

Research on the National’s Compensative System of Spiritual Damage of Our Country

【作者】 丁恒越

【导师】 刘一纯; 陈志英;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 宪法与行政法学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 《国家赔偿法》已出台多年,在限制国家权力和保护公民合法权利等方面取得了积极作用。但是,许多问题也逐渐被暴露出来。对于国家赔偿中的精神损害赔偿,在国家赔偿法中仅仅用了“赔礼道歉、消除影响、恢复原状”来保护公民精神层面上的损害,相应的司法解释也未能作出有效的补充,对于《国家赔偿法》的实施价值以及法治政府的建立都带来了巨大的负面影响。因此,建立国家侵权的精神损害赔偿制度成为了当务之急。本文将对这一制度如何构建作一次大胆的尝试研究,并提出自己的一些建议和看法,希望国家侵权的精神损害赔偿制度能够早日的纳入《国家赔偿法》的范围。本文将从四个部分来论述国家侵权精神损害赔偿制度的一系列问题及其对策。第一个部分主要从国家侵权和精神损害的基础理论问题为切入点,着重论述国家侵权的精神损害赔偿的概念和特点,并对民事侵权精神损害赔偿和国家侵权精神损害赔偿作相关分析,来阐明如何以民事侵权精神损害赔偿为借鉴,来建立国家侵权精神损害赔偿;第二个部分从国家侵权的表现形式入手,即立法侵权、行政侵权、司法侵权的表现形式,来指出其造成的相关精神损害,并由此揭露出精神损害的相关特点;第三个部分主要从立法领域、行政执法领域、及司法领域三个角度来阐明如何构建国家侵权的精神损害赔偿制度;第四个部分从借鉴民事侵权精神损害赔偿的角度,来论述国家侵权精神损害赔偿的基本原则及其标准。最后提出笔者的一系列创新性建议。

【Abstract】 National compensative law came into force many years,it protected people’s legal rights and ensured exerting state’s powers in many fields. However,many issues have appeared.For spiritual damage of national’s compensative system, victims couldn’t get compensation. It protected victims’s rights only for apologizing, eliminating influence and combacking previous condition. The judicatory explain was lack of valid supplement,it had enormous influences for the value of actualization and nomocracy government. So we should establish the national’s compensative system of spiritual damage of our country as possible as we can. The text would boldnessly attempt establishing the system of spiritual damage and give my some suggstions and opinions, wishing the system of spiritual damage would bring into the scope of the national’s compensative law as quickly as it could.The text would dissertate the issue of the system of spiritual damage of National’s compensative law and coutermeasure for four parts. The first part would illustrate the basic theoretics of national torts and spiritual damage for dissertating the conception and characteristic of the spiritual damage of national torts, and analysis the differences between civil spiritual damage of civil torts and national torts, to illustrate how to use spiritual damage of civil torts for reference to establish the system of spiritual damage of our country. The second part illustrate the acquit forms of national torts, legislative torts, administrative torts and judicatoritive torts for demonstrating the spiritual damages by them and for disclosing the relating characteristic of them. The third part would illustrate how to establish the system of spiritual damage of National’s compensative law. The fourth part use the system of spiritual damage of civil torts to dissertate the basic principle and criterion of spiritual damage of National’s compensative law. The last, penman has gived some innovative suggestions for establishing the system of Spiritual damage of National’s compensative law of our country.

  • 【分类号】D923
  • 【下载频次】613

