

A Case Study of Community Participation for Adolescents with Disabilities in Hubei Province

【作者】 但瑰丽

【导师】 邓猛;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 特殊教育学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 本论文是关于湖北省残疾青少年社区参与的个案研究,采用了质的研究方法,选择六名残疾类型或程度各不相同的青少年作为个案研究对象。在与这些青少年或其父母进行单独访谈的基础上,对残疾青少年社区参与的特点作出比较全面和深入的分析,并指出影响残疾青少年社区参与的不利因素。根据社区参与的内容,研究者将残疾青少年社区参与分为社区基础设施建设,社区人际关系,社区文体教育活动,社区康复,社区经济活动五个方面,对六名残疾青少年的社区参与状况做了全面的调查与比较,客观地呈现出湖北省残疾青少年参与社区的现状。研究发现,残疾青少年社区参与具有如下特点:第一,面临渴望朋友与社区人际关系淡薄的尴尬;第二,具有参与社区活动的意愿,实际参与较少;第三,康复需求在社区难以得到满足;第四,参与经济活动较少,获得的经济支持有限。总的来说,湖北省残疾青少年社区参与不充分。残疾青少年社区参与状况与其获得的社会支持有关,残疾青少年社区参与不充分的原因归根结底是社会支持不足。

【Abstract】 This article is a case study of community participation for adolescents with disabilities .The study takes method of qualitative study .Six adolescents with disabilities were selected as case study subjects. Interviewed adolescents with disabilities or their parents respectively, I made a careful analysis on the characteristics of community participation for adolescents with disabilities, and pointed out factors that influence community participation for adolescents with disabilities.Ratings were made of the participants’ community participation in five domains: infrastructure facilities serving in the community, the relationship between adolescents with disabilities and community residents, recreational and sports activities, community based rehabilitation, economic activities.Studies have found that community participation for adolescents with disabilities has the following features: (1) Anxious friends and weak interpersonal relationships with community residents are facing embarrassment; (2) There is a willingness to participate in community activities, but the activities they take part in are few; (3) It’s difficult to receive the community based rehabilitation services they needed; (4) the financial support they achieve is limited. In sum, adolescents with disabilities don’t participate in community sufficiently in Hubei Province. Community participation for adolescents with disabilities is related to the social support they received .The lack of social support for adolescents with disabilities leads to the lack of community participation.

  • 【分类号】D669.69
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】401

