

Wang JuYuan’s Incense Succession

【作者】 莫立芸

【导师】 徐莉;

【作者基本信息】 广西师范大学 , 教育学原理, 2008, 硕士


【摘要】 在中国以汉民族文化为主流的背景下,“客家”是一个特殊的民系。客家人既属于汉民族的一部分,同时他们又以其独特的民俗、民风以及历史生成、迁徙、演变过程区别于汉民族以及其他任何一个少数民族。从众多客学研究资料来看,引起研究者们兴趣的主要集中在以民俗学、文化人类学、历史学等几个学科视角下的史料挖掘与阐释,因此“客家”的概念在不同的领域有着相异的内涵。然而,作为历史上生存型移民的客家人在结束了长久漂泊不定的游走后,他们的文化仍旧能以其内在巨大的张力立足于现代社会,这是令人惊讶的。在这个过程中文化的传承和变迁就是连接过去与现在的纽带,从教育学的角度出发,这也就是广义教育的内涵在现实生活中的表达与体现。所以,关注客家人的教育能让我们更深层次地了解客家文化的内在特质,同时给我们以机会,从“文化”的视野出发关照教育。尤其在以学校教育为主流认同的现代社会,文化传承背景下的教育是何等的自在和鲜活。本研究主要以文化人类学功能学派的理论为支撑,从文化的角度揭示在客家文化背景下早期教育的特点。研究选取了广西博白县宁潭镇下属的一个单一姓氏的客家村落——王居园为实地考察的对象,以此为个案研究王居园早期教育的观念、内容、方法、特征、客家文化及当地机构教育对其的影响等。本研究在具体的实地考察中,搜集了众多文献、访谈、传说、故事,并以日记的方式保留了个人的感受和思考。论文中穿插了大量的资料,通过对这些资料进行整理、分析、探讨来展现王居园早期教育的形态,归纳其中的特质,进而挖掘资料背后的教育意义和价值。本研究主要从四个方面来归纳王居园早期教育的形态:其一,客家村落背景下的早期教育;其二,宗族认同自觉下的早期教育;其三,“祠堂—田野”式的早期教育;其四,薄弱的机构教育。在前三个视角中包含了早期教育在文化背景与具体生活环境两个方面的形态表现,第四个视角基于主流文化与客家文化之间的交融而对其早期教育现状进行探讨。论文重点分析了文化给教育带来的影响,以及教育作为文化传承的方式给王居园客家文化带去的变迁。影响教育的因素是多方面的,在王居园中客家文化以及文化的变迁造就了其早期教育最基本的文化背景。本研究从三个方面对其早期教育进行文化透视:第一,客家文化的变迁对早期教育的影响,即客家文化在历史性的嬗变中建构了早期教育的选择,早期教育在“主—客”文化间的调适中推动着客家文化自身的陶炼;第二,以客家文化生活为早期教育的主要形态,即客家文化传承构建了早期教育的显著特征,村落生活影响了当地人对早期教育的选择;第三,主流文化中的机构教育对早期教育的影响,即机构教育打破了当地非机构教育的单纯格局,它改变了当地早期教育的观念,机构教育强化了小学教育的功能却淡化了幼儿园教育的优势。作者认为客家文化的核心内涵是相对稳定的,但随着客家文化在现代社会中的不断变迁,王居园的早期教育也会从自在的状态逐渐融入到规范的教育体系当中,同时也将在更大程度上接纳更多的教育选择。机构教育的质量在当地将继续其纵深方向的推进,且更多的儿童会接受到这类教育。客家文化在教育的推动下仍将继续以其自身强大的更新能力向前发展。

【Abstract】 As the background of the Han nationality culture in China,Hakka is a peculiar colony.Though they are a part of the Han nationality, they are famous by their special folk-custom,folkway,history,migration and evolvement. In the numerous thesis of Hakka, what have made people interesting most is to find and explain the historical materials of this colony in those fields: folklore, anthropology, history,etc.Hense, different studing has given us different connotation about Hakka. However, what surprised us is that Hakka still establish in the mordern society by its paticuliar culture after a long time migration. In this process, the Hakka culture is a belt connecting the past and now. And this is the abroad connotation of education expressing in the life.So, paying attention to the hakka education will make us understand the paticularity of its culture, which will give us an opporunity to explain education from culture.And it told us that education under the succession of culture is how important in the background of that schooling is the maintream in the mordern soceity Especially.This thesis takes the function school’s theory of anthropology as the basis to open out the paticularity of Hakka early educantion from culture’s view.The researching takes the WANGJUYUAN village,which locate in the NINGTAN of BOBAI county,as a case to research their educational value,matter,method,particularity, Hakka culture and local early schooling,etc.The field work has help this thesis collecting a lot of literature,interview data,legend,story.And the field work dailry keep the individual feeling and thinking.This paper holds numerous of those data which show us the WANGJUYUAN early education’s modality.Analyzing,explaining and discussing these data will give us the paticularity,meaning,and value of WANGJUYUAN early stage education.This thesis conclude WANGJUYUAN early stage education as four aspects:early stage education on the background of Hakka village;the education of Hakka culture self-identification;“clan hall-field”early stage education;unsubstantial schooling.The three of fore included the representation of early stage education in culture and habitation,the forth discussed the intercommunion between mainstream culture and Hakka culture.The research focus on the influence between culture and education.There are many factors influeced education.In WANGJUYUAN,the Hakka culture and its transformation gave the early stage education a basis of background.Fristly,the tranformation of Hakka culture influence the early eduction choices and itself’s advancement.Secondly,the Hakka culture and village condition have decide particularity and environment of WANGJUYUAN early stage education.Thirdly,the schooling change the local early stage education value not in kindergarten but in primary school.The researcher consider that the core of Hakka culture is steady.But as the tranformation of Hakka culture in the modern society,WANGJUYUAN early stage education will come to the canonical system of education from natural condition.And the local children will have more choices to accept the schooling which will develope deeply.The Hakka culture will continue its tranformation by educational advance.

【关键词】 客家客家村落早期教育
【Key words】 HakkaHakka’s VillageEarly stage Education
  • 【分类号】G527;G127
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】196

