

The Experimental Study of Mathematical Correct Errors Problem Solving of Middle School

【作者】 陶君

【导师】 陈志云;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 学科教学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 数学解题教学在高中数学教学中占有很重要的地位,发挥着无可替代的教学功能.可以说,高中生数学学习中的解题活动是高中数学学习的重要内容.在平时的数学教学中,我们常常发现,在数学解题活动中,总是会出现学生的解题错误.如何才能减少或避免学生数学学习中的解题错误呢?这是一个令广大一线教师和学者所关注的问题.这也是学生渴望从老师那里得到答案的问题.因此,研究高中生在数学学习中的解题错误极具现实意义与实际意义.本文在认真分析现状的基础上,以现代认知心理学为指导思想,采用现代教育研究方法,借助于本人的教学经验,以问卷调查的基本数据为依据,从学习理论和教学实践的角度对高中生数学学习中解题错误的成因进行了理性的分析和归纳,并结合实际提出了纠正高中生数学学习中解题错误的六个具体教学对策:树立正确的“错误观”,纠错时要进行错误分析,注意纠错的具体方法与途径,注意强调解题后反思,注重培养学生良好的解题习惯,教学生学会整理错题集.最后,本文从实验的角度对以上教学对策的可操作性和有效性进行了验证.

【Abstract】 Mathematical solving problem in middle school teaching plays an important role also playing an irreplaceable function. It can be said that middle school Mathematics problem solving activity is an important to students who learn maths. We often found that in mathematical solving problems, which students always make wrong things.How can reduce or avoid the students’ learning maths problem that was in solving wrong way? It is a vast number of frontline teachers and scholars who concerns,and also students are keen to get answer from the teaching the problem. Therefore, the study of middle school students in learning problem solving mathematical errors are highly realistic significance and practical significance.Based on careful analysis of the status quo on the basis of modern cognitive psychology to the guiding ideology and the use of modern education,I makes use my teaching experience to the basic survey which is based on data from the study of theory and practice of teaching middle school mathematics learning that is perspective on problem solving in the wrong causes. A rational analysis and summarized in the light of actual conditions which put forward in the correct middle school students learning mathematical problem solving wrong six specific teaching strategies: establishing the correct "wrong concept",the need for error correction error analysis, error correction to the specific ways and means to emphasize problem-solving after reflection,I pay more attention to the cultivation of Health and good problem-solving habits, students teaching Institute error finishing set. Finally, this article point out the effectiveness of the test from the experimental point of view of the above teaching strategies and operational.

【关键词】 错误解题错误成因分析对策研究
【Key words】 ErrorSolving wrongCause analysisCountermeasures
  • 【分类号】G633.6
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】693

