

The Study of the Early Warning Information Communication Mechanism of Tsunami Disaster

【作者】 宋会平

【导师】 喻发胜;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 新闻学, 2008, 硕士


【摘要】 凡事预则立,不预则废。由于沿岸国家缺乏海啸预警系统,2004年末的印度洋地震海啸造成死伤20余万人的惨重损失。本文就以此次地震海啸灾害的预警信息传播为研究个案,从预警信息的传播学特征出发,描述了海啸灾害预警信息的传播流程,把危机管理和传播学理论联系起来,考察了印度洋地震海啸灾害预警信息传播“缺失”原因,并以此为鉴,反思我国海啸灾害预警信息传播机制的现状和不足,从预警信息监测系统、传播系统、决策系统、公共安全教育四个方面,对构建和完善该机制提出了些许对策和建议,力求能够对提高我国公共危机管理能力和构建和谐社会提供制度性参考。本文认为,我国的海啸灾害预警信息传播机制存在不足:信息监测系统——预警监测系统硬件设施不完备,忽视了新闻媒体和公众在预警信息采集系统中的积极作用;信息传播系统——政府部门间信息共享机制亟待加强,传媒机构预警功能弱化,基层预警信息传播渠道急需丰富;信息决策系统——“报喜不报忧”的文化心理和“内紧外松”的传统策略,对政府官员是否发布预警信息还有着很深的负面影响;公共安全教育系统——公众公共安全教育缺乏,缺乏足够的预警演习。为此,本文建议:完善我国预警信息监测系统;丰富我国预警信息传播渠道,强化大众传媒预警职能;以“积极稳定观”为执政理念,健全信息公开制度,完善预警信息决策系统;加强公共安全教育,强化危机预警演习,以提高公众应对海啸等突发型重大自然灾害的能力。

【Abstract】 Everything goes well if prepared , otherwise goes wrong. The end of 2004, as coastal countries lack tsunami early warning system , the Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami disaster caused more than 20 million victims of the heavy losses . Based on the features of tsunami disaster early warning information communication , this thesis takes the earthquake and tsunami disaster early warning for the communication information as a case studies and describes the primary and secondary processes of the early warning information of tsunami disaster . Combined crisis management with communication information theory , this study inspects the Indian ocean earthquake and tsunami disaster early warning communication of information " missing ", and reflects the status and lack of early warning information in china from four aspects monitoring system , communication system , decision-making system and public safety education . To construct and perfect the mechanism, this article also puts forward some suggestions and comments, which benefit not only the tsunami disaster, but also such emergencies of natural disasters ’early warning communication information research. These suggestions and comments lay the foundation of the system to the building of a harmonious society and our government and the public dealing with unexpected natural disasters ’capacity.This thesis tells that, China’s tsunami disaster early-warning mechanism for communication of information have theses gaps :Monitoring system: Early warning and monitoring system hardware facilities incomplete, Ignore the positive role of the news media and the public in the early-warning information collection system;Communication system : Government departments need to strengthen inter-sharing mechanism, Weakening media organizations warning function , Grassroots early warning information communication channels need rich.Decision-making system: "Reporting nothing but good news" cultural psychology and the traditional strategy "-tight", has a profound negative impact when Government officials issued the warning information;Public safety education: Lack of public safety education, and adequate early warning exercise. Thus, the thesis puts some suggestions: improve early warning information monitoring system; enrich our early warning information communication channels; strengthen early-warning functions of the mass media; take a "positive and stabilizing concept" as concept of governance, improve information disclosure system, and improve decision-making early warning information system; Strengthen public safety education and early warning crisis exercise to improve public response to the tsunami of major emergencies, such as natural disasters.

  • 【分类号】X43
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】446

