

The Legal Regulation for Utilize of Real Estate of Public Institution

【作者】 周远玲

【导师】 李克武;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 经济法学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 国有资产为我国经济和社会发展提供了有力的支持。随着我国经济发展和公共行政制度的逐步确立,事业单位的国有资产尤其是不动产在所有国有资产中所占的比重越来越大,而对事业单位国有资产的管理相对落后。长期计划经济体制形成的事业单位国有资产在投资、使用及管理环节上存在着诸多方面的问题,因之引起的国有资产流失引起了广泛关注。加强事业单位国有资产管理的目的就是要合理有效地配置资源,促进事业单位资产结构、布局的优化,保障资产的安全和完整,防止资产流失、闲置和重复购置,实现资源共享,保证国有资产的保值增值,发挥国有资产的最大效益。本论文以我国事业单位国有资产的现状为起点,以事业单位不动产为研究对象,从法律规制的角度采用定性分析并辅之以实际数据分析的研究方法,结合我国在国有资产管理方面的相关法律法规,通过分析与比较,从总体上对事业单位不动产商业利用的法律规制进行分析研究。第一部分主要是对事业单位不动产商业利用进行理论分析。遵循逐层递进的逻辑路径,笔者首先对事业单位、事业单位国有资产、事业单位不动产这三个基本概念进行了界定,并对事业单位不动产的性质和特点进行分析;其次,考察了事业单位国有资产管理的历史,从中了解了事业单位不动产从建国以来的管理体制;然后,从事业单位不动产商业利用的客观必然性以及事业单位不动产管理利用的现实情况出发分析了对其进行法律规制的重要意义;最后,比较了发达市场经济国家事业单位不动产的管理和运作模式,并对其共同点进行了分析。第二部分论述事业单位不动产商业利用的原则和条件。首先,从合理利用原则、公开竞争原则、效率原则三个方面进行分析,明确了坚持这三大原则对规范事业单位不动产商业利用,促进国有资产保值增值的重要性。然后,结合《事业单位国有资产管理暂行办法》的规定,从实体性条件和程序性条件两个方面着手分析,详细说明了事业单位不动产商业利用中利用主体的实体性要求,以及不动产商业利用必须遵守的程序规范。第三部分阐述事业单位不动产商业利用收益分配的规则。事业单位不动产商业利用收益的分配既关系到国有资产的产权,又关系到国有资产能不能进一步增值,其是事业单位不动产商业利用过程中的重要问题。笔者以“收支两条线”为基础,从收益分配的顺序规则、比例规则以及收益分配的例外出发,详细说明了事业单位不动产收益分配的规则。第四部分论述了事业单位不动产商业利用的法律责任。在此部分中,笔者先分析了事业单位不动产商业利用的法律责任主体。然后,结合民法、刑法等相关法律法规,从民事责任、刑事责任、行政责任三个方面对事业单位不动产商业利用的法律责任进行了全面分析。

【Abstract】 As China’s economic development and public administration system gradually established and institutions in particular, state-owned estate in the proportion of growing. Long-term planned economic system formation of the institutions of state-owned assets in the investment, use and management aspects, there is a lot of issues, therefore caused the loss of state assets, it has aroused extensive attention.This paper to China’s state-owned assets as a point, to institutions for the real estate, through analysis and comparison, the overall real estate business and institutions on the legal regulation of the analytical study.Part one—the definition about real estate. Inspected the institutions State-owned assets management of history and understanding of the real estate from institutions since the foundingof the management system .and then, from the real estate business units use the objective necessity and real estate management and institutions use the reality of its legal analysis of the importance of the regulatory system .Finally, the mode of the developed countries.Part two—the principles and conditions. This three principles of the business of the real estate are importuned of preserving and increasing the value. Then, from the entities of the conditions and procedures, a detailed description of commercial real estate institutions in the use of the main requirements of the entity, real estate and commercial use must Compliance with the procedural norms.Part three—the income of real estate. Income is related to the property rights of state-owned assets, related to the further add value of state-owned assets. the proportion of the income distribution to ensure funding for departure, a detailed description of institutions of real estate income distribution rules.Part four—discusses the liability of the use of real estate. In this section, first of the level of legal responsibility and liability constitute elements. Then,from civil liability,criminal and administrative responsibility and economic responsibility for four areas of the use of real estate.

  • 【分类号】D922.29
  • 【下载频次】134

