

【作者】 旺宗

【导师】 赤列曲扎;

【作者基本信息】 西藏大学 , 藏族历史, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 节日是一种综合性文化,是展示民族文化的大舞台,是走进一个民族心灵的桥梁。一般的节日都是在一定的时令举行,但其内容包罗万象,特别是一些大的节日几乎是政治、经济、生产、生活(衣食住行)、宗教信仰、文化艺术、社会交往、民族心理等的综合反映。藏族是一个开朗豪迈、能歌善舞的民族,社交活动丰富多彩,而作为社交活动的一个重要的平台就是节日,就以西藏而言各地民间的传统节日几乎月月都有,有的一两天,有的可以延续十几天。表现形式也是多种多样,除了全民性的节日外,各地区还有各自独具特色的地区性节日,拉萨地区作为西藏的政治、经济、文化中心,从整个西藏而言拉萨地区的节日民俗即有代表性,又有它的独特性。本文以“拉萨地区的节日民俗”作为研究对象,分别从节日的分类和特点、节日的来源、发展和演变、节日中的民俗文化内涵分析、节日习俗对俗民生活的作用、节日文化未来发展的探索等方面对拉萨地区节日民俗进行了详细的概述和分析。第一章主要对拉萨地区的节日民俗进行分类和概述,通过对当前节日民俗活动内容的记述进而分析拉萨地区节日的特点。节日习俗是各民族在长期的生产和生活实践中逐步积累起来的文化财富,那里保存着民间信仰、民间文学、民间艺术以及天文历法等各类文化遗产,从某种意义上来讲节日民俗是民间各类文化现象的总汇,他在传承的过程中具有独特的特点。有着几千年历史的拉萨地区的传统节日作为一种文化形态,也有它鲜明的特征,这些特征在长期发展和演进过程中日渐完善,在体现出民族独特个性的同时又是区别于其他文化形态的主要标志物。拉萨地区的节日内容和形式可谓是丰富多彩,主要的节日有十几个,这些节日包含了祭祀、农事、纪念、庆贺、社交游乐等多方面的内容,根据节日的性质和目的,大致分为宗教性节日、生产类节日、社交娱乐类节日和时令性节日等四大类,不管何种类型,都蕴含着藏族的文化内涵,是藏民族意识(包括世界观、社会观、自然观、思维习惯、处世方式、心理需求、信仰和审美观等)的形象显现,凸现出鲜明的宗教文化特色、典型的农牧文化相结合和节日的内容和功能从单一性向综合性的发展的特点。第二章,从拉萨地区节日的起源、发展、演变的过程中探讨节日的变异性及其原因;一般的岁时节日的最初形成和古代科学技术的产生有着密切的关系,特别是古代天文、历法知识,直接导致了岁时民俗的形成,西藏传统的节日民俗带有很强的人为因素,文化色彩更浓许多岁时民俗,由于人们对其内容的不断加工,丰富,而变成民间普遍传承的大的民族节日。节日民俗形成的原因是多方面的,有时还是极其复杂的。本文从节气的最初选择和宗教信仰、祭祀等方面的原因阐述了节日形成的动因。节日的发展,经历了一个漫长的历史过程。节日风俗的发展演变,是一个历史文化沉淀的过程。社会、政治、经济、战争、科技文化等众多因素起着作用。节日文化既有传承性又具备变异性的,可以说它是在传承的过程中发生变异的,因为在节日的发展过程中,受外界环境的影响,会不断地增加许多民俗内容,本身节日和许多其他的民俗一样是靠集体创作的、通过口头和行为传承、传播的。这就直接决定了节日民俗总是在不断变化状态之中,正是这种变异,决定了民俗的向前发展,综观拉萨地区的节日习俗从它形成的那天开始就在不断的发生变化,拉萨地区节日的发展演变主要受佛、本宗教文化的影响,社会变革和经济发展和上层统治者的倡导和提议等方面的影响发展演变的。第三章,着重论述了拉萨地区节日民俗文化内涵。包括内容丰富的藏戏表演、绚丽夺目的服饰文化以及种类繁多的饮食文化。并从民俗学的视角阐释节日对俗民生活的作用;改革开放以来,各种各样外来文化对我区的影响也日渐加深,从某种意义上说,“它使人们的生活更趋多元,使人们能够更从容地去享受生活的乐趣,去领受自然和文明的恩惠,去把握客观世界跳动的脉搏”。不过在享受着美好节日的同时我们必须倡导西藏节庆文化对俗民生活的作用,以正确的眼光对待节日习俗的作用,以及它所承载的时代意义。首先节日是展现民族文化的平台、同时又是族群认同的凝聚点以及情感的宣泄与释放的空间场所。第四章,介绍了拉萨地区节日民俗的未来发展趋势。拉萨的节日民俗文化与旅游有着天然密切的联系,它们相互依赖、相互影响。一方面,节日民俗活动是民族文化集中展示的机会,这些活动具有深厚的文化底蕴、群众参与性强,气氛热烈,深深吸引着远近的游客;另一方面,旅游也反作用于民族节日文化,推动着西藏民族节日文化的不断交流与发展,使之不断更新与完善。节日文化是发展民族旅游业的核心之一。通过分析节日和旅游的关系阐述了拉萨地区节日民俗旅游的现状以及解决这些问题的对策。同时研究拉萨地区的节日习俗与构建和谐社会的关系,体现藏族在新的社会转型时期,如何把保存民族文化和适应新的生存关系有机地统一起来,挖掘节日文化的传统基因对新时期的适应性,凸现人们为了与社会、与自然和谐相处所作的斗争精神和思考。从中探索新时期藏族物质文明和精神文明发展的新的结合点和心理适应性,创造社会主义和谐文化发挥作用。

【Abstract】 Festival as a comprehensive culture is both a stage performance and a spiritual bridge for understanding an ethnic culture. General festivals are held in certain seasons all over the world; however, the meanings are all-encompassing. Particularly, some major festivals are not only comprehensive reflections of the political, economic, production and daily life, but also of culture, arts, social communication, and national psychology. Tibetan people are cheerful, heroic, and good at dancing and singing. As for Tibet, we have more than one festival averagely in each month. Some last two days, and some, ten days. In different regions, there are many different unique regional festivals. Especially, Lhasa as a center of politics, economy, and culture in Tibet, has its own unique and representative festivals.A Study of Festive Folk Customs in Lhasa Area, as a title of the thesis, analyses not only the different festive folk customs, characteristics, origins and historical development, but also the intention and function of the festive folk customs in Lhasa. This minor thesis is divided into four chapters:Chapter I gives a brief introduction and making differentiates the types of the festive folk customs in Lhasa. In order to analyze the current characteristics of festive folk customs in Lhasa, the author analyzes in more detail the meaning of festive folk customs. Festive folk customs are a gradual accumulation and cultural treasures of all ethnic groups. Since the festive folk customs are the storage for the preservation of the cultural heritage such as folk beliefs, folk literature, folk arts and astrology. In a certain sense, we can say that is an encyclopedia of various folk cultural phenomenons. As a historical place within thousand-year history, Lhasa, its traditional festive folk customs have distinctive features. It is gradually improving in the course of long historical development and evolution.The contents of Lhasa festival are rich and varied; they are divided into ten different types. They consist of offering, farming, memory, celebration, social communication, plays and so forth. But, according to its nature and goal, the author put all them into four main types: the religious festival, the productive festival, the social communication festival, and the seasonal festival. No matter what kind of festivals, they all are related closely to the culture, national consciousness of (including worldview, social concept, beliefs and aesthetics, etc.)) the people of Tibet.Chapter II analyzes the festive folk customs variability and its causes in the process of origin, development, and evolution of the festivals of Lhasa area. The initial formation of general festive folk customs is closely related to ancient world view, cosmology, and ancient astronomy.There are multi-reasons for the formation of festive folk customs, sometimes it is extremely complicated. The essay describes the reason of festivals through the initial choice and religious belief, worship and seasons. In the course of a long historical process, the development of festive folk customs gradually became the sediment of history and culture. Surely, it is also caused by many other factors, such as Social, political, economic, war, science and technology and so forth.In short, as for the Lhasa festive folk customs from the day they formed, changed, and etc., without any exceptions, all were greatly influenced by Buddhism, and Bonism and upper rulers of different societies.Chapter III focuses on festive folk customs in Lhasa which include performances of Tibetan Drama, gorgeous costumes, and a variety of culinary culture. Furthermore, the article describes the function of festive customs on the basis of folklore. Since reform and opening up, festive customs have gradually been influenced by both inland China and overseas.In order to have a correct perspective to see clearly the functions, and main points of the festive folk customs, we need to understand how Tibet’s cultural festivals influence people’s life while we enjoy the festivals. As everybody knows, festival is a platform for showing an ethnic culture, as well as an ethnic identity and cohesion.Chapter IV introduces future development trends of Lhasa festive folk customs. There are natural close relationship between Lhasa festive folk customs and tourism, their interdependence and mutual influence. On one hand, festive folk custom activities are an opportunity for concentrated display of an ethnic culture.On the whole, the festive culture is a key to develop an ethnic tourism. In order to create a harmonious society of Lhasa, the author analyzes the relationship between tourism and the status of current festive folk customs in Lhasa. Thus, it is worth to research and focus the festive folk customs for developing both material and spiritual development of Tibet.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西藏大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 09期
  • 【分类号】K892.1
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】981

