

Female Consciousness: The Awakening from Slumber

【作者】 黄冬芳

【导师】 刘小林;

【作者基本信息】 广西师范大学 , 中国近现代史, 2008, 硕士


【摘要】 女性意识作为女性参与政治生活的内在动因,是妇女解放过程中的深层心理因素,是女性在扩展政治生存空间过程中对自我价值的肯定、自我解放的认识与追求。在两千多年的中国封建社会里,女性被剥夺了政治权利,思想和行为被紧紧束缚,政治地位卑贱,缺乏主动精神与主体意识。直到近代,随着西方女性主义学说的传入,中国女性追求男女平等、追求民主自由的女性意识才逐渐从沉潜到觉醒,并由此揭开了近代中国女性政治生活的崭新篇章。本文以民国时期都市女性政治生活为研究对象,运用历史学、社会学和女性学的理论和方法,从女性主义的立场出发,在充分肯定女性能动作用的基础上,对女性意识从沉潜到觉醒的过程进行全方位的透视。以更好地认识中国女性解放的心路历程,从中汲取历史经验,推动女性意识的发展,促进当前中国民主政治建设和两性和谐社会的构建。本文分五个方面对民国时期的都市女性政治生活进行研究。第一部分,简要论述了女性政治生存空间与女性意识问题。文章从传统社会女性政治领域生存空间的状况、近代中国提倡妇女解放的思想文化潮流两个方面,揭示了民国女性参与政治生活的社会历史背景。第二部分,主要阐述了民国时期女性的参政活动。通过发动参政运动,女性积极争取参政权利,以实现男女平权;踏入政坛的女界精英,积极发挥参政员的作用,为社会建言献策;女性还努力促进民主会议的召开,为创建民主政治的社会环境而奔走呼喊。第三部分,主要论述了女性结社和参与妇女组织的状况。通过组建各种社会团体,群策群力促进社会进步;加入政党妇女组织,具有更为明确的政治追求;为实现团结抗战时期,各阶层女性结成抗日民族统一战线,为民族解放事业共同而奋斗。第四部分,主要叙述了女性投身政治变革事业。通过宣传革命思想、募集军饷、进行战地服务等方式,女性在一定程度上实现了自己的社会价值。在全面考察民国时期女性政治生活的基础上,文章第五部分总结了女性意识觉醒的表现,并指出了女性意识觉醒的局限性。女性意识的觉醒包括自我意识的觉醒和自觉解放意识的觉醒,这两种意识的觉醒是互相促进和互相影响的。民国女性打破封建社会封闭和愚化女性的精神枷锁,投身政治的开放式生活,是她们自我意识觉醒的积极表现。而女性在政治实践的过程中,将妇女解放与民族解放相结合,把自身命运的改变和整个妇女地位的改善、整个社会秩序的改造相结合,这是女性自觉解放意识的真正觉醒。因为只有如此,女性才能获得真正意义上的心灵解放,解除内心的枷锁,得到全面而自由的发展。

【Abstract】 As the inherent dynamic of the participation of women in political life, female consciousness is deep psychological factors in the process of the women’s liberation, a sure that women affirmed self-worth, a recognition and a pursuit that of self-liberation in the expansion of political space for survival. In more than 2,000 years of Chinese feudal society, women were deprived of political rights and women’s thoughts and actions were closely bound, so they had lowly political status, lack of initiative and the main sense. Until modern times, with the Western feminist theory imported, female consciousness was gradually awakening from the slumber that was Chinese women seeking equality between men and women, freedom and democracy. Thus, modern Chinese women had opened a new chapter in political life.To the female political life of the city in Republic of China for the study, this paper uses the theory and method of History, Sociology and Women’s Studies, and from the feminist position, it focuses on the process of awakening from the slumber of the female consciousness that is on the basis of fully affirming the dynamic role of women. The purpose of this paper is to better understand history of Mind of Chinese female emancipation, so we can learn from the experiences of history, promote female consciousness and promote China’s democratic construction and construction of a harmonious society of gender.This article pointed in five aspects to study the political life of women in the city of the Republic of China. The first part briefly discussed the political survival of women with the problem of female consciousness. From the two sides that were both conditions on women’s living space in the political field in traditional society and the ideological and cultural trends of promotion of women’s liberation in modern China, article revealed the social and historical background of the participation of women in political life in Republic of China. The second part focused on women’s political participation in activities in the period of Republic of China. Campaign launched by politicians, women actively seek right of political participation, in order to achieve equal rights between men and women; women into the political elite circles, playing an active role in politics Rapporteur, and offer advice and suggestions for the community; women had also made efforts to promote democracy meeting to be held and run shouting to create a democratic political and social environment. The third part focused on the state that is female association and participation in women’s organizations. Through the formation of various social groups, team work and promote social progress; women joined organizations of political parties, with a more explicit political pursuit; to achieve the unity of the Anti-Japanese War period, all sectors of women formed the anti-Japanese national united front, for the common cause of national liberation struggle. Part IV described women to join the cause of political change. They achieved their own social values to a certain extent through advocating their revolutionary ideology, raising unpaid, offering field services and other ways. On the basis of a comprehensive study on the political life of women in Republic of China, the fifth part of the article summed up the performance of awakening female consciousness and pointed out that the limitations of the awakening of female consciousness.The awakening of female consciousness includes the awakening of self-awareness and the awakening of conscious sense of liberation. Both the awakening of consciousness is mutual promotion and mutual influence. It was their positive performance of the awakening of self-awareness that women in Republic of China broke spiritual shackles that closed and ignorance of women in the feudal society and opened to join the political life. In the process of women’s political practice, women combined women’s liberation with national liberation and combined the change of their own destiny with the improvement of the status of women and the transformation of the entire social order. This was the real awakening of conscious awareness of the liberation of women. Only in the case, women can get the true sense of spiritual liberation, lift the yoke of hearts and develop comprehensively and freely.

  • 【分类号】K258
  • 【下载频次】1420

