

Observe and Analysis the Graphic Instruction Behavior in Senior Geography Classroom

【作者】 林通

【导师】 李家清;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 地理新课程和教学改革已经进行了多年了,要求有新课堂和新行为。无论是实验区还是非实验区,高中地理课堂师生图像教学行为确实发生了一些变化。那么,我们地理教师和学生的课堂行为应该怎么转变,价值应该是什么,同时地理图像在高中地理教学中的价值功能无论怎样强调都不过分,基于这些考虑,以“高中地理图像教学”为例从行为角度解析既呼应了高中地理新课程改革,又体现了地理学科性质,同时追踪地理课程与教学论研究进展。这具有重要的理论和实践价值。文章共分为六个部分,前言是提出问题,接下来的理论基础和价值取向这两个部分是从理论上分析问题,实地观察和实效性分析是从实践上分析问题,最后两个部分即建议和启示是解决问题。在研究方法上,采用了量性研究和质性研究相结合的方式,主要有文献法、观察法、比较法和访谈法。文献法主要是收集和评述了地理图像教学行为的相关文献,一定程度上结合了发现模式、草根理论等方法,进行编码、概念图等处理。观察法主要是采用了某种观察者角色,用录像等仪器对高中地理课堂进行观察记录。比较法主要是依据一定的比较点对相同的高中地理课题进行比较研究。访谈法主要是对一些地理教师和学生的采访,结合了个案分析的方法技术。通过研究,得到如下基本结论。明确了高中地理课堂图像教学行为的内涵,从行为链角度来分析,高中地理课堂图像教学行为有选图——呈图——指图——析图——评价——收图,从表现形式来分析,高中地理课图像教学行为主要有提问和回答、讨论、讲授和聆听,还有课堂作业、口头/视听报告、示范表演等,其理论基础主要有行为科学理论、教育心理学理论、学习理论以及地理课程和教学理论。确定了高中地理课堂图像教学行为的价值取向,这应该是强调行为目标的整体性和差异性、追求行为过程的系统优化(合理的选图行为、恰当的呈图行为、清晰的指图行为、多元的析图行为、发展的评价行为、适时的收图行为和积极的用图行为)同时达到行为效果的有效反馈。最后通过对高中地理课堂图像教学行为的实地观察和实效性分析高中地理课堂图像教学行为中现存的问题,并提出以下建议给予解决:给予地理课堂良好的支持、明确地理课堂图像教学行为的操作化涵义、改进地理图像教学行为实践。

【Abstract】 The geographical curriculum and instruction has been reformed for years that means changes in classroom and instruction behaviour. So change for what and how, what’s the orientation? Therefore, it is necessary to observe and analysis the graphic instruction behaviour in senior geography classroom.The research methods combined qualitative research and quantitative research. Applying literature review research, this paper reviewed the literature which correlative with the graphic instruction behaviour. We combined grounded theory method (GTM) to coding and concept mapping. Observation research we used mostly that we recorded the graphic instruction behaviour in senior geography classroom by DV. After that we analysis the dates by case studies and interview.Therefore we draw the conclusion. Realizing the connotation of the graphic instruction behaviour. According the behaviour chain it composes of the select, present, point, analysis, evaluate and withdraw the graphics. According the behaviour forms it composes of the ask and answer, discuss, teach and listen, exercises and so on. The foundation theories of the instruction behaviour constitute mostly of behaviour science, education psychology, learning theories and the theory of curriculum and instruction.Secondly, the paper put forward the orientation of the graphic instruction behaviour senior geography classroom. That is the integration and otherness in objective design, the optimization in process of the instruction behaviour, and the efficiency feedback in outcome of the instruction behaviour.At last the paper tables the proposal based on analysis the problems appearances in the videos of the senior classroom.

  • 【分类号】G633.55
  • 【被引频次】11
  • 【下载频次】1125

