

The Expression Function and Artistic Character in Film Color Language

【作者】 徐恩玉

【导师】 修倜;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 文艺学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 电影从黑白片进入到彩色片时代,使银幕影像发生了质的变化,彩色影像成为银幕空间的主体,银幕色彩不光具有还原自然现实的再现功能,更重要的是它具有传达作者创作意念的表现功能。电影色彩从此成为电影语言的重要组成部分。色彩在现代电影艺术观念和电影叙事中具有独特的视觉语言表意功能,它能表现出除色彩之外无法表现的艺术效果,传达出故事情节本身无法传达出的信息内容。本文主要从三个方面对电影色彩语言的表意功能与艺术特征进行了研究。首先,从色彩与电影色彩的关系的角度出发,阐述了色彩的涵义、艺术中的色彩、色彩与电影色彩的关系,同时提出了自己的观点即色彩是电影的一种视觉语言形态。在艺术创作中,色彩的情绪作用与象征性是通过整个画面的色彩所表现出来的效果,而不是单一的,只有获得能够使人产生普遍共鸣的品质,色彩才能发挥其心理影响的作用。其次,结合具体的中西电影文本认真详细地分析了电影色彩语言的表意功能、艺术特征、电影色彩语言的象征意义以及电影色彩语言的审美效果。如电影色彩语言在叙事上的功能有表达情意、深化主题、营造氛围、强化意境、参与造型和充当角色等等。从总体上来看电影色彩语言的象征意义,一般分为服装色彩和环境色彩。从电影色彩语言的审美效果来讲,色彩确立和展现影片的总体情绪和主题基调,表现了影片的风格;表现了人物的内心情感,展示了人物的内心世界:刻画着人物的性格和表现了人物的主观情绪。现代电影艺术中的色彩,是以单画面色彩、场景色彩、全片色彩基调的形式呈现于银幕上的。由于电影艺术是以蒙太奇组接为艺术手段,从而使寓于画面中的色彩也构成了蒙太奇形式,被人们称之为“色彩蒙太奇”。最后,本文力图从中西电影导演色彩思维的异同和中西电影色彩的文化意蕴的差异对中西电影色彩语言进行了比较研究,希望能对今后的中国电影在色彩创作运用上有所启示。西方的电影导演在色彩思维空间上强调色彩的结构性,注重运用色调的蒙太奇来传达人物的某种情绪,体现出一种主观赋色的特点。20世纪80年代以来,受西方电影文化的影响,中国电影观念发生了历史性的变革。随着电影观念的变化,中国的“第五代”导演开始了电影语言的现代化征程,体现出一种意象合一的特点。

【Abstract】 The transition from black and white film to colour film brought together the essential transformation in screen video, which then became the principal part in a film. The film colour not only has function in reproduction of natural real-life, but also plays an important role in expression of author’s thought. From the day on, film colour became an indispensable part in film language.Since colour can present various efforts and information, which cannot be instead by other methods sometimes cannot be expressed by the self of story polt. It serves modem film with the particular vision language in artistic concept and narration.In this paper we have investigated the expression function and art character from three aspects as follows: firstly, in the aspect of colour and film colour. we defined the meaning of colour in film and introduced the relationship of them.Next, we analyzed the ideographic function, artistic character, symbolize significance and aesthetic effect in film colour language, by referencing to the film texts of domestic and international. For instance, the function of film colour language in narration has expressing desires, deepening theme, building atmosphere, intensifying artistic conception, participating in sculpt, serving as role, and so on. From an overview of the symbolize significance of film colour language. It can be partitioned to cloth colour and environment colour. With respect to the artistic effect, colour establishes and exhibits the overall emotion and motif of a film. Furthermore, colour can be used to represent the inner emotion of people, which is important in characterization of the roles in film. At last, we made a comparison in culture of domestic films and international films, trying to find the difference between directors in china and abroad. Hope to become a reference to the future product of Chinese film.

  • 【分类号】J905
  • 【被引频次】27
  • 【下载频次】2253

