

Ethnic Cultural Horizons in the Living Conditions of Female Teachers

【作者】 陈琳

【导师】 徐莉;

【作者基本信息】 广西师范大学 , 教育管理, 2008, 硕士


【摘要】 教师发展的背景是一个动态的背景。教师发展是不可能脱离当地的文化环境的,在少数民族地区更是如此。当前全球化的浪潮对文化的激荡,已经影响到了世界的每一个角落,即便是过去封闭的民族地区也随着现代化的通讯以及新近开通的公路而与外界相连接、沟通。文化的冲击对教师的发展所产生的影响越来越大。侗族是中国南方极具民族特色、传统文化丰富的少数民族,三江县位于广西壮族自治区北部,是一个典型的侗族自治县。本文采用现场调查、访谈的方法对三江侗族地区的小学女教师进行调查,在此基础上筛选了典型个案,对其进行深入访谈,从而对三江侗族自治县女教师家庭生活和职业生活的真实状况考察研究,在这个过程中揭示了多元文化的碰撞、冲突对这里的教师发展带来的影响与冲击,侗民族的传统教育观念和现代学校教育观念之间的差异性给民族地区的女教师的职业生活增添了困难与挑战。以及女教师受当地文化、价值观念的影响,所处的一种相对的弱势地位。通过分析比较,可以得出以下结论:当地的女教师集中扮演着多重角色——“民族角色”、“女性角色”和“教师角色”。作为民族地区的女性教师,既是主流文化与外来文化的引入者与传播者,同时又深受本土文化的影响,无可避免地带有民族文化的印迹,对本民族文化有着一种天然的自觉性,是民族文化与本土文化的守护者与传承者。在此文化境遇中,她们既有困惑与苦恼,也有坚守与隐忍。关注民族贫困地区的教师发展应该立足于教师生活的本身,着眼于教师更深层的文化需求,从而提升教师的教育观念,影响教师的教育行为。

【Abstract】 When we go deep into the outlying, poverty-stricken, mountain area of ethnic minority, and make a thorough investigation, you will have a particularly deep feeling; it is not likely for the development of teachers teacher to lose contact with the local cultural environment. Under the impact of the globalization and the culture brought about by the agitation, especially the powerful offensive of the mainstream culture, it has already affected in every corner of the world. With communications of the modernization and the newly opened roads, even if the outlying and closing mountain area in the past also links up with the outside world. The impact of culture has a greater influence on the development of teachers.Dong nationality is a minority with the ethnic characteristic and rich traditional culture in the Southern of China. Sanjiang County locates in the north of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, it is a typical Dong autonomous county. In this paper, we use the scene for investigation and interview to make an investigation into female primary school teachers in Sanjiang Dong region. On the basis of the investigation, we screen a typical case, and have a deep interview, so we can make an inspection and study of female teachers’families and professional lives. Through analysis and comparison, the following conclusions can be drawn: Local female teachers focus on playing a triple role - "national role", "female role" and "Teacher’s Role." As female teachers in ethnic area, they are the introducers and disseminators of the mainstream and alien culture; at the same time, they are influenced by the impact of local culture, they have some imprints of national culture inevitably, and a natural consciousness of national culture. They are also the guardians and inheritors of the national and local culture. In the cultural situation, they are perplexed and vexed, also stick and patient, and concerned about the development of teachers should be based on their own life in national poverty-stricken areas. They should have their eyes on the deeper culture teachers need, enhance teachers’education concepts, and affect teachers’educational behaviors.

【关键词】 侗族文化女教师生活状况
【Key words】 Dong NationalityCultureFemale teacherLiving condition
  • 【分类号】G755.1
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】218

