

Research on Evaluation Model of Geography Inquiry Teaching

【作者】 龚荣军

【导师】 李家清;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 当今教育学的一大热点,就是探讨如何提高学生的学习技能和学习积极性,而探究式教学是最好的选择。中学地理,作为一门提高个人基本技能和基本科学素质的学科,它的探究式教学更有必要。地理探究式教学作为一种有效的教学手段,需要对其实施评价,才能给下一阶段的地理探究式教学提供一个完善的机会。这就需要一个相对合理的评价模型。国内外学者对地理探究式教学从理论和实践方面进行了研究,但是对于地理探究式教学评价方面的研究十分薄弱。本文试图构建一个地理探究式教学的评价模型,为地理探究式教学提供反馈信息,从而指导地理探究式教学过程。本文主要内容有四个部分:选题意义、理论基础、模型建构和模型的实验。第一部分,归纳当代关于地理探究式教学评价的研究现状,分析所取得的研究成果和存在的问题,借鉴已有的经验,提炼出本文研究的意义。第二部分,从教育学、心理学、地理新课程标准、地理课程教学论、教育测量学等方面为本文的研究寻求理论依据和方法支持。第三部分,主要论述地理探究式教学评价模型的建构。从模型建构的目的、模型建构的理念、模型建构的标准、模型的指标及其权重的确定和模型的运行机制等方面进行论述。第四部分,是对中学地理探究式教学评价模型的实验。实验分两个组,即高一年级和高二年级两个组进行,用以验证给模型的有效性。地理探究式教学评价模型的建构是一个新颖的想法,该模型为地理探究式教学提供反馈信息,用以指导下一阶段的地理探究式教学,从而使得地理探究式教学不断完善。

【Abstract】 A major hotspot of Education today, is to explore ways to improve students’ learning skills and enthusiasm for learning. Inquiry teaching is the best option. High School geography is a subject that advances people’s personal basic skills, so its inquiry teaching is more necessary. As an effective means of teaching, geography inquiry teaching needs evaluation to provide an opportunity to perfect itself for the geography inquiry teaching in next phase. This requires a relatively reasonable evaluation model. Domestic scholars and foreign scholars have done many researches in geography inquiry teaching on the theoretical and practical aspects, but the research in evaluation of geography inquiry teaching is very weak. This discourse attempts to build an evaluation model of geography inquiry teaching that could provide feedback to geography inquiry teaching to guide the geography inquiry teaching process.This article contains four parts: significance of topics, theoretical foundation, modeling and experiment on model.The first part, author summed up the contemporary studying status on the evaluation of geography inquiry teaching, and analyzed the achievement and the existing problems, then learn from the experience already, to extract the significance of this paper.The second part, from education, psychology, geography new curriculum standards, theory of geography curriculum and teaching, education surveying etc, author seek the gist of theories and support of methods for this study.The third part is mainly on the construction of evaluation model of geography inquiry teaching. It’s about the purpose of the model, idea of the model construction, modeling standards, model indexes and their weight, the Operational mechanisms of the model, and other aspects.The fourth part is experiments on evaluation model of geography inquiry teaching in high school. Experiments make up of two groups, Grade one and Grade two in high school, and experiments verify the validity of the model.The construction of valuation model of Geography inquiry teaching is a novel idea. The model provides feedback for the geography inquiry teaching to guide next phases of the geography inquiry teaching, so that geography inquiry teaching is in continuous improvement.

  • 【分类号】G633.55
  • 【被引频次】11
  • 【下载频次】715

