

Research on Gender Relation in Li Rui’s Stories

【作者】 郝日虹

【导师】 张岩泉;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 本文以李锐小说创作中的两性关系为研究对象,从分析李锐小说中两性关系的书写特点,到言说蕴含其间的深层内蕴,再到发掘李锐隐藏在两性关系书写之下的精神指向,由表及里地逐层递进。全文分为三个部分,具体篇章结构如下:引言:李锐小说创作中两性关系的研究现状与研究的必要性。两性关系作为探究传统、历史、文化、人性手段之一,一直是汇聚着作家和研究者的目光。因此,不乏研究者从两性关系入手,剖析李锐的小说创作。不过,大多数研究涉及范围较小,且多半是宏观概述,没能对李锐小说中的两性关系作充分的解读,这也成为本文研究的切入点。第一章:李锐小说中两性关系的书写特点。对李锐小说中两性关系的研究首先应当建立在感性认知的基础上。本章以李锐整个小说创作为研究对象,宏观把握,全面梳理李锐小说中各种形态的两性关系,并从三个层面归纳总结其书写特点。第二章:李锐小说中两性关系书写的深层内蕴。两性关系不仅仅是一种生理机制,还蕴含着传统、历史、文化等丰富讯息,是关照人性、揭示历史的有效方式之一。李锐在他的小说创作中以两性关系为平台,实现了对人性的多维关照和对历史的有机重述,并在关照和重述中显示出对于人性和历史的独特思考。第三章:李锐小说创作的精神指向。“本土中国”的深沉体验和“拒绝合唱”的精神自觉是李锐小说创作至始至终的坚守。从对“本土中国”的深沉体验为出发点的两性关系书写真实地叙述了中国人的生存状态,也是突显了李锐“拒绝合唱”的精神自觉。结语:简要梳理李锐小说创作中两性关系的书写特点、深层内蕴以及精神指向三者之间承接递进的内在逻辑联系。

【Abstract】 Focusing on the consideration of relationship between men and women in Li Rui’s stories, this paper gradually analyzes the literal feature of text about gender relation, presents the submerged interior essence, and discovers the spiritual inclination hidden in the text of gender. There are three parts in this paper:Introduction: the current status and necessity of research on the gender relation in Li Rui’s stories. The gender relation study, an effective means probing tradition, history, culture and humanity, has attracted attention from writers and critics. Therefore, there are many works analyzing Li Rui’s stories from the gender’s point of view. However, most of them refer to small area of reading and only summarize the outline at macro-level. The detailed interpretation of gender relation in Li Rui’s stories, which was overlooked by others previously, is one emphasis in this paper.Chapter 1: the literal feature of text. The research of gender relation is based primarily on perceptual knowledge. In this chapter, the entire series of Li Rui’s works is investigated at macro-level, and all existences of gender relation in Li Rui’s stories are sorted and outlined in three different levels of literal feature.Chapter 2: Interior essence of gender-related text in Li Rui’s stories. The gender relation can not be considered only as the mechanism of nature, but also a carrier of traditional, historic and cultural information caring about the humanity and reveal the history. In Li Rui’s works, he stands on the platform of gender relation to reconstruct the multi-dimensional consideration of humanity and represent the history, where we can find his special thinking about these two issues.Chapter 3: the spiritual inclination of Li Rui’s stories. Li Rui permanently insists the serious experience called "native China" and spiritual consciousness of so-called "declination of chorus". His text about gender relation precisely describes the actual living status of Chinese people by the experience of "native China". It is also the reflection of conscious "declination of chorus".Conclusion: concise examination of logical correlation about literal feature of gender relation, interior essence and spiritual inclination in Li Rui’s stories.

【关键词】 李锐小说两性关系人性历史精神指向
【Key words】 Li Ruistorygender relationhumanityhistoryspiritual inclination
  • 【分类号】I207.42
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】290

