

Trying and Reconsideration of the Needing Teaching Model in High School’s History Lessons

【作者】 王浪花

【导师】 杜芳;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 历史课程与教学论, 2008, 硕士


【摘要】 “需求式"教学作为一种教学模式的建构,适应了时代发展和新课程改革对教育的要求,其理念基础是“以生为本”、“学生为主体”。“需求式”教学重视学生在学习过程中的心理期望及心理需求,教师通过在教学过程中采取相应措施,发现、了解、引导及满足学生的学习需求,从而促进学生学习内因性动机及学习兴趣的产生,促进学生学习行为由被动转为主动,促进学生能力的提高及终身的成长和发展。对高中历史课进行“需求式”教学的尝试,便是基于此理念而进行的。文章分为三个主要部分:第一部分,主要阐述对高中历史课进行“需求式”教学的原因,一方面,它适应新时代发展及新课程改革对高中历史教育的要求,如全民教育、终身教育、人文教育等;另一方面,它有利于高中历史教学现状的改观,如它能增强学生对历史学习的兴趣、发展学生各方面的能力,提高历史教学的效率,养成学生良好的公民品质,以及促进学生的终身成长和发展等。第二部分,主要围绕“抗日战争史”教学个案而开展“需求式”教学的尝试。具体程序是:首先,调查及分析学生在“抗日战争史”教学中的学习需求,具体含选择调查方法,设计调查问卷,发放问卷、统计分析数据,总结学生学习现状及学习需求特点等步骤;其次,进行教学方案的设计,包括教学目标设计、教学内容设计、教学方式方法设计、教学评价设计等步骤;最后,实施教学及反馈效果。通过这个程序的进行,“需求式”教学的尝试取得了较为满意的结果。第三部分,文章对“需求式”教学的尝试进行了反思。首先,归纳了“需求式”教学的特征,即准备性、平等性、开放性、包容性及发展性;其次,认识到在“需求式”教学的过程中,教师要对学生的学习需求进行引导及激发;同时,认识到在当今社会大环境中,广泛推进“需求式”教学的实施还需克服诸多主观及客观的困难等。总之,尝试的过程就是探索、认识的过程,也是反思、改进的过程。本文的旨趣在于以“抗日战争史”的教学作为“需求式”教学尝试的一个典型案例,以冀通过理论与实践的结合,能为高中历史教育的发展贡献一点绵薄之力,并希望在“需求式”教学的探索中起到抛砖引玉的作用。

【Abstract】 The Needing Teaching Model, as a new teaching model constructed, is appeared in the developing new ages and in the background of the new curriculum’s reformation. It is established on the sense of "Student-centered". The Needing Teaching Model pays great attentions on students’ expectations and needs in the Learning process. Taking some measures in the teaching process to discover, inquire, guide, and meet students’ needs, will give birth to students’ internal motive and students’ interesting in study, will promote students’ learning behaviors to change from passive to initiative, and promote students’ abilities and students’ whole lives to grow and develop. Using the Needing Teaching Model in high schools’ history lessons is based on these concepts.This thesis has three main parts:In the fist part, the writer expounds the reasons of using the Needing Teaching Model in high schools’ history lessons. One side, it adapts the requests of the developing new ages and the new curriculum’s reformation. The other side, it will help to change the present situations of the high schools’ history lessons to go better, such as to enhance students’ learning interesting, to develop students’ abilities in many aspects, to improve the teaching efficiency of the high schools’ history lessons, to rais students’ qualities to be good citizens in the future, and to promote students’ whole lives to grow and develop.In the second part, the author has a try to use the Needing Teaching Model around the "Anti-Japanese War History" as an example of teaching. There are three main steps. First, discovering and analyzing the students’ needs in the Anti-Japanese War History, including choosing the investigation methods, making and handing out the questionnaires, analyzing the dada of the questionnaires, and summarizing the students’ features about present learning situations and learning needs. Second, designing the teaching courses, including designing the teaching purpose, the teaching contents, the teaching methods, and the teaching tests. At last, practicing the teaching courses, and reconsidering the results of the teaching. Through these steps, we had good results in the Needing Teaching Model around the "Anti-Japanese War History".In the third part, the thesis does the reconsideration on the Needing Teaching Model. First, it summarizes the Needing Teaching Model’s features. These features are preparation, equality, opening, compatibility and developing. Then, it recognizes in the teaching process, the teachers should lead students’ studying needs, and stimulate students’ studying needs. At the same time, it tells us that we should overcome many objective and subjective difficulties in the process of the Needing Teaching Model’s promotion. In a word, the process of trying is a process of discovering, recognizing, reconsidering and improving.This thesis has a try to use the Needing Teaching Model around the "Anti-Japanese War History" as an example of teaching, in order to combine the theories and the practices to improve the high schools’ history lessons, and popularize the Needing Teaching Method in the field of education.

  • 【分类号】G633.51
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】347

