

Teaching High School History in Cultural Heritage Resources Development and Utilization of Practice

【作者】 蓝树民

【导师】 张坚; 陈雄章;

【作者基本信息】 广西师范大学 , 学科教学, 2008, 硕士


【摘要】 当前,高中新课程改革行将全面铺开,新课改是教育发展大权从中央下放到地方的过程,是全国各地从本地区的区情出发,把教育部统一颁发的课程标准进一步充实与丰富,使其具有可操作性,进而落实到课堂,落实到学生的过程。文化遗产资源作为各地历史发展的结晶,记载着某一地区不同阶层的人在不同历史时期奋斗的历程。因此,文化遗产资源作为一种地方课程,其开发利用可以帮助学生更加具体、形象地了解高中历史教材的内容,帮助学生在生活中发现与感受历史。本文从历史文化名城柳州的文化遗产资源的开发利用为例,探讨西南民族地区高中历史教学中借助文化遗产资源开发利用,实现新课改各个教学目标的路径。笔者在本课题中,从文化遗产资源的特点以及其与历史学科教学关系方面,论述了高中历史教学中文化遗产资源的开发与利用必然性;从国内外研究的成果与教育教学现状分析了开发与利用的迫切性;从柳州具有的独特文化遗产资源分析开发与利用的可行性;并提出了开发与利用文化遗产资源的具体路径。在此基础上,设计并实施了《走进柳侯祠走近柳宗元》、《柳州抗日文化遗产资源的开发与利用》、《从“柳江人”说起,探寻历史文化名城的足迹》三个典型案例,从国家课程、地方课程以及校本课程三个层面,对高中历史教学中文化遗产资源的开发与利用进行了探究。文章认为:高中历史教学中开发利用文化遗产资源,对于教师的教、学生的学都是极大的挑战,但它能够有效落实新课改提出的目标,包括:历史教学中各个学科综合、交叉渗透,从小历史见大历史,疏通历史与现实之间关系,达到让历史走进学生生活,让学生在生活在感受与发现历史的目的,从而促进学生全面发展;对教师的专业发展亦是很好的促进。

【Abstract】 At present, the new high school curriculum reform will be carried out in the new curriculum reform is the development of education from the central power decentralization process and throughout the country in the region from the District of the situation, the Ministry of Education issued by the unified curriculum standards and further enrich the rich, it is workable, then into the classroom, the students into the process. Cultural heritage resources throughout the development of history as a result of a particular region recorded in the different sectors of the people in different historical periods struggle course. Therefore, the cultural heritage resources as a local curriculum, the development can be used to help students become more specific, image understanding of the content of high school history textbooks to help students in the life history of discovery and feelings. In this paper, from a historical and cultural city of Liuzhou the development and utilization of cultural heritage resources as an example, the minority areas of Southwest High School in the teaching of history through cultural heritage resource exploitation, the new curriculum reform to achieve various objectives of the teaching path.The author in this issue, from the characteristics of cultural heritage resources, as well as its relations with the history of teaching, the high school on the teaching of history in cultural heritage resources development and utilization of the inevitability of the results of research from at home and abroad with the status quo of educational development and the urgency of the use; Liuzhou from the unique cultural heritage resources development and utilization analysis of the feasibility of the proposed development and use of cultural heritage resources and the specific path.On this basis, the design and implementation of the《inside LiuHou Temple approached Liuzongyuan》;《Liuzhou anti-Japanese cultural heritage resources development and utilization》;《from“Liujiangren”begins, to explore historical and cultural relics footprint》; Three typical examples from the national curriculum, local courses and three levels of school-based curriculum, teaching high school history in cultural heritage resources for the development and utilization of the Inquiry.The article maintains that: teaching high school history in the development of cultural heritage resources, the teachers, the students are learning a great challenge, but it can effectively implement the new curriculum reform goals, including: the teaching of history in various disciplines integrated, cross - infiltration, see history from the history, and clear the relationship between history and reality, to let history into student life, and to provide students with experience in the life and history that the purpose, thereby promoting comprehensive development of the professional development of teachers is also very good promotion.

  • 【分类号】G633.51
  • 【下载频次】374

