加强与专业教师之间的互动。

【Abstract】 Professional Education is an important part of Chinese Higher Education, while the mode of Higher mathematics education is so different from other types. The writer himself has been teaching mathematics in higher professional college, realizing that his teaching level has been updating, the teaching experience has become rich and teaching approaches have been improved, yet the teaching effects are not so satisfying. Such puzzles are very common among the mathematics teaches in other higher professional colleges in Liuzhou. What is the problem? Therefore the writer tried to get a thorough understanding of the status of the mathematics teaching and learning in the professional colleges in Liuzhou by creating questionnaires aiming at students and teachers, and sample survey methods. Based on the inquiry and the characteristics of educational aims of teaching , the writer put forward the perspectives on the textbooks, syllabus, classroom teaching models, the nurturing of the students’interests, the curriculum, the assessment/evaluation and the teachers development.The mathematics textbooks in Higher Professional colleges should be basic, practical, applied, various and perspective, rather than just a subject or of intermediate professional model. The textbooks should be innovative and popular and easy to the students. Teaching content should be related to the professional knowledge.Higher Professional mathematics should enable the students to participate in the teaching process. Inquiry teaching models, or the models of both the inquiry and lecture, or the combination of the two are encouraged. Situations should be created to attract the students to think and do things in the teaching process. At the same time, it should be made clear that the teaching models are not eternal, should not be treated a steady procedure. It changes with the development of education and science. New concepts and inspirations should be embedded. Effective learning environment depends on the harmonious teacher-student relationship. Mathematical culture education, encouragement and confidence building etc. are helpful for developing students’interests of learning mathematics.The higher professional mathematics assessment/evaluation should be“Indispensible and Adequate”so that such functions as examination, judgement, evaluation the guidance to the instruction, feedback and encouragement would be enabled. Teachers of the higher professional mathematics should renovate the notions of assessment, fulfilling the shifting from the test-oriented education to the quality-oriented education, from the simple assessment on to multiple assessment, from elitism to popularity . Students’knowledge applying, learners’autonomy and problem-solving abilities could be enhanced by the direction of the new assessment model.Mathematics teachers in higher professional colleges should be versatile. The“versatile mathematics teacher”refers to those who can teach both mathematics and use mathematical software. Namely, Mathematics teachers in higher professional colleges should master the general mathematics, but also know how to solve the problem with the applied mathematical softwares. It is suggested that Mathematics teachers in higher professional colleges must advance their own teaching arts, catch up with the trends in the mathematics educational area and strengthen the interaction between the colleagues.

  • 【分类号】O1-4
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】481

