

The Research of Agricultural Development Policies on Tibet Based on the Theory of Comparative Advantage

【作者】 武海波

【导师】 房灵敏;

【作者基本信息】 西藏大学 , 行政管理, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 农业问题是我国构建和谐社会的重点问题,同样西藏农业问题的解决是构建和谐西藏的关键。国内许多研究者在谈到西藏农业时一般是问题谈得多,而优势谈得少,能把西藏农业的优势和机遇结合起来克服劣势、回避威胁的则更少,本文在比较优势理论指导下,通过SWOT分析法分析了西藏农业自身存在的优势和劣势以及外部面临的机遇和威胁,通过模糊数学法找出了阻碍西藏农业发展的决定因子,提出了解决西藏农业问题有针对性的对策,并就政府制定政策方面给予了更多的关注,希望对西藏农业问题的解决有所裨益。本文通过文献查阅法、问卷调查法、专家咨询法和SWOT分析法分析了西藏农业问题本身的优势和劣势,以及外部面临的机遇和威胁。优势如拥有独特的农产品且绿色、营养、安全;民族特色鲜明和难以复制的地理环境。劣势有市场发育不足、产业化水平低;规模小、品牌少;技术含量低和农业结构不合理等。西部大开发政策、中央和兄弟省市的援助及青藏铁路和亚东口岸的开通为西藏农业提供了良好的外部机遇;外部的威胁有农民文化素质低、基础设施落后、高寒多灾、区外知名品牌的威胁。另外政府工作效率低下,政策执行不得力也是造成西藏农业发展缓慢的重要原因。本文旨在发现西藏农业发展缓慢的根本原因和问题存在的决定因素,找出解决西藏农业问题的新思路。从政治意义上讲,西藏农业问题的解决有利于维护边疆稳定和促进民族团结。从经济意义上讲,西藏农业问题的解决能够打破城乡二元经济结构,促进西藏农业的跨越式发展。从社会意义上讲,西藏农业问题的解决有利于保持社会安定,促进和谐西藏的实现。通过对西藏农业问题的研究本人提出了五项政策,第一,利用自己的特色优势和政策优势,推进农业产业化,向特色经济要效益,向规模化、市场化方向发展;第二,利用自己的民族特色和绿色无污染的优势,提高技术水平,树立高原品牌,建立灾害预警机制,为农业发展创造良好的外部环境;第三,利用国内外资金援助机遇,提高农民素质,加强基础设施建设;第四,调整农业结构,搞活市场流通。第五,加大政府扶持力度,提高政策执行效果,真正的使“一产全面、切实、有效的上水平”。但优势并不是一成不变的,如果不加以利用,则会变成比较劣势。各个地区的比较优势随着时间的推移会不断变化,我们不能用静止的观点来看问题,要想牢牢把握自己的优势,就必须不断发挥并加强自己的优势,把特色优势转化为竞争优势,把竞争优势转化为经济效益。可能的创新点为本人首先利用比较优势理论指导了西藏的农业问题,使问题的解决有了新的方向;其次采用SWOT分析法分析了西藏的农业问题,使问题的解决有了新的方法。

【Abstract】 “Agricultural questions”is the key question of our country to construct the harmonious society as well as to construct harmonious Tibet. When talk about“agricultural questions in Tibet”,many researchers in our country discuss a lot about superiorities but little about questions, even the researchers who can connect the superiority of“agricultural questions in Tibet”with the opportunity,overcome the inferiority,avoided the threat are less. Under the comparison superiority theory of David Ricardo,this article analyses the superiorities,the inferiorities,the opportunities and the threats with the SWOT analytic method. I find the determining factor which hindered Tibet’s agricultural development through fuzzy math method, put forward to the targeted solutions of resolving the Tibet agricultural issues, and give more attention on the Government to formulate agriculture polices. I hope that the advices are benefit to the solution of“agricultural questions in Tibet”.This article analysis the advantages, disadvantages, opportunities and threats of Tibet agriculture through the ways of literature reading, questionnaire surveys, expert advice and SWOT analysis. Its advantages are unique agricultural products; the products are green, nutritious, security, clear national characteristics. The geographical environment is difficult to reproduce. The disadvantage is lack of market development, low level of industrialization, small scale, little brand, low technological contents, and the irrational structure of agriculture so on. The western development policy, the central government and other provinces and municipalities assistances, the opening of Qinghai-Tibet Railway and East Asia provide good external opportunities for Tibet agriculture. The external threats have low cultural quality of farmers, poor infrastructure, cold and lots of disasters, the threat of outside well-known brands. In addition, the important reason which agricultural development in Tibet is slow is that the government’s efficiency is low and the implementation effect of policies is poor.This paper aims to find the root cause of the problem and the determining factor which slow down the development of agriculture in Tibet, to find a new solution to the Tibetan agricultural issues. From a political sense, to resolve the Tibet issue of agriculture is conducive to maintaining border stability and promoting national unity. From an economic sense, to resolve the Tibet issue of agriculture can break the urban-rural dual economic structure, promote Tibet’s agricultural development by leaps and bounds. From a social sense, to resolve the Tibet issue of agriculture is conducive to maintaining social stability and promoting harmony in Tibet.I made five policies through analyzing the issue of Tibet agriculture. The first is that using its own characteristics and policy advantages to promote the industrialization of agriculture, characteristics economic efficiency is obvious. The agriculture develop to scale and market-oriented. The second is to use its own national characteristics and green, pollution-free advantages raise the technological level, establish plateau brand, establish disaster early warning mechanism, which create a favorable external environment for agricultural development; The third is that to use the opportunities of domestic and foreign financial aid improve the quality of the peasants , strengthen infrastructure construction; The fourth is the adjustment of agricultural structure and smoothing the market circulation. The fifth is that more government supports and raising the effect of the policy implementation. So that the one industry“comprehensive, practical, effective on the level.”However,the advantage is not unchanged,if not used,it will become a comparative disadvantage. The comparative advantages of various regions will change with time, we can not use a static point of view, in order to firmly grasp own advantages, we must continually develop and strengthen own advantages. We can change characteristics advantages into competitive advantages, to change competitive advantages into economic efficiency. This article innovation may be that the first time to use the theory of comparative advantage in solving the agricultural problems in Tibet, the solution to the problem has a new direction; Adopting SWOT analysis to the Tibet’s agricultural problems,the solution to the problem has a new method.

【关键词】 比较优势西藏农业政策
【Key words】 comparative advantageTibet agriculturepolicy
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西藏大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 09期
  • 【分类号】F327
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】407

