

An Error Analysis of Senior High School Students’ Lexical Collocation in English Composition

【作者】 何福盛

【导师】 李晓;

【作者基本信息】 广西师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 词汇是语言的基本要素。词汇搭配是词汇的重要组成部分,它在语言学习特别是词汇学习中起到至关重要的作用。它是语言创造性发展的基础,是语言口头和书面表达流利的主要因素;它使学习者的语言更容易理解,使学习者的语言更地道。在过去二十多年中,人们逐渐意识到了词汇搭配在词汇教学中的重要性并在词汇搭配研究方面取得了一定的成就。但是这些研究主要集中在理论方面,实证研究的对象主要集中在中高级学习者,对高中生词汇搭配错误的研究则比较少。因此,本文对高中生作文中的词汇搭配错误进行实证研究,找出词汇搭配错误在他们作文中的分布情况以及导致这些搭配错误的原因,并就这些原因提出一些教学建议。本研究根据错误分析的理论和错误分析的步骤对来自不同级别、不同地域的五个高中的132名学生的作文进行分析。通过对这些作文进行定性和定量分析,我们发现了163个词汇搭配错误。根据Hausmann对搭配错误的分类,我们将这些错误分为5类:形容词+名词搭配错误,名词+动词搭配错误,名词+名词搭配错误,动词+副词搭配错误和动词+名词搭配错误。这些搭配错误的分布并不均匀,其中动词+名词搭配错误出现最频繁,占69.33%,接着是形容词+名词搭配错误(12.27%)。通过对学生作文中词汇搭配错误的具体例子分析和研究,我们发现这些搭配错误产生的具体原因是:受到母语干扰而产生负迁移;过度概括;误选搭配词;忽视搭配限制;理解词义不全;混淆同义词。有时某一搭配错误产生的原因并不是单一的,而是由几个原因交错作用而产生的。基于搭配错误产生的原因,我们提出了一些词语搭配教学的建议。第一,在词汇教学中减小母语的负迁移影响;第二,在词汇教学中应用搭配字典;第三,提高学生的词汇搭配意识。希望通过教师和学生的共同努力,尽量减少学生的词汇搭配错误,提高学生的词汇搭配能力,进而提高学生的整体语言水平。本研究虽然取得了一些成果,但在研究设计和分析当中尚存在着不足之处。比如,样本不够大,某些词汇搭配错误产生的原因可能未被发现等,这些不足有待于后续研究。

【Abstract】 Vocabulary is the basic element of language. Lexical collocation is the important components of vocabulary, which plays a critical role in language learning, especially in vocabulary learning,as it is the basis for the development of creative language and the major element of language fluency both in spoken and written language. It also enables learners’language to be more easily understood and more idiomatic. In the past two decades, the importance of lexical collocation in vocabulary teaching has been gradually realized and some achievements have been made in lexical collocation research. But these researches are mainly on theoretical aspects and the research subjects of empirical research are medium-advanced learners while few researches are on senior high school students’lexical collocation errors. Therefore, we make an empirical research on the lexical collocation errors in senior high school students’compositions to find out the distribution of the lexical collocation errors in the subjects’compositions and the causes of the errors and put forward some pedagogical suggestions according to the causes.We analyze 132 students’compositions on the basis of error analysis and the procedures of error analysis. By quantitative and qualitative analysis, we find that there are 163 lexical collocation errors in these compositions, and according to Hausmann’s classification of collocation, these errors can be categorized into five types: adjective + noun collocation, noun + verb collocation, noun + noun collocation, verb + adverb collocation and verb + noun collocation. The distribution of lexical collocation errors made by the subjects is unbalanced. Verb + noun collocation takes place most frequently, accounting for 69.33 percent of the total, and the following is adjective + noun collocation (12.27%).Through the analysis and study of specific examples of lexical collocation error extracted from the subjects’compositions, we find that there are many reasons for the errors, including: (1) negative transference by native language interference. (2) overgeneralization of collocation. (3) misselection of collocate. (4) ignorance of collocation restriction. (5) incomplete comprehension of word meaning. (6) confusion of synonyms. Sometimes a cause for a certain collocation is not sole, but many causes overlap.Based on the causes, we put forward some pedagogical suggestions in teaching lexical collocation. Firstly, negative native language influence should be minimized. Secondly, collocation dictionary should be applied to vocabulary teaching. Thirdly, teachers should raise students’awareness in lexical collocation. We hope that by teachers’and students’joint-effort, students’lexical collocation errors can be reduced, students can improve their competence in lexical collocation and improve their language in general.Even though some achievements have been made in the present study, there are some limitations in the designing of the research and the analysis. For example, the samples are not very massive and some causes may be missed, so more efforts are needed to further the study in the future.

  • 【分类号】G633.41
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】542

