

A Study on the Pattern of ’Questions-interaction’ in Foundamental Theory of Electrical Engineering in Secondary Vocational Schools

【作者】 罗英和

【导师】 顾国锋;

【作者基本信息】 广西师范大学 , 学科教学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 中职电工基础课堂中普遍存在学生问题意识淡薄,学生学习积极性和主动性不高等问题,导致教学低效,这些问题长期困扰着中职教师,因此有必要寻求一种解决此问题的教学模式来提高教学的有效性和教学质量。本研究针对学生问题意识淡薄的现象,设计了“开口的鼓气球”等教学实践活动,力求在课堂中解决学生问题意识淡薄,学习积极性和主动性不高等问题。在此基础上,提出课堂教学的“问题-互动”教学模式。本研究在前人研究的理论基础上,以中职生为研究对象,在建构主义理论指导下,对“问题-互动”教学模式的界定、目标、原则、操作程序和教学策略进行分析和阐述。以中职电工基础课程中有关电、磁的内容作为研究平台,对如何进行基于了解学生学习特点的教学,在教学中如何最大限度地激发中职生的学习兴趣,调动中职生学习的积极性和主动性以提高中职生的问题意识,使中职生朝着正确的方向建构知识,发展中职生的综合职业能力等问题进行实践研究。本研究通过对已学过电工基础课程中电磁感应现象内容的学生进行访谈。并以安培力、电磁感应现象为教学内容,对本校一年级的学生分别进行单组、大班教学活动。访谈和教学试验观察到中职生对该教学内容的学习特点有:存在知识量的不足和质的差,掌握概念的水平较低;学习过程中自我调控的学习策略掌握和运用上水平较低;思维策略中推理、信息选择水平较低,应用知识解决实际问题的水平较低。在了解中职生的学习特点、知识水平和学习需要的基础上,在现代教育理念的指引下,提出“问题-互动”教学模式的六大原则:主体性原则、生成性原则、问题性原则、实践性原则、师生互动原则和因材施教原则。提出“问题-互动”教学模式的操作程序:第一阶段是教师创设问题情境——产生问题阶段,第二阶段是学生猜测、交流和讨论——确认阶段,第三阶段是收集资料——实验阶段,第四阶段是评价反馈——总结阶段。提出运用该模式教学实施的主要策略:①用访谈法和教学试验法了解中职生的起点水平;②创设问题情境,引发认知冲突,激发学习兴趣;③开展小组协作学习;④采用先行组织者——实物模型的策略;⑤合理安排教学内容,注重整合专业基础课与专业课的内容;⑥采用激励性的语言评价。运用该模式进行教学实践,实践表明“问题-互动”教学模式的原则、操作程序和策略的运用能激发学生的学习兴趣,调动学生学习的主动性和积极性,提高教学的有效性,从而提高教学质量。本研究采用“问题-互动”教学模式教学能激发中职生的学习兴趣、提高中职生的问题意识,改变了传统教学模式教学课堂中,中职生问题意识淡薄,学习积极性和主动性不高的问题。学生在动脑想、动手做和动口说的过程中学习,课堂气氛活跃,教学效果良好,得到学生和同行的好评。给有志于改变中职传统教学模式,在中职课堂中采用“问题-互动”教学的教师提供参考性的建议。

【Abstract】 The lasting problems in the teaching Foundamental Theory of Electrical Engineering for students in secondary vocational schools, such as lack of question- awareness, no interests and initiative in learning have resulted in low teaching efficiency. A new teaching pattern is needed and expected to solve such problems to improve validity of teaching and the quality of teaching.The study on the design of the lesson of An Open-mouthed Balloon with a new teaching model is expected to raise students’question- awareness and stimulate their interests. Based on the Constructivist theory, the study was conducted in the teaching of Foundamental Theory of Electrical Engineering for students in secondary vocational schools with the content of electromagnetic induction. As a student-based teaching pattern, it aims to stimulate students’interests, raise their question- awareness, help them to construct new knowledge and develop integrated professional abilities. The thesis is to define the model of‘Questions-Interaction’with teaching objectives, teaching principles and strategies and teaching procedures to analyze and interpret how it helps to develop students’integrated professional competence.An interview is organized to get information about the students. A teaching experiment is conducted for the first-year students in the author’s school with the teaching content of ampere and electromagnetic induction. The existing problems have been found are students’lack of knowledge and strategies of self-management, low abilities in reasoning, selecting information and applying theoretical knowledge to practice. With such background of the students and based on the learner differences and needs in learning, the teaching model of‘Questions-Interaction’is carried out based on the following six principles: Principle of subjectivity, Practical principle,Generative principle, Principle of question-oriented, Teacher-student interactive principle and teaching in accordance with students’aptitude. The teaching procedures are designed with four phases: the first phase of Situation-creating---Question-raising; the second phase of students’supposition, interaction and discussion---Question-confirmation; the third phase of Information-collecting---Experiment; and the fourth phase of Evaluation /Reflection ---Summarization. The following teaching strategies are suggested: 1) An interview to study students in secondary vocational schools; 2)A situation-creating method to arouse cognitive conflict so as to increase students’interest;3) To organize cooperative learning activities in groups; 4) The adoption of advance Organizer--object model;5) Scientific content arrangement and a focus on the connection between the basic courses and professional courses;6) Encouragement-based verbal assessment. The teaching practice shows that the‘Questions-Interaction’with teaching objectives, teaching principles and strategies and teaching procedures can help to stimulate students’interests, maintain learning motivation and improve the quality of teaching.The results from the present study were generally in favor of the implementation of the model of‘Questions-Interaction’in increasing students’interests and initiative and raising their awareness of questioning. The model helped the subjects to learn better by thinking, doing and speaking and it was welcomed by the students and other teachers. It is expected that the findings and the discussion in the present study will provide some useful and practical implications for teachers who are trying to modify the traditional teaching methods and adopt the model of‘questioning-interaction’in teaching of Essentials of Electrical Engineering for students in secondary vocational schools.

  • 【分类号】TM1-4
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】242

