

The Design and Development of EPSS for C Language Programming

【作者】 冯丽丹

【导师】 李红波;

【作者基本信息】 广西师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 C语言是近年来在国内外得到迅速推广应用的一种计算机语言,许多高校不仅在计算机专业把《C语言程序设计》设置为学习计算机编程的入门课程,在一些非计算机专业也开设了该门课程。由于C语言知识内容丰富且抽象,具有严密的逻辑性,从而让许多学生产生畏难情绪,在其学习过程中也出现了许多问题。本研究结合教学设计的思想和绩效技术的理念设计并开发出一个“C语言程序设计”电子绩效支持系统,以帮助学生解决问题,提高C语言的学习绩效;同时,通过本EPSS的设计与开发进一步验证其理论与实践的价值意义,并为在教育范畴中讨论绩效问题提供新的思路。绩效技术是运用分析、设计、开发、实施和评价的系统方法来提高个人、团体和组织的工作业绩的研究领域。它以组织的总体目标为导向,在对绩效差距和原因分析的基础上,制定最佳的低成本、高效益的方案来解决综合性问题,并在实施和评估的过程中不断改进,从而最大限度地提高个体、团体和组织的业绩和效益,达到实现最佳绩效的目的。电子绩效支持系统是信息技术与绩效技术的结合,是一种基于现代信息技术的绩效支持系统,它将计算机辅助教学/训练、专家系统、多媒体、数据库、人工智能等整合于一体,为用户提供实时的、全方位的学习和工作支持。本研究采用了文献研究法、访谈调查法和软件工程设计方法。首先通过查阅和分析电子绩效支持系统的国内外相关资料,在了解其含义、组件、特征和开发流程的基础上,结合教学设计的思想,为C语言学习电子绩效支持系统拟订合理有效的设计思路.然后通过对学生进行访谈和调查,深入了解并剖析学生在C语言学习过程中存在的主要问题,同时为本电子绩效支持系统的功能体系的设计收集建议;在通过文献法和访谈法获取所需的广泛理论支持及学生需求后,再进一步采用软件工程方法来对系统进行设计开发。论文的第一部分阐述了本研究的背景和意义,分析了电子绩效支持系统在国内外的研究及应用现状。第二部分对本研究中一些主要概念及其内涵进行梳理与澄清,对电子绩效支持系统的定义、组成和特点进行了详细的说明,同时论述了教育绩效的概念以及与电子绩效支持系统的关系,并阐述了系统研发所涉及到的主要理论。第三部分是本研究的重点,主要是运用绩效技术的设计方法,对系统设计进行前端分析,然后根据设计原则,构建出系统的总体框架和功能结构模型,并对每个功能模块的设计进行详细分析,最后阐明系统的整个工作流程。第四部分提出了系统的开发方案,包括系统的技术架构的确立、开发工具的选择、后台数据库的设计、核心技术的实现以及系统的测试方法。论文的最后是对本研究的成果进行了总结,并指出存在的不足之处。本论文围绕“C语言程序设计”电子绩效支持系统的设计与开发,从理论和实践两方面展开研究。取得了如下研究成果:本文论述了绩效技术和EPSS的主要基础理论,提出了将EPSS与某门具体学科相结合以帮助学生解决学习困难的设想,是将绩效技术引入教育教学中的一个尝试。通过结合绩效技术、教学设计与学习理论的理念,运用绩效技术的设计方法,构建出“C语言程序设计”电子绩效支持系统的总体框架和功能结构模型,并对每个功能模块的设计进行详细分析。将系统的设计思想和方案落实到系统的开发实践中,采用Visual Basic 6.0和SQL Sever2003等软件开发工具,构造出一个初始的系统原型,为验证设计思想的可行性提供了一定的依据。

【Abstract】 The C language is a computer language that has been prevailed at home and abroad in recent years. Many colleges and universities not only in the computer professional "C Programming Language" is set to learn computer Start learning courses but aslo in a number of non-computer professionals also set up the course.This course need abstract thinking ability dan rich in content, with strict logic, so that many students fear of it, duringr study the course occurred a lot of problems. This study with the idea of teaching design and performance technology designed and developed the concept of a "C programming language" electronic performance support system to help students solve problems and improve the C language learning achievement at the same time, through the design and development of the EPSS Further validate its theoretical and practical significance of the value, and in the areas of education issues discussed in the performance of new ideas.Performance technology is the use of the analysis, design, development, implementation and evaluation methods to improve the system of individuals, groups and organizations on the performance of the Research area.this technology organizations to the overall goal-oriented, and the reasons for the gap between the performance analysis on the basis of developing the best low-cost, high-effective options to address global issues. In the implementation and evaluation of the process of continuous improvement and thus maximize the individual, group and organizational performance and efficiency to achieve the best performance. Electronic Performance Support System is the combination of information technology and performance technologies, is based on the performance of modern information technology support system. Electronic performance support system is based on the performance of modern information technology support system. It will computer-assisted teaching / training, expert systems, multimedia, databases, artificial intelligence all together, and to provide users with real-time, comprehensive study and work support.This study used the research literature, interviews and surveys of software engineering design methods. First through the inspection and analysis of electronic performance support system of information at home and abroad to understand its meaning, components, characteristics and development process on the basis of the idea of teaching design for the C language learning system developed electronic performance support rational and efficient design Ideas. Then through the interviews and surveys, in-depth understanding and analysis of the C language learning in the course of the main issues. At the same time performance-based electronic system to support the function of the system’s design collection; through literature and interviews to obtain the required extensive theoretical support and the need of students, and then further use of software engineering approach to the system design and development.In the first part of this Papers described the background and significance of the research, and analysised the electronic performance support system at home and abroad in the study and application of the status quo. In the second part of this study has sorted and clarified the main concept of its meaning .and give the definition, composition and characteristics of the electronic performance support system. at the same time discussed the concept of educational achievement between performance and electronic support systems, and on research and development of the system involved the main theory. the focus of this study is the third part, in this part mainly the use of performance technical design of the system design of front-end analysis, design and in accordance with the principle of building a system of the overall framework and functional structure model, and each functional module desicion Detailed analysis .Finally clarify the entire workflow system. The fourth part introduced the system’s development programmes, including the technical framework for the establishment of the choice of development tools, database design background, the realization of core technology and system testing methods. The final paper on the results of this study was concluded and noted that the existing deficiencies. In the final of the paper introduce the results of research carried out summary,and Pointed out the inadequacy of the existing.This paper based on the "C Programming Language" electronic performance support system design and development, upon theoretical and practical study. Has achieved the following results: This article discusses the performance of the major technical and theoretical of the basis EPSS,discussed the EPSS and will put forward a specific subject of combining the door to help students solve the idea of learning difficulties.use the technology in education and teaching is a big challenge. Through a combination of performance technology, the design of teaching and learning of the concept, the use of performance technology design and construct a "C programming language", the EPSS structure and function of the overall framework model, and the design of each module in detail Analysis. Will be thinking of the design and implementation of programmes to the development of practice, using Visual Basic 6.0 and SQL Sever2003, such as software development tools, constructed an initial prototype system, designed to verify the feasibility of thinking provides a basis.

  • 【分类号】TP311.52
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】544

