

On Public Participation in Legislation

【作者】 严海燕

【导师】 孙大雄;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 宪法与行政法学, 2008, 硕士


【摘要】 本论文探讨的是公众参与立法问题,所选择的角度是立法平等。立法平等既是公众参与立法的法理根基,又是公众参与立法的目标和落脚点。公众参与立法是一个既有重要的理论价值又富含实践价值的问题。人民主权学说为立法权属于人民奠定了理论基础,人们对平等的追求要求立法权平等地归属于人民,立法平等作为法律平等的本体,越来越受到学界的重视。公众参与立法是指不享有公权力的一般公民通过介入立法过程对法律的制定及其结果施加影响的活动。公众参与立法的出现并非历史的偶然,而是民主制度的必然,特别是在间接立法暴露出缺陷的情况下,公众参与立法是走向立法平等现实可行的途径。当今各国纷纷重视公众参与立法,这与它多重的价值与功能是分不开的:在利益多元化的今天,公众参与立法可以实现多元利益的博弈,产生良法;通过参与机制的程序正义价值,可以让公众在心理层面上增强对法律的认同感,提高法律的实效;公众参与立法可以从信息收集、制约公权力等方面弥补代议制民主的缺陷;公众通过参与立法,可以提高管理社会的能力,从而促进“强社会”的形成。但是,由于物质生活水平、政治体制和观念、立法体制等多方面原因,我国目前公众参与立法还在参与广度、程度、有效性等方面存在诸多不足,这就使得进一步完善公众参与立法制度显得十分必要。我们应从多方面完善公众参与立法制度,如改善物质生活条件、增强法律的权威性、发展教育提高公民文化素质、强化公众的社会责任感和民主意识、培养公众参与能力、充分发挥新闻媒体的作用、完善人民代表大会制度、健全立法听证制度、建构公众代言制度等。本论文重点从完善人民代表大会制度、健全立法听证制度、建构公众代言制度三个方面进行了制度构建:通过完善人民代表大会的选举机制、立法程序、联系选民制度,为公众参与立法提供平台;通过确立立法听证的适用范围、规范立法听证参加人的选择、完善立法听证的程序并遵循案卷原则和对抗原则等来健全立法听证这一重要制度;在目前公众参与能力相对较弱的现状下,建构公众代言制度,通过发挥利益集团和职业法律工作者的代言作用,来进一步强化公众参与立法的功能。

【Abstract】 This paper attempts to probe into public participation in legislation from the perspective of legislation equality, which serves not only the foundation of jurisprudence, but also the aim and intention of public participation in legislation. Public participation in legislation stands not worthy for both theoretical and practical values.People’s sovereignty theory determines that legislative power should pertain to people. Legislative equality as the entity of law equality is now more and more emphasized in the academic field. Public participation in legislation refers to people without public power exerting influence upon establishing law and the result through the interposition into legislative process. It is not a historical coincidence but the necessity of democracy. Moreover, it is a feasible approach to realize legislative equality especially when limitation exposes in the indirect legislation.Nowadays all countries foreground public participation in legislation, which closely relates to its multiple values and functions: it realizes the balance of multiple interest and result in proper law; and the justice value in participating system will undoubtedly strengthen the identification with law in the psychological level so as to improve the effectiveness of law; moreover, it also makes up the limitation of representative democracy in the aspect of information collection and public power restricting; improve the ability to managing the society so as to promote the formation of "strong society".However, owing to such aspects as living standard, political system, ideology and legislative system etc., deficiencies also exist in the participation scope, degree and effectiveness of public participation in legislation in our country, which makes it necessary to further improve the system of public participation in legislation. We are supposed to improve the system in the following facets: ameliorating the living conditions, strengthening the authority of law, enhancing people’s cultural quality, consolidating the social responsibility and democratic awareness of the public, cultivating the participating ability, making full use of the press media, perfecting the system of National People’s Congress, consummating legislation hearing system, and establishing the public spokesperson system. This paper will mainly unfold the statement in terms of the last but not least three aspects: providing platforms for public legislation participation by way of perfecting the election system, legislation process, contacting constituency system of National People’s Congress; consummating legislation hearing system through establishing the application scope, regulating the election of legislation hearer, improving the process as well as obeying the records principle and countermine principle; establishing corresponding public spokesman system in the status quo of comparatively weak participating ability, and then further strengthening the function of public legislation participation by means of the spokesman’s role played by groups and professional law workers.

  • 【分类号】D920.0
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】584

