

On the Specialty Growth and Self-improvement of the Skillful Teachers

【作者】 李良刚

【导师】 王枬;

【作者基本信息】 广西师范大学 , 教育, 2008, 硕士


【摘要】 随着社会的进步和对人才需求的不断增加,教育问题越来越引起人们的关注和重视。培养高素质的人才需要高质量的教育,当然也就更需要高质量的教师。在现实的教育生活中,一名教师通过自身不断的努力逐渐走向成熟,成为一名具有扎实专业基础,在教学上有特长的熟练教师。而后的教师专业发展则出现了或发展、或停滞、或倒退的不确定性。但由于他们的能力己经获得认可,工作也有一定成绩,因此一度不被研究者所关注和重视。其实熟练型教师作为年轻教师的榜样,他们的一举一动都会对其他教师产生巨大的影响。而且,现在的教师教育理论和教育技术的飞速发展促进了年轻教师的“成熟化”,不少中青年骨干教师正迅速成长起来。研究熟练型教师的专业发展问题也就显得极为迫切,熟练教师能否在原有的基础上获得进一步的提高,是教师队伍质量能否获得大幅度提升的重要标志。本文力图通过探寻熟练教师专业发展的需要和动力,为熟练教师提供在学校具体环境中实现专业发展的现实构想和可行机制。本文将“熟练型教师”定义那些具备娴熟的教学技能、对教育教学方法有一定的感悟并取得了一些成绩,有自发追求专业发展的意向,但缺乏对教育教学经验进行理论提升,专业理想较为模糊,教育教学的敏锐性、灵活性尚待进一步提高的教师。通过对广西大学附中熟练型教师专业发展现状的调查访谈和个案剖析,分析归纳熟练性教师的内涵、特点及局限性,提出缺乏专业发展的自主性、职业压力过重、安于现状的自我放弃、缺乏自信的畏缩保守等是困扰熟练型教师专业提升的主要问题。继而对影响熟练型教师发展的外部因素和内部因素进行深入的剖析,提出三项解决措施:一是树立自主发展的理念。终生学习是达成教师自我发展的先决条件,透过终生学习的实施,培养终生学习的素养,从而协助教师的自我发展;二是营造人本管理氛围。完善学校管理机制,确保熟练型教师的可持续发展,营造和谐氛围,激发熟练型教师的工作热情。不仅只为教师提供外部的各种刺激,而更应该为教师创造展现自我的舞台,给予教师成功和实现自身价值的机会;三是构建一体化的熟练型教师培养模式化。通过创建学习型组织、实施专业引领、开展教学反思等全方位、多层次、灵活多样的培养模式,加快熟练型教师向专家型教师转化。

【Abstract】 Along with the development of our society and a growing reed of the talents, the education attracts more and more attention and teachers. In real education, through continuous effort, a teacher becomes mature, skillful with firm foundation and teaching specify. But since their ability has been approved and they have achievement out work, the researchers paid little attention to them .In fact, the skillful teachers have a great impact on the other teachers by every move because they are the role models of the young teachers. Nowadays, the teaching theories and methods, rapid growth matures the young teachers. Many middle-aged and young teachers are growing up quickly, It’s very urgent to have a study on the specialty redevelopment of the skillful teachers. The further development of the skillful teachers is a significant sign of the growth quality of the teaching group. In education progress, we need not only peaty of qualified teachers, but also creative, academic and professional master hands. The redevelopment of the skillful teachers is a necessity. This article tries to find a way out by searching for the needs and motivations of the specialty growth of the skillful teachers.This article defined the skillful teachers as those with certain teaching experience but without systematic teaching strategies. Based on the survey and interview of the specialty development of the skillful teachers in the middle school attached to Guangxi University, this article analyzed the features and limitations of the skillful teachers and suggested four main problems that hinder the redevelopment of the skillful teachers, which are lacking of independent on their specialty growth, having too much professional stress, giving up to take things as they are and flinching out of diffidence. Then, it goes on to make a deep analysis of the external and internal factors of this issue and put forward three solutions. Firstly, establish a concept of independent development. The precondition of a teacher’s self development is the life-long study. This will assist the teacher’s to develop; secondly, inspire the skillful teacher’s needs and motivations for development. The school should provide a stage for the teacher’s to create and show. It should also provide a chance for the teacher’s to fulfill success and self-value; thirdly, develop the school culture. A good academic culture and reasonable school management will do well to the specialty development of the teacher’s.We should build a platform for the teacher’s to develop. The schools combine the teaching Clemens and the individual needs based on its own needs to develop. And it should help the skillful teacher’s specialty development by all means.

  • 【分类号】G451.1
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】314

