

An Empirical Research into the Socialization of GuangXi Boader’s Left-behind Children in Rural Area

【作者】 陈新花

【导师】 王祥俊;

【作者基本信息】 广西师范大学 , 社会学, 2008, 硕士


【摘要】 在中国城市化进程中,随着农村劳动力大规模地向城市转移,在广大农村地区出现了规模庞大的留守儿童群体。这种现象在广西边境地区也同样存在,在边境地区,留守儿童的父母双方或者单方长期外出务工,使得原有核心家庭的稳定性被打破,家庭结构的这种不完整性导致农村留守儿童家庭教育功能的失调和弱化,社会化环境的上述变化将给边境农村地区留守儿童的社会化带来哪些方面的影响,留守儿童在社会化的过程中,又会面临哪些问题,这是本论文试图探讨的内容。在具体的研究过程中,本研究采用自编式调查问卷对留守儿童与非留守儿童进行抽样调查,调查内容包括与社会化内容相关的生活技能、劳动负担、学习情况、社会交往、社会道德规范、消费观念、生活目标、性格与行为特征、自我意识九个方面,调查结果采用SPSS13.0 for windows统计软件进行分析。研究结果显示:广西边境地区留守儿童的父母外出务工方式以双亲外出为主,一半以上留守儿童的父母的打工地点在本县以外,因此,留守儿童的监护方式主要为隔代监护,在家庭经济情况方面,留守儿童的家庭经济情况优于非留守儿童。在生活技能方面,留守儿童的独立性相对与非留守儿童而言更强一些,基本生活自理能力与非留守儿童没有显著差异,不过,留守儿童的劳动负担要比非留守儿童重。在学习方面,留守儿童的学习态度比较积极,学习行为与学习成绩与非留守儿童相比没有显著差异,但是对自己学习成绩的评价则低于非留守儿童。社会交往方面:留守儿童与同辈群体交往的主动性与积极性较高,但是留守儿童的孤独感强于非留守儿童,另外,留守儿童与父母的亲密关系也不如非留守儿童;在留守儿童的情感述求中,同学或伙伴处于主要地位,在学习述求中。老师居于主要地位,在生活目标方面,留守儿童的受教育目标较低,职业目标显示出功利性、低层次性的特征。通过对研究的结果分析与归纳,本研究认为广西边境地区留守儿童社会化面临的主要问题有:第一、因家庭主要劳动力外出所导致劳动负担加重。第二、因与父母缺乏有效的情感交流而导致留守儿童与父母的亲密关系下降,内心孤独感增强。第三、受边境农村地区外出打工风气、以及边境地区闭塞、落后、教育观念淡薄等因素的影响,留守儿童表现出学习动机上的务实性,生活目标上的低水平性、功利性等特征。针对边境地区留守儿童社会化过程中出现的上述问题,本论文试图从国家的宏观政策,社区、学校、家庭这几个方面提出了相关的建议与措施。

【Abstract】 In the process of urbanization in China, with the large-scale rural labor shift to urban, a large number of children become Left-behind Children in the vast rural areas. Such situation is also to be found in Guangxi border area. In these border areas, The Left-behind Children’s parents both or one leave home and go out to work for Long-term, which makes the original core of the stability of the family broken, this change of the structure of the Left-behind Children’s family led to the functions of rural family-educational disorders and weakened. What are the impacts of these social environment changes in the process of the socialization of the lelf behind children in rural border areas. What are the problems we may facing? It is what this paper attempts to explore.In the specific course of the study, this paper adopts self-questionnaire for Left-behind Children and random survey to non-left-behind children, encompass a variety of items releveant to socialization, including, life skills, labor burden, learning, social interaction, social ethics, Consumer concepts, life goals, personality and behavioral characteristics, self-awareness. The survey results use SPSS12.0 for windows statistical software for analysis.The results showed that: many parents of the Left-behind Children in Guangxi border area both out for work ,and guardianship based approach to the generational custody, the family economic situation Left-behind Children is better than non-left-behind children, The independence of Left-behind Children is good, and their activities of daily living do not have differences with the non-left-behind children,but Left-behind Children’s labor burden is heaver than non-left-behind children During the study, the left-behind children take positive learning attitude, but their evaluation of academic performance are lower Social interaction: the involvement of children in peer groups is initiative and enthusiasm, but the loneliness of children staying strong. The analysis of this study shows that the main problems of the Left-behind Children’s socialization contain: family labour out of work result of labor burden heaver, close relationship between children and parents decline because of the lack of an effective exchange of feelings. Impacted by the community to work out, and the relatively backward and occlusion of border areas’education, the motivations to learn of the lelf-behind children are utilitarian, goal of live shows low-level characteristics.To counter the issues that appear in the process of the socialization of lelf-behind children in the border area menstioned above, this paper attempts to give some relevant recommendations and measures based on the state’s macroeconomic policies, communities, schools, families,etc.

【关键词】 留守儿童社会化家庭环境
【Key words】 Left-behind ChildrenSocializationfamily environment
  • 【分类号】C913.5
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】979

