

The Application of Contrastive Analysis in Vocabulary Teaching at Vocational College

【作者】 熊昌英

【导师】 张维友;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 学科教学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 本论文从认知心理学的迁移理论及Krashen的情感过虑假说(The AffectiveFilter Hypothesis)着手,针对高职词汇教学中出现的问题,分析学生学习词汇难的症结所在,在深入研究词汇教学规律的基础上,结合自己的教学经验,提出将对比分析理论运用于词汇教学之中,改进词汇教学。降低词汇习得难度,培养学生学习兴趣和学习能力,达到熟练掌握并运用词汇的目的。选择泉州理工职业学院,商务英语专业大一的两个平行班作为实验班和控制班,进行对比实验。两班学生都是07年秋入学的大一新生,入校后由电脑随机分班,实验前两班测试成绩相当。实验假设为:运用对比分析法进行英语词汇教学,能够提高学生的学习兴趣,增强其对学习英语的信心;学生记单词速度更快;学生记单词更加牢固、准确;能够有效提高学生英语运用能力。实验开始前,对实验班和控制班同时进行一次英语成绩测试,作为摸底成绩。测量工具采用高等学校英语运用能力考试(PET)A级试卷。并对两班学生进行关于英语学习最大障碍的问卷调查。随后开始实验,在实验班讲授词汇时,采用对比分析的方法。而控制班的词汇教学不采用对比分析方法,按照传统教学方式进行。实验中,对两个班每单元进行一次词汇测试,并在2007年11月初用同一份PET试卷对两个班进行期中测试,分析二者成绩情况。12月下旬对实验班学生进行有关词汇学习方法和学习态度的问卷调查,统计分析调查结果。学期末(2008年1月中旬)期终测试,两平行班所用PET试卷相同,对比分析两班成绩情况,判断实验是否有意义。论文对词汇教学中如何对词汇进行语音、形态、语义三方面的英汉对比分析做了详细的说明,并有操作的实例,可供参考和效仿;对比较分析词汇教学方法的效果进行了实验验证,并对结果做了详细分析。经过一学期的实验,实验班成绩高于控制班,统计数值显示二者具有显著性差异。英汉对比分析词汇教学实验结果告诉我们:将对比分析理论运用于英语词汇教学,确实提高了学生的学习兴趣和信心,学生记单词速度更快而且掌握得更加牢固、准确,其英语运用能力也得到了提升。不失为一种有效的教学方法。英汉语言中的共性,一方面大大降低了学生词汇输入中的情感过滤,另一方面又帮助他们顺利实现语言正迁移。实验班词汇测验成绩及英语水平(PET)测试成绩的显著提高,充分证实了这一点。

【Abstract】 In the light of Transfer Theory of Cognitive Psychology and Krashen’s the Affective Filter Hypothesis, this paper analyzes the students’ difficulties in learning English vocabulary. In conjunction with our own teaching experience, it attempts to present an effective way of lexical teaching to solve the problems in vocabulary teaching at vocational colleges, after the study of the vocabulary teaching rules. That is to apply Contrastive Analysis theory to vocabulary teaching. We aim at improving vocabulary teaching, reducing the difficulty of vocabulary acquisition, cultivating students’ learning interest and ability and enabling them to command English vocabulary well.We choose two parallel classes in Quanzhou Institute of Technology as the experiment objects, whose majors are Business English. The students of the two classes are freshmen, who entered the school in autumn 2007. Both classes have the same English level. One is treated as the experimental class and the other the control class. The research hypothesis are: the application of Contrastive Analysis to vocabulary teaching, can increase students’ interest and strengthens their confidence in English learning; students remember words faster and more firmly; the contrastive analysis method can improve the English ability of students effectively.Before the experiment, we give a pretest to the two classes at the same time to get the basic data and judge whether the two classes are at the same level. We adopt the paper of Practical English Test for Colleges (PET-A) as the instrumentation. In the meantime, we carry out a questionnaire survey among the students about their biggest barrier in English learning. Afterwards, we begin experiments in the experimental class with contrastive analysis method. In the control class, we teach vocabulary in a traditional way. When each unit is finished, we give the two classes a vocabulary test. In early November 2007 each class has a mid-term examination with the same PET paper and we analyze the test results. Another questionnaire survey is conducted to the experimental class, which is about their learning method and attitudes in late December. At the end of the semester we give the two classes the terminal examination by using the same PET paper, and analyze the results to see whether the difference between two classes is significant.This paper explains how to apply Contrastive Analysis theory to lexical teaching in three aspects: phonetics, morphology and semantics. The examples in this paper are available for reference and imitation.One semester later, the experiment of Contrastive Analysis in lexical teaching is fulfilled, and its results have been analyzed in detail. The experimental class achieved higher score. The statistics shows that our experimental result is significant. The experiment result tells us: it is, after all, an effective teaching method to apply Contrastive Analysis to English lexical teaching. Through comparing English with Chinese, we can find out the similarity in two languages, which can lower the Filter and help students with their lexical acquisition. That is, the similarity in English and Chinese can greatly reduce the Affective Filter and help the students achieve language transfer. So the experimental class enhanced their test scores significantly.

  • 【分类号】H319
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】438

