

A Research on the Development of Scientific Hypothesis Ability of the Secondary School Students

【作者】 罗筑华

【导师】 罗星凯;

【作者基本信息】 广西师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 假设是指在观察和实验的基础上,根据科学原理和科学事实进行理性思维的加工以后,对未知的自然现象及其规律所作的假定性解释和说明。一般认为,假设是科学探究教学的中心环节,而学生的科学假设能力是学生科学探究能力的核心要素。本文针对中学生提出科学假设能力的发展进行研究,拟考察不同年级及不同性别的中学生科学假设能力的发展特点及规律,以此为今后进行学生科学假设能力培养的研究奠定基础,同时丰富中学生发展心理学领域及相关领域的理论,并为发展“科学教育”提供初步的心理科学依据。本研究以学生科学假设能力为主要研究对象,以文献法和作业分析法为主要研究方法,首先自编了中学生科学假设能力调查测试卷;然后分别探讨了学生科学假设质量和科学假设能力的评价问题,在此基础上用调查测试卷对湖南省邵阳县两所普通中学随机选取的包括七年级、八年级、九年级、高一年级、高二年级各50人在内的共250名学生进行了关于中学生科学假设能力发展的调查研究,经过对数据的整理和分析,得到了如下研究结论:(1)中学生假设数量随年级的增长呈现先下降后上升再下降的波浪式发展趋势,不同年级间均无显著差异。(2)中学生假设理由数量随年级的增长呈现先上升后下降的发展趋势,七年级和九年级之间,七年级和高一年级之间,七年级和高二年级之间,八年级和九年级之间,八年级和高一年级之间,八年级和高二年级之间分别存在显著差异,其他年级间均无显著差异。(3)中学生假设涉及的角度数随年级的增长而提高。七年级和高二年级之间,八年级和高二年级之间,九年级和高二年级之间,高一和高二年级之间分别存在显著差异,其他年级间均无显著差异。(4)中学生假设质量随年级增长而提高。七年级和高一年级之间,七年级和高二年级之间,八年级和高一年级之间,八年级和高二年级之间,九年级和高二年级之间分别存在显著差异,其他年级间均无显著差异。(5)中学生假设预见度随年级增长而提高。七年级和高一年级之间,七年级和高二年级之间,八年级和高一年级之间,八年级和高二年级之间分别存在显著差异,其他年级间均无显著差异。(6)中学生假设支撑度随年级增长而提高。七年级和高一年级之间,七年级和高二年级之间,八年级和九年级之间,八年级和高一年级之间,八年级和高二年级之间分别存在显著差异,其他年级间均无显著差异。(7)中学生假设独创性随年级的增长呈现先下降后上升再下降的波浪式发展趋势,不同年级间无显著差异,其他年级间均无显著差异。(8)中学生假设支撑度A、C水平上的假设数量上存在显著的性别差异,男生好于女生,而在其他方面均不存在显著的性别差异。(9)性别和年级的交互作用仅对中学生假设支撑度C水平的假设数量产生了影响。

【Abstract】 hypothesis is defined as a presumed explanation and illustration of some unknown natural phenomenon and its regularity after rational thinking based on the scientific principium and facts. It is widely accepted that hypothesis formation is a key process of science inquiry teaching and the students’hypothesis ability is the core factor for their inquiry ability. Thus this thesis aims at discovering the nature of secondary school students’scientific hypothesis ability development with a survey of the students of either gender in various grades so as to enrich the theory of developmental psychology and supply primary psychological rationale for science education.This study takes secondary school students’hypothesis ability as research object and applies literature review and exercise analysis as the major research methods. First, a questionnaire of middle-school students’hypothesis ability was designed, and then an analysis was done to probe into the criteria of how to evaluate the students’hypothesis quality and the students’hypothesis ability. With these an investigation was done to 250 students from grade 7-9 of junior middle-school and grade 1-2 of high school in Shaoyang County of Hunan Province. After data analysis, the following conclusions have been made:(1)The development trend of hypothesis number is undulate, which falls first and then rises and falls last with grade; in addition, there is no significant difference between different grades.(2)The development trend of the number of hypothesis reasons goes upwards first and then downwards with grade; besides, Grade seven and Grade eight have significant difference with Grade nine, Senior one and Senior two in this aspect respectively.(3)The number of hypothesis angles increases with grade. There are significant differences between Senior two and other four grades while no significant differences among these four.(4)The hypothesis quality improves with the grade. Grade seven and eight have significant differences with Senior one and two respectively, so does between Grade nine and Senior two.(5) Predictability of the hypothesis of secondary school students develops with the grade. And Grade seven and Grade eight have significant difference with Senior one and Senior two in the respectively, and no significant difference among others.(6)Supportability of hypothesis grows with the grade. To be exact, Grade seven has significant difference with Senior one and Senior two, and it is the same between Grade eight and Grade nine, Senior one and Senior two.(7)The development trend of originality undulates, rising first then falling and rising last, and no significant differences between grades.(8)There is significant difference between genders only in the hypothesis number of supportability at level A and C, and the male are superior to the female.(9)The interaction of gender and grade influences the hypothesis number of supportability at level C, but no influence in other respects.

  • 【分类号】G632.0
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】231

