

On the English Translation of Lei Yu from the Perspective of Context Theory

【作者】 饶梅芳

【导师】 易宏根;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 英语语言文学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 英语中有两句俗语:“没有语境,就没有文本”和“知人看伴,知词看文”,可见语境的重要性。语境存在于一切形式的交流活动中,语言的发生离不开语境。正确地把握语境对文本的理解起着至关重要的作用。国内外有不少学者已经对语境进行过深入的研究,因此产生了不同的观点。基于众多学者对语境的研究,本文对语境的定义、分类及功能进行了总结,尝试探讨《雷雨》英译本的译者是如何充分考虑语境的各个因素,再现原作的魅力的。第一章为引言,简要介绍了语境理论的概念和《雷雨》的基本信息及历史地位。第二章介绍了国内外语境理论研究的详细情况及《雷雨》英译本的研究情况。第三章介绍了《雷雨》及其作者以及英译本的译者的情况。第四章主要是理论基础,包括了语境的定义、分类及功能。综合各家之长,本文作者尝试对语境做出定义和分类,以此作为《雷雨》英译本分析的理论基础。第五章从语境理论角度对《雷雨》的英译本进行了个案研究。第一部分探讨了译者如何依赖对特定言语环境的把握确定多义词的含义和重现各种修辞手法。第二部分研究了在充分考虑情景语境的基础上个人习语、正式程度和礼貌程度的重现。第三部分分析了译者是如何利用对特定文化的了解来处理人名、称呼语、度量衡以及文化词的。第六章为结论部分。通过从言语语境、情景语境和社会文化语境三个方面对《雷雨》英译本的研究,本文作者发现该译本不仅重现了原作的凄美故事,而且重现了原作的文体风格以及语气。

【Abstract】 There are two sayings in English "No context, no text" and "You know a word by the company it keeps", which can give us some hints about the importance of context. Context exists in any form of human communication. Language cannot be produced without context. Comprehending the context plays an important role in interpreting the text. Many scholars all over the world have studied context from various aspects. Thus different views on context arose. On the basis of the researches by the scholars, this thesis makes a summary of the definition, classification and functions of context and makes an attempt to evaluate the English translation of Lei Yu, with the focus on how the translators take all the elements of context into consideration and reproduce the charm of the original text. Chapter One conducts a brief introduction about context theory and Lei Yu. Chapter Two gives the details about the study of context both in China and abroad and the study of the English translation of Lei Yu. Chapter Three provides the background information about Lei Yu and its author and also the translators of the English translation. Chapter Four mainly focuses on the theoretical basis, which includes definition of context, classification of context and functions of context. Integrating various views on context, the author of this thesis summarizes the definition, classification of context as the theoretical basis of the analysis of the English translation of Lei Yu. Chapter Five concentrates on the case study of the English translation of Lei Yu from the perspective of context theory. The first part discusses how the translators determine the meaning of polysemy and reproduce the figures of speech depending on the right comprehension of the specific linguistic context. The second part probes into the reproduction of idiolect, degrees of formality and the degrees of formality with full consideration of the situational context. The third part deals with the treatment of personal names, addressing forms, the measurements and the culture-loaded words with the help of the knowledge of particular culture. Chapter Six is a conclusion. According to the study of Thunderstorm from the aspects of linguistic context, situational context and social-cultural context, the author finds that Wang’s version not only conveys the beautiful story of the original text, but also reproduces the style and tone of the original text.

  • 【分类号】H315.9
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】414

