

A Schema-Based Study on English Lesson Design for Junior High Schools

【作者】 符冬梅

【导师】 廖美珍;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 学科教学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 在认知发展心理论中,图式理论是其核心概念,因具有很强的概括性和解释力,已被用来解释多方面的心理过程。近几年来,许多心理学家和心理语言学家将图式理论运用于外语教学领域,试图用它来解释外语学习的心理过程。即:学习的过程实际上是学习者主动地建构新知识结构的过程。也只有当学生能够将新知识纳入已有的图式或通过对已有图式的修改、创建新的图式时,学生的学习才有意义。语言的习得——英语的学习过程就是学生对语言知识的意义建构(manufacturingmeaningfulness)。而教学活动就是教师引导学生获得一个个图式的过程。因此,这就要求教师在教学活动的设计上,应与“学生为中心”,合理设计教案,以达到如下图式原理:首先,激活学生已有经验图式,形成有助的群集;第二,引导学生构建新图式;第三,帮助其巩固新建图式;最后,协助学生实现图式迁移。然而,目前研究者们使用图式理论于英语阅读教学、写作教学、听力教学和词汇教学方面的研究较多,于会话教学的研究也屡见不鲜,图式应用于听说结合、读写结合的英语课堂教学中还较少见,尤其是以听说结合或读写结合编写成一个个教学单元的初中课堂教学的研究和实验更是少见。本论文作者尝试将图式理论运用于八年级(初二级)英语教学活动中,以该理论指导设计听说结合或读写结合的某一单元教案并实施研究,试图证实图式理论教学法能够有效提高初中学生英语综合能力的假设。为此,本研究采取实证性的研究方法,通过运用图式理论设计和构思初中英语课堂教学,使用具体案例展示对学生英语成绩的影响。然后对实验班(EC)45名学生进行实验前后两次的问卷调查,对实验班(EC)和控制班(CC)两个班在校统一月考,镇统一中段考,及市期末统考中的成绩比较,最后对两班学生的成绩和结果进行分析。实验结果证实了本研究提出的两个假设,并发现:“图式”教学法还可以使学生的学习兴趣、学习态度、学习策略、学习动机和跨文化意识等方面向良性转变。本论文共分为六章:第一章引言主要阐述本文研究的背景,论文研究的问题、方法和研究意义。第二章回顾了图式的理论渊源以及国内外与图式相关的理论研究及成果。第三至第五章是本研究的主体部分。第三章阐明了图式理论在外语教学中的意义和应用,图式在初中英语课堂教学中的设计思路与例案探讨。第四章和第五章详细阐述在课堂中实施“图式”教学试验的具体操作过程,具体案例展示,以及对实验结束后所收集的数据分析,得出了运用图式理论设计初中英语课堂教学,能有效帮助学生提高英语整体水平,协助其较好完成目标语言的习得。第六章,提出了一些启示和进一步研究的意义。

【Abstract】 Schema is a nucleus conception of cognitive development psychology. It has been applied to illustrate many aspects of psychological process because of its having powerful generality and interpretation. Recently, many psychologists and psycholinguists apply schema theory to the foreign language teaching (FLT). They try to illustrate those foreign language learners’ psychological process .That is, the process of learning is actually the process of learners’ constructing new knowledge and experiences in their mind—schema. Only when students can link new language knowledge with relevant conception in the existing cognitive structures, or revise their old knowledge and experiences in their mind, and then construct new schema, language acquisition of them belongs to meaningful learning.The process of language learning, as well as the process of English language acquisition, is the process which students construct language knowledge and get experiences by the way of manufacturing meaningfulness. The task of language teaching is that a teacher should guide or help students get one schema and another. So, at the beginning of the language teaching, a teacher should consider "the students’ centre " as a rule and try to design a teaching plan as perfectly as possible, which can act as the following: First, activating the schema already existing in the students’ mind in order to form the helping collections for their language learning; then, guide them construct new schema; next, helping them consolidating the new schema; last, promoting the output of new schema.Most schema researchers apply schema theory to the English reading teaching, writing teaching, listening teaching and the lexical teaching. It is also applied to speaking (communicating ) teaching. However, the theory in English comprehension lesson—listening and speaking lesson or reading and writing lesson is sparse, especially in junior high schools in which its teaching lesson consists of listening and speaking or reading and writing.The thesis tries to describe how to use the schema theory in junior Grade Eight, and how to apply it to design and study an English lesson plan.The empirical research is made in this study which applies schema theory to design an English teaching lesson and then presents a sample lesson plan to show how it makes influence on the experiment class. The author made two questionnaire surveys for the experiment class, collected the data from results of pre-test, three school—wide exams, post-test, and then makes a careful analysis of the results. The study proves and supports the two hypothesis raised by the author. The author also finds out that after a series of training in the framework of schema theory, students increase their self-confidence and interests and improve their learning strategies, learning attitude, motives and etc.The thesis consists of six chapters.Chapter One mainly introduce the background of the research and put forward the problems, methods and the significance of the research.Chapter Two revised the historical origin of schema and introduced the research on the schema theory and its achievements concerning schema home and abroad .Chapter Three to Five are the key parts of the thesis .Chapter Three introduces the significance of the schema theory applied to junior high schools’ English lessons, its affection on FLT and the idea of designing lesson plans .It also discussed a sample English lesson plan.Chapter Four and Five study carefully how to apply the theory onto the English lessons in junior high schools and demonstrate the teaching strategy in FLT classroom .After analyzing the data of the experiment, the author drew the conclusion that schema theory is very effective in improving the students comprehensive competence and helping them reach the aims of language learning.

  • 【分类号】G633.41
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】787

