

Case Study on Learning Activities of Information Technology Curriculum in Junior High School

【作者】 李冬

【导师】 杨九民;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 随着信息化社会的发展和基础教育课程改革的深入,中小学信息技术教育受到了普遍的重视。当前,我国中小学的信息技术课程的任务是培养学生对信息技术的兴趣和意识,让学生了解或掌握信息技术基本知识和技能,使学生具有获取信息、传输信息、处理信息和应用信息技术手段的能力,形成良好的文化素养,为他们适应信息社会的学习、工作和生活打下必要的基础。因此,如何在中小学信息技术课堂中有效地提高学生的信息素养成为人们广泛重视的问题。本文通过调查研究,了解当前信息技术课程教学的现状,并对存在的问题进行分析。在概述活动理论、分析活动理论对于信息技术课堂教学设计实践指导意义的基础上,构建了以学习活动为中心的信息技术课堂教学模式。该模式以学生的学习活动为中心,强调学生在活动中的主体建构以及与学习环境中各种因素的互动。在活动中,学生运用信息技术,通过主体性、探索性、创造性地完成学习任务,将多个学科的、体验性的知识与自身经验意义建构在一起,既提升了信息技术技能,又发展了创新思维,培养了与人交往的能力。本文通过案例研究方式对以学习活动为中心的初中信息技术课堂教学模式予以实践,通过实证研究表明,该模式确实能够激发学生的学习兴趣,发挥学生的主动性,并能有效地提高信息技术课堂教学效果和效率,这种模式符合教育改革对学生信息素养培养所提出的要求。

【Abstract】 With the development of informational society and constant deepening of China’s curriculum reform of national basic education, increasingly importance has been attached to information technology education in middle school and elementary school. At present, the goal of information technology education in middle school and elementary school is to develop the primary and high school students’ interest and awareness for informational society, help students master basic knowledge and skills of information technology, let the students have the ability to obtain, transmit process information and solve problems by information, and to improve their quality of culture. In this way, students can learn other subjects more effectively and can be better prepared for lifelong learning. How to train students for information literacy through classroom teaching of information technology education in middle school and elementary school has become a problem deserving of study.This paper talks about the background of China’s curriculum reform of national basic education, discusses the new challenge for information technology education in middle school and elementary school. The new challenge is training the students’ information literacy. After investigation and research, we understand the current situation of information technology subject in middle school. We also analyze new problems that have emerged. This paper gives full introduction about activity theory. Based on the analysis of the significance brought by activity theory in information technology education in middle school, we bring forward a new teaching model-active instruction model of information technology. This paradigm centers around the students’ study activities, emphasizes that students construct their knowledge in activities and interact with all kinds of elements in the learning environment. In the course of activities, students complete their task subjectively, exploringly and creatively. Students realize meaning construction between multidisciplinary, experiencing knowledge and experience with information technology. By this way, students can enhance their information technology skills, and also develop their creative thinking, improve their information literacy and communicative capacity.This paper elaborates the instructional design of information technology courses based on constructivism, and analyses this instructional design. We apply this paradigm to practice. Through experimental study, it indicates that the teaching model based on activity theory can attract students, stimulate the initiative of the students. Theeffectiveness and efficiency of information technology education have been improved. This model can improve students’ information literacy.

  • 【分类号】G633.67
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】692

