

Legal Reglection about Fictional Charater’s Merchanding

【作者】 匡慧

【导师】 刘华;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 民商法学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 虚构角色的商业化利用这种新的商业形式是市场经济发展的必然产物。在市场竞争中,市场主体为扩大其商品或服务的影响,常常会通过将虚构角色的“声誉”与商品产生关联的途径,使消费者产生联想,把对虚构角色的喜爱移情到商品中,从而给自己带来直接的经济利益,但未经许可的“关联”对角色权利人的潜在财产利益却构成了损害。虚构角色从文学领域过渡到商业领域中产生了新的经济利益,为保护这种财产,学者们提出了保护“商品化权”、“形象权”、“公开形象权”、“虚构角色权”等设想,总的趋势是创设一种新的权利体系,保护虚构角色权利人的新型商业利益。本文通过对上述商业运行模式的行为特征、各种法律规范保护的利弊、国外经验的借鉴分析,认为通过扩展或完善《版权法》和《反不正当竞争法》就足以保障这种新的商业模式在法治的轨道上正常运行。论文从五个部分展开探讨:第一部分:对虚构角色的界定及其商业利用形式分析。阐述虚构角色的概念、种类、特征,何种虚构角色才能在商业领域中“第二次利用”进而成为法律保护对象。虚构角色如何在商业中利用,会为商家带来哪些直接利益及为什么要保护角色商业利益。第二部分:虚构角色商业化利用的法律关系。探讨虚构角色这种商业化模式的法律性质,有些学者认为这种新的商业运行模式不适应现今的任何一部法律,应另外创设一种权利体系保护“商品化权”或“形象权”。本文认为不管是从追溯到保护隐私权的角度发展而来的形象权,还是从世界知识产权组织中定义理解的商品化权,利用虚构角色进行商品促销的行为不能被看成这两种权利当中的任何一种。这种权利保护的客体在学术中也有争议,本文认为喜闻乐见的角色作为产品的包装或商标主要着眼于这种角色有极大的号召力,能刺激公众消费需求,只有具备一定知名度的虚构角色才被商业化利用,因此虚构角色保护客体应是有一定知名度的角色声誉。虚构角色的相关主体也有复杂性,虚构角色种类不同,其商业化财产收益的主体也不相同。总的来说判断谁为虚构角色的“名气”或“声誉”做出了主要贡献谁就有资格分享、处置这种劳动成果。第三部分:虚构角色商业化利用的法律保护模式考察。通过借签国外的经验,虚构角色商业化利用与《著作权法》《商标法》《外观设计法》这三种相关保护制度的得失比较。最后总结,虚构角色权利人通过创造性劳动获得商业声誉,借助声誉对角色形象的商业性利用能带来财产利益。这种财产利益可给予经济评价,具有经济价值并直接体现为经济利益的权利。这种财产利益保护的客体是有别于物权中房屋、土地等有体物,是一种无形财产权。这种无形财产权与知识产权看似相同却又有几分差异。第四部分:虚构角色商业化利用的法律完善思考。本文认为,当角色权利人把角色与商品结合应用于工商业时已获得商标主体资格,可以比较顺利申请注册商标和申请外观设计。在角色权利人还未把角色应用于工业领域之前,通过扩展我国的版权法和反不正当竞争法对虚构角色提供法律保护。私权总是与社会公共利益相对立,权利主体在追求一定利益而实施某种行为时难免会影响他人或整个社会利益的可能性,因此对角色或角色促销的保护应适可而止,以免公共领域的知识越来越少从而限制了社会发展的空间。

【Abstract】 With fast the growth of the Market economic ,fictional characters be commercialized.In the free competition market ,Enterprise often associate fictoral characters’fame with goods,in order to consumer empathy fictional role of the favoriteto commodities.By means of way, Enterprise expand its goods or servicesaffectedwhich could bring direct economic benefits.Without permission commercialized fictional characters,merchant damaged the potential role of property right interests. For the protection of such property, and scholars have put forward for the protection of "commercialization", "image", "public image", "the role of fictional" idea. The general trend is the creation of a new system of rights to protection of owner fictional role of the new commercial interests. Based on the above mode of commercial operation of, the various laws and regulations to protect the pros and cons of foreign experience from the research and analysis, The author believes that to expand and improve the "Copyright Law" and the "Anti-Unfair Competition Law" to protect this new property interests. The article consists of five parts:Part I: The role of the fictional definition and the commercial use of the form Concept of fiction, type, features. How fictional role in the use of commercial, which will bring direct benefit to businesses and why to protect the role of commercial interests.Part II: the use of commercial fiction role of the legal relationship. The author consider that no matter dating back to the protection of privacy from the perspective of the development of the image from the right or from the World Intellectual Property Organization in the definition of the right to the commercialization of understanding. Using fictitious role of commodity marketing can not be viewed as "the right to commercialize" and "image rights". This article holds that the role of a popular product packaging or trademarks focuses on the role of such great appeal. Only when we have a certain famous fictional role commercial use, the object should be to protect the role of fiction there is a certain visibility of the role of reputation. Related to the role of fiction is also the main complexity of the fictional role of different types, the commercial property is the proceeds of the same subject. Who will judge the whole role of the fictional "fame" or "reputation" who made a major contribution to be eligible to share, disposal of such work outcomes.Part III: commercial use of fictional role of legal protection mode inspection. Through signed by the experience of foreign countries, fictional characters be commercialized and the "Copyright Law" "Trademark Law", "design" related to the protection of these three compare the pros and cons of the system. Concluded, the fictional role of creative labor rights through commercial reputation, the reputation of the image through the commercial use can bring property interests. This protected property interests are different from the object of property rights in housing, land and so on-is a kind of intangible property rights. Such intangible property and intellectual property rights as they seem a bit different.Part IV: commercial use of fictional role Perfection of the law. When the role of the rights of people with merchandise trade, has been applied to trademark the main qualifications, can be relatively smooth for registration of the trademark and design applications. The role of human rights in the role has not yet applied to the industrial sector, through the expansion of China’s copyright law and the Anti-Unfair Competition Law of the fictional role of providing legal protection. Private and public interests in our society always opposed, the right of certain interests in the pursuit of the implementation of certain acts would inevitably affect the interests of others or the possibility of the whole community, promotion of the role or roles should be protected Enough is enough to avoid the public domain less and less knowledge of the social restrictions on the development of space.

  • 【分类号】D923.4;D922.294
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】136

