

The Application of S-P Chart in Teaching Evaluation and a Related Computer Program

【作者】 万岩

【导师】 郭熙汉;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 新一轮课程改革,对教育教学效果的提高产生了深远的影响。同时,也对教学中的评价提出了新的,更科学的要求。S-P表评价法以形成性评价为基础,定性和定量研究相结合,对考试成绩的公正、客观、全面的评价。各个方面都满足新课程改革对教学评价的新要求。但是,人们在理解和使用S-P表的时候还有一些不尽人意的地方,如操作较为繁琐复杂,评价参数不够精确等等。为了解决这些问题,使其更好的为一线教育工作者使用,本文在完善S-P表评价法的相关理论之后,在S-P表有效性检验和教学评价自动化处理两方面做了一些的尝试。全文主要分三个部分。第一部分,对经典S-P表评价理论做了详细的分析、研究和探讨,对S-P表的图形从直观上进行了分类讨论,对其中的相关指标从定义上进行了明确。第二部分,一方面针对S-P表评价法本身的有效性,用列联表评价的方法提出了一个评价的方式,称之为S-P表评价的元评价,一定程度上保证了S-P表应用的有效性;另一方面本着降低教育工作者使用S-P表评价法的技术门槛的目的,编制了一个自动化的评价程序,并对这个程序进行了简单的介绍。第三部分,是S-P表评价法的应用。以华中师范大学第一附属中学2007-2008学年度上学期高二年级(1)班期中考试数学成绩为研究分析对象,使用我们编制的程序作为评价工具,并结合S-P表评价理论本身,对试卷结果进行了自动和手动相结合的全面分析,得出了充分合理的结论。为S-P表评价法及评价程序的使用提供了一个参考。本文所做的工作主要包括:完善S-P表的各种参数、给出对S-P表进行评价的方法以及编制一个完整的S-P表评价程序。本文旨在为一线教育工作者提供一个全自动的可靠的评价手段,希望这些努力能在一定范围内推进评价法的改革。

【Abstract】 The latest Curriculum Reform, which has a profound impact on the improvement of the effect of teaching and education, has proposed some new requirements on how to evaluate the teaching process more scientifically. Based on Formative Evaluation, and combined with qualitative and quantitative methods, the S-P Chart Evaluation gives the results of an examination a fair objective comprehensive assessment, which fully meets the new curriculum reform’s demands on teaching evaluation. However, some issues in understanding and using the S-P Chart for teaching evaluation, such as the complex operation and the parameters that are not precise enough, are dissatisfactory. In order to solve these problems, also in order to make it easier for the frontline educate workers to apply such evaluation method, some attempts on the assessment of the effectiveness of S-P Chart and automatic processing of teaching evaluation by computers have been made.The whole paper mainly includes three parts.For the first part, we made a detailed analysis, research and discussion on classic theory of S-P Chart Evaluation. S-P Charts were classified by the characteristic of their graphs, and some parameters were cleared on definition.For the second part, an evaluation method using the evaluation of contingency table was proposed to evaluate S-P Chart itself, which partly guarantees the effectiveness of S-P Chart. Such method is named the meta-evaluation of S-P Chart. After that, a computer program, which provides an automatic assessment, was given in order to lower the technical threshold for the educators using S-P Chart to do some evaluation.For the third part, there was an application of S-P Chart evaluation. By using our assess program and combined the theory of S-P Chart, we made a detailed, both automated and manually, analysis on the result of the mid-term examination in the first semester of 2007 - 2008 school year of grade 2 class 1 of No. 1 Middle School Attached to CCNU, from which we gained some sufficient and logical results. All this efforts provide some examples for applying the S-P Chart Evaluation and using our program.What we have done in this paper includes: perfected some parameters given by S-P Chart theory, completed a method to evaluate S-P Chart itself and compiled an evaluation computer program based on the S-P Chart. The ultimate aim of this paper is to provide a fully automated and reliable evaluation instruments for educators, and hope that these efforts may have some contributes on advancing the reform of teaching evaluation.

  • 【分类号】TP399-C1
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】414

