

An Empirical Study of Applying Literary Stylistics to College Integrated English Teaching

【作者】 曾齐修

【导师】 陈佑林;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 外国语言学与应用语言学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 大学综合英语课程,以前叫作精读课程,以培养学生阅读能力为主。它重视培养学生的语音、语法和词汇等方面的语言知识,同时兼顾训练学生综合运用这些知识进行听、说、写、译等语言活动的能力。此外它还重视加强学生对外国文化的理解与欣赏。我国大学综合英语教学仍主要采用传统的自下而上,以语法为主线的单词——句子——段落——篇章的教学模式,重视对词语和句法结构的操练,忽视对课文中优美语言的欣赏,对学生的语言表达往往略而不提。课堂上教师垄断了大部分发言权,学生几乎没有主动参与和进行语言实践以发展其语言交际能力的机会。因此,它限制了学生语言能力的发展并导致学生对英语学习不感兴趣。在这种背景下,本文试图建立一种大学综合英语阅读教学的新模式—以文学文体学为基础的阅读教学模式。“文体学(为学习者)提供本质为启发性,探索性和以学习者为中心的活动。”(Brumfit & Carter,2000:20)这种教学模式将文学文体分析应用于对课文文本的解读,让学生在对文章语言知识掌握的基础上,联系全文和文化背景知识,去发掘语言中所蕴含的主题意义和美学意义。文体分析是在语音、书写、词汇、语法、修辞、篇章结构等各个层面进行的,其重点是分析具有文体意义和美学价值的那些语言特征,从那些被前景化的语言特征入手,挖掘作者的语用意图和语用效果,以便达到鉴赏的目的。该模式还结合释义、翻译、讨论等课堂活动,努力建构以学生为中心的课堂环境,重视培养学生的语言输出能力,以充分激发学生的兴趣和动力。为了考察本教学模式是否能提高学生英语水平和激发学生对英语的兴趣,作者进行了一项实证研究。本研究采用定量和定性两种方法。定量研究的实验采用准实验设计。受试者是华中师范大学2005级英语辅修两个班的学生,每班各31人。实验前,作者对两班进行了前测,平均分略高的班被定为控制班(CC),另一班则定为实验班(EC)。验证了两组学生英语水平相当后,在一个学期的教学实验中,实验班采用了以文学文体分析为基础的教学模式,而控制班则依然遵循传统的教学模式。实验结束时,统一对两个班进行了后测。实验班和控制班在前、后测考试中的各项得分被逐一输入电脑并运用SPSS 12.0软件进行数据分析。定性研究主要对两班任课教师的教学日志和与学生的访谈记录进行分析。本研究得出的结论是:与传统的教学模式相比,文学文体分析教学模式能更有效提高学生的英语综合实力和阅读能力;文学文体分析教学模式能激发并增强学生的学习兴趣和动机。但将文学文体学中的文体分析应用于大学综合英语教学是个探索渐进的过程,必须充分考虑到教师的素质、学生的水平和教材的内容。同时还应该借鉴传统教学模式的优点。

【Abstract】 The college integrated English course, which used to be called intensive reading course, focuses on the promotion of students’ reading comprehension with its emphasis on consolidating students’ language foundation. Meanwhile, it attempts to help students to apply their language knowledge to practice, such as listening, speaking, writing, and translating. It also tries to deepen students’ appreciation of foreign cultures.The predominant approach in current college integrated English teaching is the traditional teaching method which is a "bottom-up" teaching pattern with the thread of word-sentence-paragraph-text. It focuses on the drill of grammar structures, words and phrases, neglecting the language production and the exploitation of the beauty of language in texts. The teacher plays a dominant role in class, and the students hardly have opportunities to take part in the language practice and develop their communicative language competence. Consequently, it hinders the development of students’ language competence and dampens their interest in English learning.In the light of this situation, the author of this thesis has made a fresh attempt to construct a new teaching method of college integrated English based on literary stylistics. "Stylistics offers (learners) a basically heuristic investigative learner-centered activity."(Brumfit & Carter, 2000:20) In this method, the students, after a full understanding of the language points of a given text, are required to explore the thematic and aesthetic value hidden in the language with the help of their global understanding of the text and their background knowledge. This method attempts to teach students to apply stylistic analysis during text reading. Stylistic analysis can be undertaken on different levels, such as phonological level, graphological level, lexical level, syntactical level, rhetorical level, and text structural level. It places emphasis on the linguistic features loaded with stylistic significance and aesthetic value with the aim of investigating the author’s pragmatic intention and communicative effect by examining the foregrounded linguistic features. Utilizing activities such as paraphrasing, translation and discussion, the method attempts to create a student-centered classroom environment which emphasizes students’ language output in the hope that students’ interest and motivation can be promoted. To investigate the effectiveness of this new approach in developing students’ language proficiency and interest in English, the author conducted an empirical research. The research is composed of a quantitative research and a qualitative research. Quasi-experimental research is adopted in the quantitative research with subjects from the 2005-grade students who take English as their minor subject from Huazhong Normal University. A pretest was administered to the two classes, each of which has 31 students. The class with slightly higher mean scores is defined as the control class (CC) and the other as the experiment class (EC). Based on the confirmation that these two classes were similar in English language proficiency, the new method based on literary stylistic analysis was adopted to teach the experiment class while the traditional method was adopted to teach the control class. This teaching experiment lasted for about one semester. At the end of the experiment, a posttest was administered to these two classes. The results of EC and CC in the pretest and the posttest were then fed into computer for SPSS analysis. Qualitative research dealt with the analysis of the teaching journal by the teacher and the records of an interview with some EC students.The conclusion drawn from the research is that compared with the traditional method, the new approach based on literary stylistics is more effective in promoting students’ language proficiency and interest in English.However, the application of literary stylistic analysis to college integrated English teaching should be an exploratory and gradual process during which teachers’ expertise, students’ language proficiency and the nature of textbooks should be taken into serious consideration. Meanwhile, the merits of the traditional teaching method are not to be neglected.

  • 【分类号】H319
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】358

