

An Experimental Study of Fostering the Senior School Students’ English AL Ability under the New English Syllabus

【作者】 李余

【导师】 梁智; 陈吉棠;

【作者基本信息】 广西师范大学 , 学科教学, 2008, 硕士


【摘要】 自主学习是最近几年来教育界研究的热点,也是外语教学的新趋势。这一概念是Henri Holec于1981年在其著作《自主性与外语学习》中提出来的。Holec指出自主学习能力是“一种对自己学习负责的能力”。从学习者角度看,具备自主学习能力意味着获得确定学习的目标、内容、材料和方法,确定学习的时间、地点和进度,以及对学习进行评估的能力。这一概念的提出引起语言学界和外语教学界的广泛关注。许多语言学家、学者纷纷以此为中心展开了大量的研究和探讨。国外大量的学习者自主性的研究从各个角度探索学习者自主性的理论背景,以及如何培养学习者自主性。本研究就是要探索在高中英语教学中如何教授自主学习的新思路。研究的中心是把自主学习理论应用在高中英语课堂教学,目的是培养高中程度的学生掌握一定程度的自主学习策略,尤其是让他们主动参与英语学习,成为真正的自主学习者。本文回顾了自主学习的概念、影响因素和特征,归纳了自主学习课堂教学的特征,提出了高中英语自主学习课堂教学模式应该遵循的原则。在此基础上,提出了旨在促进学习者自主,培养学生自主学习能力的“先学后教”,“质疑,释疑,创新”的高中英语自主学习课堂教学模式。本试验选取两个平行班。教材是人教版的高一英语。按照自主学习理论的指导思想,笔者设计了高中英语自主学习教学模式,使自己的教学尽可能满足全体学生的需求,激发他们的英语学习兴趣,培养他们的自主学习能力。在研究期间,笔者还进行了问卷调查了解学生的自主学习能力。经过一个阶段教学实践,对前测和后测对比的结果发现,英语自主学习课堂教学模式有利于提高学生学习兴趣、培养学生积极的学习态度,有助于改善英语教学“费时多,收效低”的现状,有利于培养学生英语自主学习能力、提高学生英语学习效率。因此,该自主学习教学模式在教学中是切实可行的。本文总共由五章组成。第一章:介绍本研究背景,回顾国内外有关研究,明晰自主学习的概念、特征及其理论基础。第二章:说明高中英语教学现状,提出本研究的必要性和可行性。第三章:分析影响自主学习的因素,归纳了自主学习课堂教学的策略,提出了高中英语自主学习课堂教学模式应该遵循的原则。并提出高中英语自主学习课堂教学模式。指出教师在自主学习教学模式中的地位和作用。第四章:试验过程。确保其原有英语学习水平无显著差异的情况下,选定高一(1)班为实验班,高一(2)班为控制班。经过2个学期的自主学习训练,实验班学生的自主学习能力有了明显提高,成绩也明显高于控制班。第五章:结论。在此实验的基础上,针对高中英语教学提出了若干建议,以更好地促进学生自主学习能力的培养。自主学习能否得以实现,不仅取决于教育思想的转变,还取决于社会的教育发展状况和学习者本身的素质。对于我们教育者来说,这既是机遇也是挑战。自主学习理论开阔了我们的视野,让我们更深入地了解素质教育和英语教育改革。我们知道没有任何一种理论是万能钥匙。如何激发学生的自主学习兴趣,如何让教师转变观念去探索新的教学方法,如何给学生营造平等、自由的学习环境,这些都是值得我们去思考和研究的。怎样把自主学习理论融入我们的日常教学中,鼓舞更多的教师投入到教学实践中,将是更为值得研究的课题。本研究的试验对象局限于重点高中的高一年级。试验结果是否适合整体高中学生及其他薄弱地区学校还有待考证。

【Abstract】 In recent years, learner autonomy has become a prominent topic in the educational circles and also a new trend of foreign language teaching. The term“learner autonomy”was first put forward in 1981 by Henri Holec in his book Autonomy and Foreign Language Learning. According to Holec, learner autonomy is“the ability to take charge of one’s own learning”. A learner is considered autonomous when he or she is able to set the learning objectives; select the contents, the materials and methods to be used; determine the time, place and progressions and evaluate what has been acquired. Ever since the birth of the concept, many linguists and researchers have paid great attention to it and substantial researches and exploration on it have been carried out. A great deal of research concerning learner autonomy has been carried out in the western countries, focusing not only on the rationale of learner autonomy from pedagogical and philosophical point of view, but also on the means of facilitating the development of learner autonomy.The purpose of this research is to probe into a new idea in English autonomous learning teaching in senior high schools. The focus of this research is to incorporate the autonomous learning theory into English classroom teaching, which aims at teaching students at the level of senior high school skills in autonomous learning strategies. Particular concern is given to those teaching strategies, which would enable the students to participate actively in English study and become real autonomous learners.This thesis reviews the conception of the autonomous learning, its characteristics and the factors which affect it, sums up the features of the autonomous learning teaching and comes up with the principles which the autonomous learning English teaching in senior high schools should obey. On this base, this thesis proposes the autonomous English learning teaching model in senior high schools focusing on promoting the students’autonomous learning ability. In this experimental research, two average classes were chosen. The teaching materials are the textbooks of Senior English for China, Student’s Book 1A and 1B. Basing on the autonomous learning theory, the author made optimal designs for English autonomous learning teaching, creating more possibilities for involving as many activities as possible to meet the students’needs and to motivate their English study interest. Meanwhile the author designed a questionairy to test the students’autonomous learning ability distributing. After a period of experiment, the result of the comparisons between the pre-tests and the post-tests proved this model is be of help for increasing the students’study interests, fostering the students’positive study attitude, improving the current low efficiency English teaching situation and cultivating the students’autonomous learning ability. So, this autonomous teaching model is exactly doable.There are five chapters in this thesis.Chapter One reviews the background of the autonomous learning research and points out the concept, characteristics and the theory base of autonomous learning.Chapter Two explains the current English teaching situation in senior high schools and the necessity and feasibility of autonomous learning.Chapter Three analyzes the factors that affect autonomous learning and inductives the English teaching strategy for autonomous learning. On the base of the previous theories, we suppose the autonomous learning teaching model in senior high schools.Chapter Four explains the experiment of practicing the autonomous learning teaching model in senior high schools. We chose two classes which are of the same level. Class 1 acted as the experiment class, and Class 2 is the control class. After one school year’s autonomous learning training, the students in the Experiment Class were improved to have their autonomous learning ability. Their grades were much higher than those of the ones in the Control Class.Chapter Five is the conclusion. On the base of the experiment mentioned in Chapter Four, we gave some advice on English teaching in senior high schools to better accelerate the cultivation of students’autonomous learning ability. The realization of autonomous learning does not only depend on the change of the teaching ideas, but also the development of the education and the quality of the learners. For us teachers, that is a chance as well as a challenge.Autonomous learning theory offers us teachers a new range of vision to deepen our understanding of quality education and English education reform. As we all know, no educational theory is a master key to all doors. How to stimulate the students’autonomous learning interest, how to motivate us teachers to change ideas and explore new teaching methods and how to create a equal and free study environment for the students are what we teachers expect to consider and study. How to conduct our daily teaching with the theory of autonomous learning as a guide and get more and more teachers inspired by the theory and put it into teaching practice will still be a problem to be further studied in the future.This study subjects are the students from Grade One in a key senior high school. Weather the study result would be suitable for the whole students in senior high school in other poor areas remains to be seen.

  • 【分类号】G633.41
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】1022

